3,555 research outputs found

    Parametric invariant Random Matrix Model and the emergence of multifractality

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    We propose a random matrix modeling for the parametric evolution of eigenstates. The model is inspired by a large class of quantized chaotic systems. Its unique feature is having parametric invariance while still possessing the non-perturbative crossover that has been discussed by Wigner 50 years ago. Of particular interest is the emergence of an additional crossover to multifractality.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, expanded versio

    Scaling properties of delay times in one-dimensional random media

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    The scaling properties of the inverse moments of Wigner delay times are investigated in finite one-dimensional (1D) random media with one channel attached to the boundary of the sample. We find that they follow a simple scaling law which is independent of the microscopic details of the random potential. Our theoretical considerations are confirmed numerically for systems as diverse as 1D disordered wires and optical lattices to microwave waveguides with correlated scatterers.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures Submitted to Physical Review B Revision 2: 1) Theoretical curve fits added to Figures 1-4. 2) Scaling parameter added to inset of Figure 2. 3) Minor text changes to reflect referee comments. 4) Some extra refereces were adde

    Expected exponential loss for gaze-based video and volume ground truth annotation

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    Many recent machine learning approaches used in medical imaging are highly reliant on large amounts of image and ground truth data. In the context of object segmentation, pixel-wise annotations are extremely expensive to collect, especially in video and 3D volumes. To reduce this annotation burden, we propose a novel framework to allow annotators to simply observe the object to segment and record where they have looked at with a \$200 eye gaze tracker. Our method then estimates pixel-wise probabilities for the presence of the object throughout the sequence from which we train a classifier in semi-supervised setting using a novel Expected Exponential loss function. We show that our framework provides superior performances on a wide range of medical image settings compared to existing strategies and that our method can be combined with current crowd-sourcing paradigms as well.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figues, MICCAI 2017 - LABELS Worksho

    Scattering at the Anderson transition: Power--law banded random matrix model

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    We analyze the scattering properties of a periodic one-dimensional system at criticality represented by the so-called power-law banded random matrix model at the metal insulator transition. We focus on the scaling of Wigner delay times τ\tau and resonance widths Γ\Gamma. We found that the typical values of τ\tau and Γ\Gamma (calculated as the geometric mean) scale with the system size LL as τtypLD1\tau^{\tiny typ}\propto L^{D_1} and ΓtypL(2D2)\Gamma^{\tiny typ} \propto L^{-(2-D_2)}, where D1D_1 is the information dimension and D2D_2 is the correlation dimension of eigenfunctions of the corresponding closed system.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure

    Mesoscopic mean-field theory for spin-boson chains in quantum optical systems

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    We present a theoretical description of a system of many spins strongly coupled to a bosonic chain. We rely on the use of a spin-wave theory describing the Gaussian fluctuations around the mean-field solution, and focus on spin-boson chains arising as a generalization of the Dicke Hamiltonian. Our model is motivated by experimental setups such as trapped ions, or atoms/qubits coupled to cavity arrays. This situation corresponds to the cooperative (E⊗β) Jahn-Teller distortion studied in solid-state physics. However, the ability to tune the parameters of the model in quantum optical setups opens up a variety of novel intriguing situations. The main focus of this paper is to review the spin-wave theoretical description of this problem as well as to test the validity of mean-field theory. Our main result is that deviations from mean-field effects are determined by the interplay between magnetic order and mesoscopic cooperativity effects, being the latter strongly size-dependent

    Lógica de gerenciamento e experiência sensível. Gerentes intermediários e funcionários juniores em um centro de distribuição.

