1,147 research outputs found

    Topography-driven alterations in endothelial cell phenotype and contact guidance

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    Bioengineering; Biophysics; Cell biology; Biomedical engineering; Regenerative medicine; Directional topography; Endothelial cells; Vascular-like networks; Contact guidance; Vascularizatio

    Topography-Mediated Myotube and Endothelial Alignment, Differentiation, and Extracellular Matrix Organization for Skeletal Muscle Engineering

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    Understanding the response of endothelial cells to aligned myotubes is important to create an appropriate environment for tissue-engineered vascularized skeletal muscle. Part of the native tissue environment is the extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is a supportive scaffold for cells and allows cellular processes such as proliferation, differentiation, and migration. Interstitial matrix and basal membrane both comprise proteinaceous and polysaccharide components for strength, architecture, and volume retention. Virtually all cells are anchored to their basal lamina. One of the physical factors that affects cell behavior is topography, which plays an important role on cell alignment. We tested the hypothesis that topography-driven aligned human myotubes promote and support vascular network formation as a prelude to in vitro engineered vascularized skeletal muscle. Therefore, we used a PDMS-based topography substrate to investigate the influence of pre-aligned myotubes on the network formation of microvascular endothelial cells. The aligned myotubes produced a network of collagen fibers and laminin. This network supported early stages of endothelial network formation.</p

    Het geriatrisch model als inspiratiebron

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    Inleiding Met het dichterbij komen van het moment waarop de vergrijzing in ons land haar hoogtepunt gaat bereiken, neemt ook de belangstelling voor de toekomstige vormgeving van de medische ouderenzorg snel toe. Illustratief in dit opzicht is bijvoorbeeld de scenariostudie die recentelijk in opdracht van het Capaciteitsorgaan is uitgevoerd.1 Eveneens illustratief is het voornemen van de KNMG om de medische zorg voor ouderen in 2008 prominent op de agenda te zetten.2 Algemeen wordt aangenomen dat ouderen steeds langer en zo actief en zelfstandig mogelijk thuis zullen willen blijven wonen. Voorspelbaar is echter ook dat het aantal kwetsbare ouderen met complexe zorgvragen de komende jaren aanzienlijk zal toenemen. Daarbij worden in veel toekomstbeschouwingen vooral de regie en de coördinatie van de medische zorg voor de risicogroepen onder ouderen als een belangrijk knelpunt aangemerkt. Alle reden dus voor de betrokken beroepsgroepen om samenwerkingsvormen te ontwikkelen waarmee adequaat op de voorziene kwalitatieve en kwantitatieve problemen kan worden ingespeeld. Alle reden ook om daarbij optimaal gebruik te maken van de op ervaringen gefundeerde inzichten die de oorspronkelijke pioniers op dit terrein, te weten de klinisch geriaters, de afgelopen halve eeuw hebben ontwikkeld

    Development of a cost-effective optical sensor for continuous monitoring of turbidity and suspended particulate matter in marine environment

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    A cost-effective optical sensor for continuous in-situ monitoring of turbidity and suspended particulate matter concentration (SPM), with a production cost in raw materials less than 20 €, is presented for marine or fluvial applications. The sensor uses an infrared LED and three photodetectors with three different positions related to the light source-135º, 90º and 0º-resulting in three different types of light detection: backscattering, nephelometry and transmitted light, respectively. This design allows monitoring in any type of environment, offering a wide dynamic range and accuracy for low and high turbidity or SPM values. An ultraviolet emitter-receiver pair is also used to differentiate organic and inorganic matter through the differences in absorption at different wavelengths. The optical transducers are built in a watertight structure with a radial configuration where a printed circuit board with the electronic signal coupling is assembled. An in-lab calibration of the sensor was made to establish a relation between suspended particulate matter (SPM) or the turbidity (NTU) to the photodetectors' electrical output value in Volts. Two different sizes of seashore sand were used (180 µm and 350 µm) to evaluate the particle size susceptibility. The sensor was tested in a fluvial environment to evaluate SPM change during sediment transport caused by rain, and a real test of 22 days continuous in-situ monitoring was realized to evaluate its performance in a tidal area. The monitoring results were analysed, showing the SPM change during tidal cycles as well as the influence of the external light and biofouling problems.Funding Agency Programa Operacional Regional do Norte (NORTE2020), through Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000032 European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalizacao), project ICT UID/GEO/04683/2013 POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007690 Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Photoactuating Artificial Muscles of Motor Amphiphiles as an Extracellular Matrix Mimetic Scaffold for Mesenchymal Stem Cells

