29 research outputs found

    Super fast plasma streams as drivers of transient and anomalous magnetospheric dynamics

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    Abstract. We present multi spacecraft measurements in the magnetosheath (MSH) and in the solar wind (SW) by Interball, Cluster and Polar, demonstrating that coherent structures with magnetosonic Mach number up to 3 – Supermagnetosonic Plasma Streams (SPS) – generate transient and anomalous boundary dynamics, which may cause substantial displacements of the magnetospheric boundaries and the riddling of peripheral boundary layers. In this regard, for the first time, we describe a direct plasma penetration into the flank boundary layers, which is a candidate for being the dominant transport mechanism for disturbed MSH periods. Typically SPS's have a ram pressure exceeding by several times that of the SW and lead to long-range correlations between processes at the bow shock (BS) and at the magnetopause (MP) on one side and between MSH and MP boundary layers on the other side. We demonstrate that SPS's can be observed both near the BS and near the MP and argue that they are often triggered by hot flow anomalies (HFA), which represent local obstacles to the SW flow and can induce the SPS generation as a means for achieving a local flow balance. Finally, we also discuss other causes of SPS's, both SW-induced and intrinsic to the MSH. SPS's appear to be universal means for establishing a new equilibrium between flowing plasmas and may also prove to be important for astrophysical and fusion applications

    Sharp changes of solar wind ion flux and density within and outside current sheets

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    Analysis of the Interball-1 spacecraft data (1995-2000) has shown that the solar wind ion flux sometimes increases or decreases abruptly by more than 20% over a time period of several seconds or minutes. Typically, the amplitude of such sharp changes in the solar wind ion flux (SCIFs) is larger than 0.5x10^8 cm^-2 s^-1. These sudden changes of the ion flux were also observed by the Solar Wind Experiment (SWE), on board the WIND spacecraft, as the solar wind density increases and decreases with negligible changes in the solar wind velocity. SCIFs occur irregularly at 1 AU, when plasma flows with specific properties come to the Earth's orbit. SCIFs are usually observed in slow, turbulent solar wind with increased density and interplanetary magnetic field strength. The number of times SCIFs occur during a day is simulated using the solar wind density, magnetic field, and their standard deviations as input parameters for a period of 5 years. A correlation coefficient of ~0.7 is obtained between the modelled and the experimental data. It is found that SCIFs are not associated with coronal mass ejections (CMEs), corotating interaction regions (CIRs), or interplanetary shocks; however, 85% of the sector boundaries are surrounded by SCIFs. The properties of the solar wind plasma for days with 5 or more SCIF observations are the same as those of the solar wind plasma at the sector boundaries. One possible explanation for the occurrence of SCIFs (near sector boundaries) is magnetic reconnection at the heliospheric current sheet or local current sheets. Other probable causes of SCIFs (inside sectors) are turbulent processes in the slow solar wind and at the crossings of flux tubes.Comment: 33 pages, 8 figures, 6 tables, Solar Physics 2011, in pres

    Dynamics of He++ Ions at Interplanetary and Earth’s Bow Shocks

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    Experimental investigations of the fine plasma structure of interplanetary shocks are extremely difficult to conduct due to their small thickness and high speed relative to the spacecraft. We studied the variations in the parameters of twice-ionized helium ions (4He++ ions or α-particles) in the solar wind plasma during the passage of interplanetary shocks and Earth’s bow shock. We used data with high time resolution gathered by the BMSW (Bright Monitor of Solar Wind) instrument installed on the SPEKTR-R satellite, which operated between August 2011 and 2019. The MHD parameters of He++ ions (the bulk velocity Vα, temperature Tα, absolute density Nα, and helium abundance Nα/Np) are analyzed for 20 interplanetary shocks and compared with similar parameters for 25 Earth bow shock crossings. Measurements from the WIND, Cluster, and THEMIS satellites were also analyzed. The correlations in the changes in helium abundance Nα/Np with the parameters βi, θBn, and MMS were investigated. The following correlation between Nα/Np and the angle θBn was found: the lower the value of θBn, the greater the drop in helium abundance (Nα/Np) falls behind the IP shock front. For Earth’s bow shock crossings, we found a significant increase in the helium abundance (Nα/Np) in quasi-perpendicular events

    Plasma sheet fast flows and auroral dynamics during substorm: a case study

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    Interball-1 observations of a substorm development in the mid-tail on 16 December 1998 are compared with the auroral dynamics obtained from the Polar UV imager. Using these data, the relationship between plasma flow directions in the tail and the location of the auroral activation is examined. Main attention is given to tailward and earth-ward plasma flows, interpreted as signatures of a Near Earth Neutral Line (NENL). It is unambiguously shown that in the mid-plasma sheet the flows were directed tailward when the auroral bulge developed equatorward of the spacecraft ionospheric footprint. On the contrary, when active auroras moved poleward of the Interball-1 projection, earthward fast flow bursts were observed. This confirms the concept that the NENL (or flow reversal region) is the source of auroras forming the poleward edge of the auroral bulge. The observed earthward flow bursts have all typical signatures of Bursty Bulk Flows (BBFs), described by Angelopolous et al. (1992). These BBFs are related to substorm activations starting at the poleward edge of the expanded auroral bulge. We interpret the BBFs as a result of reconnection pulses occurring tail-ward of Interball-1. In addition, some non-typically observed phenomena were detected in the plasma sheet during this substorm: (i) tailward/earthward flows were superimposed on a very strong duskward flow, and (ii) wavy structures of both magnetic field and plasma density were registered. The latter observation is probably linked to the filamentary structure of the current sheet.Key words. Magnetospheric physics (auroral phenomena; plasma sheet; storms and substorms