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    More than a simple ideology, Management is a rationality since have overpassed the sphere of the direction of the work and have converted in a mentality. It will be displayed some examples in which is possible to notice that the managerial logic appears embodied in the middle management and when be reproduced with total conviction its rhetoric, they get big dosses of satisfaction. Suffering of these people, is caused by the opposite phenomenon: the disability to obey the mentioned their premises thanks to the requirements that the logic of the management impose to them. The subordinate personnel, by their way understand that rationality like a fatality and by these, without realizing it, reproduce it with resignation, and to protect their selves from the requirements that are imposed to them, been happy knowing that can “escape” daily when their working day ends.Más que una simple ideología, el management es una racionalidad pues ha sobrepasado la esfera de la dirección del trabajo y se ha convertido en una mentalidad. Se mostrarán algunos ejemplos en los cuales se observa que la lógica managerial aparece encarnada en los mandos medios y que cuando reproducen con total convicción y coherencia sus retóricas, obtienen grandes dosis de satisfacción. El sufrimiento de ellos, es causado por el fenómeno opuesto: la incapacidad de obedecer sus premisas gracias a las exigencias que la lógica del management les impone. El personal subalterno, por su parte entiende tal racionalidad como una fatalidad y, sin mucho darse cuenta, la reproduce con resignación y, para protegerse de las exigencias que le impone, se contenta creyendo que puede “escapársele” diariamente, cuando su jornada termina.Mais do que apenas uma ideologia, a administração é uma racionalidade porque foi além da esfera da direção do trabalho e se tornou uma mentalidade. Alguns exemplos serão mostrados nos quais se observa que a lógica gerencial aparece incorporada na gerência intermediária e que, quando ela reproduz sua retórica com total convicção e coerência, obtém grandes doses de satisfação. O sofrimento é causado pelo fenômeno oposto: a incapacidade de obedecer a suas premissas, graças às exigências que a lógica gerencial impõe. Os funcionários juniores, por sua vez, entendem essa racionalidade como uma fatalidade e, sem perceber, a reproduzem com resignação e, para se protegerem das exigências impostas, contentam-se em acreditar que podem "escapar" diariamente, quando termina o dia

    Sociología y Antropología en la formación del administrador

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    El propósito es presentar a los estudiantes y a los formadores en administración una sucinta introducción a dos disciplinas científicas y sus correspondientes métodos. Se trata de la Antropología y la Sociología, las cuales han privilegiado a la Etnografía y la Etnología para llevar a cabo la explicación de sus respectivos problemas de estudio. El texto, netamente descriptivo, invita a una reflexión dirigida a la acción administrativa con la intención de que, por una parte ésta se enriquezca con la sensibilidad y el rigor científico de estas disciplinas y estos métodos; por otra parte, a estar muy atentos a los aspectos éticos que rodean la toma de decisiones por parte del profesional de la Administración.El propósito es presentar a los estudiantes y a los formadores en administración una sucinta introducción a dos disciplinas científicas y sus correspondientes métodos. Se trata de la Antropología y la Sociología, las cuales han privilegiado a la Etnografía y la Etnología para llevar a cabo la explicación de sus respectivos problemas de estudio. El texto, netamente descriptivo, invita a una reflexión dirigida a la acción administrativa con la intención de que, por una parte ésta se enriquezca con la sensibilidad y el rigor científico de estas disciplinas y estos métodos; por otra parte, a estar muy atentos a los aspectos éticos que rodean la toma de decisiones por parte del profesional de la Administración

    «Y de estas escogí catorce»: la versión española de las «Novelle» de Bandello

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    In this article we unravel the reasons why Vincent de Millis translated Matteo Bandello’s Novelle (1554) from the French translation of Pierre Boaistuau and François de Belleforest; how he manipulated the source text and what changes separate the Historias trágicas ejemplares (1589) from the Histoires tragiques (1559) and the Novelle. To do so, we focus on the comparison of some particularly violent scenes and their denouements, a true sample of the strategies used by Boaistuau, Belleforest, and Millis, to carry out the truculent adaptation of the Italian material to the new context where they write and translate.A lo largo del presente artículo intentaremos desgranar las razones por las que Vicente de Millis tradujo las Novelle (1554) de Matteo Bandello a partir de la traducción francesa de Pierre Boaistuau y François de Belleforest; de qué manera manipuló el texto de partida y qué cambios separan las Historias trágicas ejemplares (1589) de las Histoires tragiques (1559) y las Novelle. Para ello, nos centraremos en el cotejo de algunas escenas particularmente violentas y sus desenlaces, verdadero muestrario de las estrategias utilizadas por Boaistuau, Belleforest y, finalmente, Millis, para la adaptación truculenta de la materia italiana al nuevo contexto desde el que escriben y traducen.