59 research outputs found

    The features of the language of representation of humour in the texts of American and Russian stand-up comedians

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    Based on the definition of the research object and the subject of sociolinguistics, which is considered an independent scientific discipline, in this article we assume to study the features of the language representation and perception of humour in performances of stand-up comedians from American and Russian linguocultures. We will also consider the similarities and differences of the topics of the texts of American and Russian comedians. In consideration of the genre of special interest is the attitude of the audience (in fact - the society) to the obscene and non-obscene language ("black humor"; "jokes below the belt", etc.) used by stand-up comedians in their performances in the United States and Russia. The relevance of this study is related to the overall underexplored genre"standup" fromlinguistics point of view and originality of their language. Research methodology –set of methods of textual, contextual, linguistic and linguostylistic analysis of the content of the texts of public performances ofthe comedians in the United States and Russia. Material for the study consists of texts of performances of stand-up comedians. The results of our research will help to identify the specifics of the language means of representation of humour in the texts of stand-up comedians.Key words: text, research, speech, language, translation, humour, linguistics, linguoculture,sociolinguistics


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    Objective: It is known that local or systemic injection of hemostatic drugs is used to reduce blood loss and number of blood transfusions in patients with hypocoagulation and hemorrhagic diathesis. However, the analysis of literature data shows that the drugs applied for the control of bleeding, traditionally used in medical practice, are not effective enough. This study deals with the systemic hemostatic activity of bis (2-aminoethan-1- sulfonate) calcium in the experiment.Methods: Experimental work in vitro is performed on the blood of healthy male donors, under conditions in vivo it is done on intraperitoneal injection in male rats. Thromboelastography was carried out with apparatus Thromboelastography (TEG) 5000 (Haemoscope Corporation, United States). The influence of first synthesized derivative and ethamsylate on functional activity of platelets was studied using a platelet aggregation analyzer Biola 230LA†(Russia). Experimental evaluation of the system specific hemostatic activity in vivo was carried out using the model of parenchymatous bleeding in mature male rats. The interference came amid registration of bleeding stop time and extent of blood loss.Results: Bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium shows procoagulation and proaggregant activity both in vitro and in vivo. Proaggregatory effect of bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium is successfully implemented in the systemic hemostatic activity in terms of parenchymal bleeding, surpassing the control group and the group of etamsylate.Conclusion: The results of these studies reveal potentially high systemic hemostatic activity of bis (2-aminoethan-1-sulfonate) calcium, urging the need for further study on this compound and its analogs to create on their basis highly efficient, selective correctors of the hemostatic system

    Nutrient Deficiency Correction in Ovarian Cancer Patients Following Surgical Treatment: a Clinical Case

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    Background. According to some studies, nutrient deficiencies reach an over-70% prevalence in ovarian cancer, among other gynaecological malignancies, thus constituting an important risk factor for postoperative mortality, surgical complications and longer hospital stays. Therefore, effective nutrient deficiency correction methods are warranted to improve the ovarian cancer outcomes, especially in patients following radical surgical interventions. New systematic evidence emerges in literature on the impact of such novel methods on the critical status of variant-category patients. Meanwhile, such evidence bears a recommendatory value only, with no current standard or protocol assumed for nutrient deficiency management. This issue presently remains open and requires careful research and analysis.Materials and methods. The clinical case demonstrates the efficacy of nutrient deficiency correction in an ovarian cancer patient following an individualised radical surgery.Results and discussion. The energy supplied on day 1 was >42%, >83% on day 3, and the target values had been achieved by day 7 of intensive therapy. The nutrient deficiency marker dynamics revealed the growth of transferrin, triglycerides and peripheral blood lymphocyte counts as early as by day 3 post-surgery. Albumin was the latest to respond, increasing only on day 7.Conclusion. The introduction of novel nutrition strategies and knowledge of their impact depend on further high-quality research, especially prospective studies, incorporating a  greater homogeneity of intervention types and clinical outcomes, as well as wider sampling of female ovarian cancer

    Особенности тромбоэластографического профиля пациентов с COVID-19 в условиях ОРИТ

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    The objective: to study the hemostatic system of patients diagnosed with the novel new coronavirus infection and compare the data obtained with hemostatic system parameters in patients with advanced deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism without COVID-19.Subjects and methods. A single-center prospective study with retrospective control was conducted in Anesthesiological and Intensive Care Department No. 1 of Kuvatov State Medical University (Ufa) in April - May 2020, the objective of the study was to investigate the hemostatic system of patients with confirmed new coronavirus infection, patients diagnosed with venous thrombosis in 2012-2014, and a group of healthy volunteers.Results. Evaluation of the hemostasis system in patients with thrombosis and patients with COVID-19 demonstrates the same type of changes: MA, Angle, G indices increase according to thromboelastography results, as well as D-dimer and fibrinogen levels increase, while antithrombin III activity decreases.Conclusion. Thus, TAG may be crucial for accurate identification of patients with advanced increased risk of thrombosis and thus possibly avoid unnecessary anticoagulation in patients at low risk of thrombosis.Цель: изучение системы гемостаза пациентов с установленной новой коронавирусной инфекцией и сопоставление полученных данных с результатами показателей системы гемостаза пациентов с состоявшимся тромбозом глубоких вен / тромбоэмболией легочной артерии без COVID-19.Материалы и методы. В рамках одноцентрового проспективного исследования с ретроспективным контролем на базе анестезиолого-реанимационного отделения № 1 ГБУЗ «РКБ им. Г. Г. Куватова» в апреле ‒ мае 2020 г. проведено исследование системы гемостаза пациентов с подтвержденной новой коронавирусной инфекцией, в 2012‒2014 гг. ‒ пациентов с диагностированным венозным тромбозом и группы здоровых добровольцев.Результаты. Оценка системы гемостаза у пациентов с тромбозом и пациентов с COVID-19 демонстрирует однотипные изменения: увеличиваются показатели МА, Angle, G по данным тромбоэластографии, а также повышаются уровни D-димера, фибриногена и снижается активность антитромбина III.Заключение. Тромбоэластография может иметь решающее значение для точной идентификации пациентов с повышенным риском тромбоза и тем самым, возможно, позволяет избежать ненужной антикоагулянтной терапии у пациентов с низким риском тромбоза

