296 research outputs found

    Generalized Cauchy means

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    Given two means M and N, the operator MM,NMM,N assigning to a given mean μ the mean MM,N(μ)(x,y)=M(μ(x,N(x,y)),μ(N(x,y),y)) was defined in Berrone and Moro (Aequationes Math 60:1–14, 2000) in connection with Cauchy means: the Cauchy mean generated by the pair f, g of continuous and strictly monotonic functions is the unique solution μ to the fixed point equation MA(f),A(g)(μ)=μ, where A(f) and A(g) are the quasiarithmetic means respectively generated by f and g. In this article, the operator MM,NMM,N is studied under less restrictive conditions and a general fixed point theorem is derived from an explicit formula for the iterates MnM,NMM,Nn . The concept of class of generalized Cauchy means associated to a given family of mixing pairs of means is introduced and some distinguished families of pairs are presented. The question of equality in these classes of means remains a challenging open problem.Fil: Berrone, Lucio Renato. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniería y Agrimensura; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    An assessment of the construct validity of environmental strategy measures

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    The natural resource-based view of the company is emerging as a dominant paradigm for understanding the intersection of strategic management and the natural environment. Companies that proactively incorporate a natural environment perspective into their enterprise strategies are said to have sustainable competitive advantages. However, defining and measuring environmental strategy has been challenging, with different approaches yielding inconsistent results. Many studies ignore the empirical difficulties of marrying the theoretical connection between the company's resource base and environmental strategy, and its impact on environmental company performance. In this paper, we apply an inductive approach to derive a measure of environmental strategy theoretically congruent with the natural resource-based-view of the firm. We assess its reliability and, using a multi-trait multi-method matrix, confirm the convergent and discriminant validities of this measure against other measures often used by researchers. We also establish predictive validity of our environmental strategy measure for environmental performance. We discuss the implications of the measure for future research and practice.environmental performance; environmental strategies; inductive study; measures;

    MATLAB code for highly energetic materials

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    Detonations represent high-speed chemical reactions characterized by rapid propagation, accompanied by a release of high-pressure energy. This transformative process converts unreacted explosive materials into stable product molecules, reaching a steady state known as the Chapman-Jouguet (CJ) state. This study aims to effectively describe the detonation phenomenon in energetic materials through the application of the CJ theory. Using a computational approach, we developed a MATLAB code to calculate the minimum detonation velocity (DCJ) of the explosive and analyze product expansion under constant entropy conditions

    Total temporomandibular joint prosthesis as a surgical option for severe mouth opening restriction. A case report of a bilateral intervention

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    Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are a heterogeneous group of pathologies affecting the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and/or the masticator muscles, characterized by a molteplicity of signs and symptoms, the most common of which are pain localized in the preauricular area and/or in the masticatory muscles; jaw motion abnormalities; articular sounds, such as click and/or crepitus, during mandibular movements (1). A specific etiolpathogenesis is detectable in a minority of cases, since the occurrence of TMD symptoms is often..

    The Impact of Symbolic and Substantive Actions on Environmental Legitimacy

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    Drawing on institutional theory and insights from stakeholder theory and impression management, we empirically analyze the impact of both environmental symbolic polices (participation in voluntary environmental programs, green trademarks, environmental-dedicated board committees, environmental pay policies and community communication) and substantive actions (environmental patents and pollution prevention practices) on environmental legitimacy. We show that (1) symbolic actions have a weaker positive effect on legitimacy than substantive actions, (2) that the impact of symbolic actions is greater when they are combined with substantive actions, (3) that this impact is only short-term while substantive actions have both short- and long-term effects