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    [Image: see text] Mimicking the native extracellular matrix (ECM) as a cell culture scaffold has long attracted scientists from the perspective of supramolecular chemistry for potential application in regenerative medicine. However, the development of the next-generation synthetic materials that mimic key aspects of ECM, with hierarchically oriented supramolecular structures, which are simultaneously highly dynamic and responsive to external stimuli, remains a major challenge. Herein, we present supramolecular assemblies formed by motor amphiphiles (MAs), which mimic the structural features of the hydrogel nature of the ECM and additionally show intrinsic dynamic behavior that allow amplifying molecular motions to macroscopic muscle-like actuating functions induced by light. The supramolecular assembly (named artificial muscle) provides an attractive approach for developing responsive ECM mimetic scaffolds for human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (hBM-MSCs). Detailed investigations on the photoisomerization by nuclear magnetic resonance and UV–vis absorption spectroscopy, assembled structures by electron microscopy, the photoactuation process, structural order by X-ray diffraction, and cytotoxicity are presented. Artificial muscles of MAs provide fast photoactuation in water based on the hierarchically anisotropic supramolecular structures and show no cytotoxicity. Particularly important, artificial muscles of MAs with adhered hBM-MSCs still can be actuated by external light stimulation, showing their ability to convert light energy into mechanical signals in biocompatible systems. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, these results provide the potential for building photoactuating ECM mimetic scaffolds by artificial muscle-like supramolecular assemblies based on MAs and offer opportunities for signal transduction in future biohybrid systems of cells and MAs

    The effect of stress on semantic memory eetrieval: a multiverse analysis

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    Multivariate analysis of psychological dat

    Changes in the ornithine cycle following ionising radiation cause a cytotoxic conditioning of the culture medium of H35 hepatoma cells

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    Cultured H35 hepatoma cells release a cytotoxic factor in response to irradiation with X-rays. When the conditioned medium from irradiated cells is given to nonirradiated cells, growth is inhibited and followed by cell death, possibly apoptosis, Analysis of the conditioned medium reveals a dramatic change in the ornithine (urea) cycle components after the irradiation. A strong decrease in medium arginine is accompanied with parallel increases in ornithine, citrulline and ammonia. The high level of ammonia appears to be largely responsible for the observed cytotoxicity. The development of hyperammonia by irradiated cells and the related toxicity depend on the radiation dose and the number of cells seeded thereafter for the medium conditioning. Development of cytotoxicity by irradiated cells is completely prevented with the arginase inhibitor L-norvaline, in arginine-deficient medium or when citrulline replaces arginine. These preventive measures result in subtoxic ammonia levels

    Периоды апробации метода прогноза интегральной метанообильности шахты

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    Розроблені аналітичній та натурній методи урахування метанового потенціалу вугільних шахт, апробація яких в умовах діючих об’єктів вдовж 5 термінів (1967 – 2009 рр.) показала високу надійність метода прогнозу інтегральної метанообільності шахт ІМА (~9 тис. порівнянь). На базі цього методу пропонується розробить державний нормативний документ для урахування метанового потенціалу вугільних шахт та реалізувати науково-технічні проекти авторів, які включені в програму науково-технічного розвитку Донецької області до 2020 р.Analytic and nature methods of calculation of methane potential of the collieries which check in the conditions of operating objects during 5 periods (1967 – 2009 years) has shown high reliability concerning of the method integrated methane of abundance of object IMA (~9 000 results) are developed. On the basis of this method it is offered to develop the state standard document for calculation of methane potential of collieries and to realize author’s projects to be conclusion to the science-technical program of development of Donetsk region to 2020 year