16,017 research outputs found

    Topologically Massive Gauge Theories and their Dual Factorised Gauge Invariant Formulation

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    There exists a well-known duality between the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and the self-dual massive model in 2+1 dimensions. This dual description has been extended to topologically massive gauge theories (TMGT) in any dimension. This Letter introduces an unconventional approach to the construction of this type of duality through a reparametrisation of the master theory action. The dual action thereby obtained preserves the same gauge symmetry structure as the original theory. Furthermore, the dual action is factorised into a propagating sector of massive gauge invariant variables and a sector with gauge variant variables defining a pure topological field theory. Combining results obtained within the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, a new completed structure for a gauge invariant dual factorisation of TMGT is thus achieved.Comment: 1+7 pages, no figure

    Magnetic Interactions in BiFeO3_3: a First-Principles Study

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    First-principles calculations, in combination with the four-state energy mapping method, are performed to extract the magnetic interaction parameters of multiferroic BiFeO3_3. Such parameters include the symmetric exchange (SE) couplings and the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interactions up to second nearest neighbors, as well as the single ion anisotropy (SIA). All magnetic parameters are obtained not only for the R3cR3c structural ground state, but also for the R3mR3m and R3ˉcR\bar{3}c phases in order to determine the effects of ferroelectricity and antiferrodistortion distortions, respectively, on these magnetic parameters. In particular, two different second-nearest neighbor couplings are identified and their origins are discussed in details. Moreover, Monte-Carlo (MC) simulations using a magnetic Hamiltonian incorporating these first-principles-derived interaction parameters are further performed. They result (i) not only in the accurate prediction of the spin-canted G-type antiferromagnetic structure and of the known magnetic cycloid propagating along a direction, as well as their unusual characteristics (such as a weak magnetization and spin-density-waves, respectively); (ii) but also in the finding of another cycloidal state of low-energy and that awaits to be experimentally confirmed. Turning on and off the different magnetic interaction parameters in the MC simulations also reveal the precise role of each of them on magnetism

    Space-time autocoding

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    Prior treatments of space-time communications in Rayleigh flat fading generally assume that channel coding covers either one fading interval-in which case there is a nonzero “outage capacity”-or multiple fading intervals-in which case there is a nonzero Shannon capacity. However, we establish conditions under which channel codes span only one fading interval and yet are arbitrarily reliable. In short, space-time signals are their own channel codes. We call this phenomenon space-time autocoding, and the accompanying capacity the space-time autocapacity. Let an M-transmitter antenna, N-receiver antenna Rayleigh flat fading channel be characterized by an M×N matrix of independent propagation coefficients, distributed as zero-mean, unit-variance complex Gaussian random variables. This propagation matrix is unknown to the transmitter, it remains constant during a T-symbol coherence interval, and there is a fixed total transmit power. Let the coherence interval and number of transmitter antennas be related as T=βM for some constant β. A T×M matrix-valued signal, associated with R·T bits of information for some rate R is transmitted during the T-symbol coherence interval. Then there is a positive space-time autocapacity Ca such that for all R<Ca, the block probability of error goes to zero as the pair (T, M)→∞ such that T/M=β. The autocoding effect occurs whether or not the propagation matrix is known to the receiver, and Ca=Nlog(1+ρ) in either case, independently of β, where ρ is the expected signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at each receiver antenna. Lower bounds on the cutoff rate derived from random unitary space-time signals suggest that the autocoding effect manifests itself for relatively small values of T and M. For example, within a single coherence interval of duration T=16, for M=7 transmitter antennas and N=4 receiver antennas, and an 18-dB expected SNR, a total of 80 bits (corresponding to rate R=5) can theoretically be transmitted with a block probability of error less than 10^-9, all without any training or knowledge of the propagation matrix

    Concept for controlled transverse emittance transfer within a linac ion beam

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    For injection of beams into circular machines with different horizontal and vertical emittance acceptance, the injection efficiency can be increased if these beams are flat, i.e. if they feature unequal transverse emittances. Generation of flat electron beams is well known and has been demonstrated already in beam experiments. It was proposed also for ion beams that were generated in an Electron Cyclotron-Resonance (ECR) source. We introduce an extension of the method to beams that underwent charge state stripping without requiring their generation inside an ECR source. Results from multi-particle simulations are presented to demonstrate the validity of the method.Comment: 23 pages (preprint style), 14 Figures, submitted to PRST-A

    The academic and industrial embrace of space-time methods

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    [Guest Editors introduction to: Special issue on space-time transmission, reception, coding and signal processing] Every episode of the classic 1966–1969 television series Star Trek begins with Captain Kirk’s (played by William Shatner) famous words : “Space: The final frontier….” While space may not be the final frontier for the information and communication theory community, it is proving to be an important and fruitful one. In the information theory community, the notion of space can be broadly defined as the simultaneous use of multiple, possibly coupled, channels. The notions of space–time and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) channels are therefore often used interchangeably. The connection between space and MIMO is most transparent when we view the multiple channels as created by two or more spatially separated antennas at a wireless transmitter or receiver. A large component of the current interest in space–time methods can be attributed to discoveries in the late 1980s and early 1990s that a rich wireless scattering environment can be beneficial when multiple antennas are used on a point-to-point link. We now know that adding antennas in a rich environment provides proportional increases in point-to-point data rates, without extra transmitted power or bandwidth