526 research outputs found


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    Active Thermography (AT) is a Non Destructive Technique (NDT) that may be an efficient alternative to evaluate possible microstructural alterations inside materials due to damaging conditions. In this paper, a fatigue damage identification on two different gears (standard and thin-rim) was conducted by using an AT approach with a Lock-In technique. Both gears were previously tested under bending fatigue conditions, by loading the teeth at the so called Single Contact Point by a dedicated equipment. Damaged and undamaged zones were identified, phase maps and thermal diffusivities were estimated. In this way, a possible fatigue damage characterisation was pointed out by using the thermal diffusivity variation as damage parameter

    A sectored receiver for infrared wireless networks

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    This paper presents an experimental sectored receiver for infrared wireless networks. The receiver comprises two sectors, each with a switched gain front-end and a signal-to-noise ratio estimator. These are then interconnected with a best-sector selector unit, able to compensate the gain switching characteristics of the front-ends. The circuit has been designed in a 0.8 ÎĽm CMOS technology

    Geoarchaeology of Pleistocene open-air sites in the Vila Nova da Barquinha-Santa Cita area (Lower Tejo River basin, central Portugal)

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    This paper aims to provide insight into human occupation and landscape change during the Pleistocene in a central area of the Lower Tejo basin (Portugal). Detailed geomorphological mapping, coupled with lithostratigraphy, sedimentology and luminescence dating, supports the identification of a complete terrace staircase sequence. It consists of six gravely terraces located below the culminant (Pliocene) basin unit. A chronological framework for the sedimentary sequences and associated human industries is proposed and correlated with marine oxygen isotope stages (MIS): T1 terrace, not dated; T2, not dated; T3, >300 ka; T4, 300–160 ka (MIS8, MIS7 and MIS6); T5, 136–75 ka (MIS5); T6, 62–30 ka (MIS3); colluviumand aeolian sands, 30–14 ka (MIS2); valley fill deposits, 14 ka to present (MIS1). The oldest artefacts were found at the base of the T4 terrace, with the local stratigraphic level dated to 175 6 ka (Middle Pleistocene). The lithic assemblages collected from distinct stratigraphic levels (T4, T5 top, T6 terraces and colluvium) are characterized by the predominance of opportunistic technological choices, a feature that can be attributed partly to the preferential exploitation of the available raw material, dominated by local-sourced quartzites and quartz pebbles. The adaptation to local raw material (texture and volume), together with subsistence patterns and behaviours, could explain the rarity of Acheulian types (handaxes and cleavers) and picks in the T4 terraces of the Tejo tributaries; this is in contrast to the same terrace of the Tejo valley, in which these types are found. Interpretation of the environmental conditions (controlled by climate and glacio-eustatic sea-level changes) affecting the hunter-gatherer human groups is also presente

    Association between oral cleft and transcobalamin 2 polymorphism in a sample study from Nassiriya, Iraq

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    Orofacial clefts are common congenital defects whose prevalence differs between geographical regions and ethnic groups. The inheritance is complex, involving the contribution of both genetic and environmental factors. The involvement of genes belonging to the folate pathway is still matter of debate, with strong evidences of association and conflicting results. After demonstrating the contribution, for a sample from the Italian population, of common mutations mapping on three genes of the folate pathway, our group tried to unravel their contribution in independent sample studies with different ethnicity. In the present investigation a set of 34 triads with oral cleft from Nassiriya, Iraq, has been genotyped for rs1801133 of MTHFR, rs1801198 of TCN2, and rs4920037 of CBS polymorphisms. Association analysis evidenced a decreased risk of cleft for children carrying the 667G allele at TCN2 gene (P = 0.02). This evidence further supported the relationship between polymorphisms of folate related genes and oral clefts, and outlined the relevance of studying populations having different ethnicity

    Iocus et facetiae

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    Curatela del numero 25 di “Fillide” (accessibile online: https://fillide.it/numeri/numero-25/), raccolta interdisciplinare di studi sul tema " Iocus et facetiae", che mettono in luce, nell’antico e nel moderno, il filone umoristico, comico oppure ironico, rivelando caratteristiche rimaste in ombra e connessioni inusuali tra i diversi autori

    Regulation of Skeletal Muscle Glucose Transport and Glucose Metabolism by Exercise Training

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    Aerobic exercise training and resistance exercise training are both well-known for their ability to improve human health; especially in individuals with type 2 diabetes. However, there are critical differences between these two main forms of exercise training and the adaptations that they induce in the body that may account for their beneficial effects. This article reviews the literature and highlights key gaps in our current understanding of the effects of aerobic and resistance exercise training on the regulation of systemic glucose homeostasis, skeletal muscle glucose transport and skeletal muscle glucose metabolism

    Non-syndromic cleft palate: Association analysis on three gene polymorphisms of the folate pathway in Asian and Italian populations

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    Periconceptional folic acid supplementation can reduce the risk of inborn malformations, including orofacial clefts. Polymorphisms of MTHFR, TCN2, and CBS folate-related genes seem to modulate the risk of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (CL/P) in some populations. CL/P and cleft palate only (CPO) are different malformations that share several features and possibly etiological causes. In the present investigation, we conducted a family-based, candidate gene association study of non-syndromic CPO. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms, namely, rs1801133 of MTHFR, rs1801198 of TCN2, and rs4920037 of CBS, were investigated in a sample that included 129 Italian and 65 Asian families. No evidence of association between the three genotyped polymorphisms and CPO was found in the Italian and Asian cases, indeed the transmission disequilibrium test did not detect any asymmetry of transmission of alleles. This investigation, although with some limitation, further supports that CL/P and CPO diverge in their genetic background

    Protocol per a la vigilĂ ncia de les malalties importades

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    Malalties transmissibles; Malalties importades; ViatgersEnfermedades transmisibles; Enfermedades importadas; ViajerosCommunicable Diseases; Imported diseases; TravelersProtocol per a la vigilància de les malalties importades a Catalunya degut a l'increment de la immigració procedent de països en vies de desenvolupament i noves malalties adquirides en països estrangers que per la seva gravetat, transmissibilitat i requeriments diagnòstics i terapèutics poden tenir un major impacte en la salut de la població de Catalunya.Protocolo para la vigilancia de las enfermedades importadas a Cataluña debido al incremento de la imigración procedente de países en vías de desarrollo y nuevas enfermedades adquiridas en países extranjeros que debido a su gravedad, trasmisibilidad y requerimientos diagnósticos y terapéuticos pueden tener un mayor impacto en la salud de la población de Cataluña.Protocol for the surveillance of imported diseases in Catalonia due to increasing immigration from developing countries and new diseases acquired in foreign countries that, given their severity, transmissibility and diagnosis and therapeutic requirements, may have a major impact on the health of the population of Catalonia
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