744 research outputs found
Dynamical two electron states in a Hubbard-Davydov model
We study a model in which a Hubbard Hamiltonian is coupled to the dispersive
phonons in a classical nonlinear lattice. Our calculations are restricted to
the case where we have only two quasi-particles of opposite spins, and we
investigate the dynamics when the second quasi-particle is added to a state
corresponding to a minimal energy single quasi-particle state. Depending on the
parameter values, we find a number of interesting regimes. In many of these,
discrete breathers (DBs) play a prominent role with a localized lattice mode
coupled to the quasiparticles. Simulations with a purely harmonic lattice show
much weaker localization effects. Our results support the possibility that DBs
are important in HTSC.Comment: 14 pages, 12 fig
Finite-Element Discretization of Static Hamilton-Jacobi Equations Based on a Local Variational Principle
We propose a linear finite-element discretization of Dirichlet problems for
static Hamilton-Jacobi equations on unstructured triangulations. The
discretization is based on simplified localized Dirichlet problems that are
solved by a local variational principle. It generalizes several approaches
known in the literature and allows for a simple and transparent convergence
theory. In this paper the resulting system of nonlinear equations is solved by
an adaptive Gauss-Seidel iteration that is easily implemented and quite
effective as a couple of numerical experiments show.Comment: 19 page
The 1+1-dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation and its universality class
We explain the exact solution of the 1+1 dimensional Kardar-Parisi-Zhang
equation with sharp wedge initial conditions. Thereby it is confirmed that the
continuum model belongs to the KPZ universality class, not only as regards to
scaling exponents but also as regards to the full probability distribution of
the height in the long time limit.Comment: Proceedings StatPhys 2
Smooth adiabatic evolutions with leaky power tails
Adiabatic evolutions with a gap condition have, under a range of
circumstances, exponentially small tails that describe the leaking out of the
spectral subspace. Adiabatic evolutions without a gap condition do not seem to
have this feature in general. This is a known fact for eigenvalue crossing. We
show that this is also the case for eigenvalues at the threshold of the
continuous spectrum by considering the Friedrichs model.Comment: Final form, to appear in J. Phys. A; 11 pages, no figure
FIBS: A Generic Framework for Classifying Interval-based Temporal Sequences
We study the problem of classifying interval-based temporal sequences
(IBTSs). Since common classification algorithms cannot be directly applied to
IBTSs, the main challenge is to define a set of features that effectively
represents the data such that classifiers can be applied. Most prior work
utilizes frequent pattern mining to define a feature set based on discovered
patterns. However, frequent pattern mining is computationally expensive and
often discovers many irrelevant patterns. To address this shortcoming, we
propose the FIBS framework for classifying IBTSs. FIBS extracts features
relevant to classification from IBTSs based on relative frequency and temporal
relations. To avoid selecting irrelevant features, a filter-based selection
strategy is incorporated into FIBS. Our empirical evaluation on eight
real-world datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our methods in practice.
The results provide evidence that FIBS effectively represents IBTSs for
classification algorithms, which contributes to similar or significantly better
accuracy compared to state-of-the-art competitors. It also suggests that the
feature selection strategy is beneficial to FIBS's performance.Comment: In: Big Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery. DaWaK 2020. Springer,
Age and structure of the Shyok Suture in the Ladakh region of Northwestern India: Implications for slip on the Karakoram Fault System
A precise age for the collision of the Kohistan-Ladakh block with Eurasia along the Shyok suture zone (SSZ) is one key to understanding the accretionary history of Tibet and the tectonics of Eurasia during the India-Eurasia collision. Knowing the age of the SSZ also allows the suture to be used as a piercing line for calculating total offset along the Karakoram Fault, which effectively represents the SE border of the Tibetan Plateau and has played a major role in plateau evolution. We present a combined structural, geochemical, and geochronologic study of the SSZ as it is exposed in the Nubra region of India to test two competing hypotheses: that the SSZ is of Late Cretaceous or, alternatively, of Eocene age. Coarse-continental strata of the Saltoro Molasse, mapped in this area, contain detrital zircon populations suggestive of derivation from Eurasia despite the fact that the molasse itself is deposited unconformably onto Kohistan-Ladakh rocks, indicating that the molasse is postcollisional. The youngest population of detrital zircons in these rocks (approximately 92 Ma) and a U/Pb zircon date for a dike that cuts basal molasse outcrops (approximately 85 Ma) imply that deposition of the succession began in the Late Cretaceous. This establishes a minimum age for the SSZ and rules out the possibility of an Eocene collision between Kohistan-Ladakh and Eurasia. Our results support correlation of the SSZ with the Bangong suture zone in Tibet, which implies a total offset across the Karakoram Fault of approximately 130–190 km
Violence in sleep
Although generally considered as mutually exclusive, violence and sleep can coexist. Violence related to the sleep period is probably more frequent than generally assumed and can be observed in various conditions including parasomnias (such as arousal disorders and rapid eye movement sleep behaviour disorder), epilepsy (in particular nocturnal frontal lobe epilepsy) and psychiatric diseases (including delirium and dissociative states). Important advances in the fields of genetics, neuroimaging and behavioural neurology have expanded the understanding of the mechanisms underlying violence and its particular relation to sleep. The present review outlines the different sleep disorders associated with violence and aims at providing information on diagnosis, therapy and forensic issues. It also discusses current pathophysiological models, establishing a link between sleep-related violence and violence observed in other setting
Spin-orbit coupling effect in (Ga,Mn)As films: anisotropic exchange interactions and magnetocrystalline anisotropy
The magneto-crystalline anisotropy (MCA) of (Ga,Mn)As films has been studied
on the basis of ab-initio electronic structure theory by performing magnetic
torque calculations. An appreciable contribution to the in-plane uniaxial
anisotropy can be attributed to an extended region adjacent to the surface.
Calculations of the exchange tensor allow to ascribe a significant part to the
MCA to the exchange anisotropy, caused either by a tetragonal distortion of the
lattice or by the presence of the surface or interface.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure
Born-Oppenheimer Approximation near Level Crossing
We consider the Born-Oppenheimer problem near conical intersection in two
dimensions. For energies close to the crossing energy we describe the wave
function near an isotropic crossing and show that it is related to generalized
hypergeometric functions 0F3. This function is to a conical intersection what
the Airy function is to a classical turning point. As an application we
calculate the anomalous Zeeman shift of vibrational levels near a crossing.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, Lette
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