    HIV patients stable on ART retain evidence of a high CMV load but changes to Natural Killer cell phenotypes reflect both HIV and CMV

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    Background: Whilst ART corrects many effects of HIV disease, T cell populations retain features of accelerated immunological aging. Methods: Here we analyse phenotypic changes to natural killer (NK) cells in HIV patients who began ART with <200 CD4 T-cells/µl and maintained virological control for 12-17 years, compared with CMV seropositive and seronegative healthy control donors. Results: Humoral responses to CMV antigens (lysate, gB, IE-1) remain elevated in the patients (P <0.0001) despite the long duration of ART. Patient's NK cells responded poorly to K562 cells when assessed by CD107a and IFNγ, but this could not be attributed to CMV as responses were low in CMV-seronegative controls. Moreover HIV (and not CMV) increased expression of CD57 on CD56lo cells. Conclusions: Comparisons with published studies suggest that CMV accelerates age-related increases in CD57 expression but levels plateau by 60-70 years of age, so the effect of CMV disappears. In HIV patients the plateau is higher and perhaps reached sooner

    Анализ листа ожидания на трансплантацию печени в Республиканской клинической больнице им. Г.Г. Куватова

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    Introduction. Liver transplantation is currently considered to be the only method of radical treatment for adults and children with incurable liver diseases. The most important aspects of liver transplantation are the correct selection of an appropriate recipient and compilation and maintenance of a liver transplant waiting list. This article aims to analyze the structure of the severe chronic liver disease patient population included in the liver transplant waiting list at the G. G. Kuvatov Republican Clinical Hospital (the City of Ufa).Materials and methods. We analyzed the waiting list drawn and maintained over the 2007-2018 period based on the examination of 789 patients with liver cirrhosis of various etiologies.Results and discussion. Out of all the patients with liver cirrhosis of different etiologies (Child-Pugh score classes A, B, and C) 149 (18.8 %) were included in the waiting list. The ages of patients included in the liver transplant waiting list ranged from 19 to 69. The mortality rate amounted to 38.9 % (58 people); of these patients 31 (53.4 %) had hepatic cirrhosis (HC) of autoimmune etiology, 18 (31.0 %) — HC of viral etiology, and 6 (10.3 %) — alveococcosis of the liver. The rate of the waiting list expansion for patients aged 20-29 compared to those aged 0-19 amounted to 1.32 %. Such a dynamics for the 30-39 age group compared to the 20-29 age group was 11.51 %. The number of people aged 40-49 compared to the preceding age group remained the same.Conclusion. Our analysis of the waiting list sets the percentage of patients with autoimmune HC in the population of patients with this disease at 59 %. These patients are characterized by a rapid progression of liver failure and high mortality. The statistical analysis of liver transplant waiting lists facilitate the optimization of procedures used to select and manage such patients, as well as to prevent, in a timely manner, the development of complications thus improving the prognosis of survival.Введение. Трансплантация печени в настоящее время рассматривается в качестве единственного метода радикального лечения взрослых и детей с инкурабельными заболеваниями печени. Важнейшим аспектом трансплантации печени является правильность выбора соответствующего реципиента и формирования листа ожидания трансплантации печени. Целью настоящей работы является анализ структуры пациентов с тяжелой стадией хронического заболевания печени, находящихся в ЛО трансплантации печени Республиканской клинической больницы им. Г.Г. Куватова (г. Уфа).Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ листа ожидания пациентов, который был сформирован в период 20072018 гг. на основании обследования 789 пациентов с циррозом печени различной этиологии.Результаты и обсуждение. В результате проведенной работы из всех пациентов с циррозом печени различной этиологии класса А, В, С по Child-Pugh в ЛО было включено 149 пациентов (18,8 %). Возраст пациентов, включенных в лист ожидания трансплантации печени, составил 19-69 лет. Летальность составила 38,9 % (58 человек). Среди них с циррозом печени (ЦП) аутоиммунной этиологии — 31 (53,4 %), с ЦП вирусной этиологии — 18 (31,0 %), с альвеококкозом печени — 6 (10,3 %). Темп роста числа пациентов, включенных в лист ожидания трансплантации печени, в возрасте 20-29 лет в сравнении с возрастной группой 0-19 лет составил 1,32 %. В группе 30-39 лет в сравнении с возрастной группой 20-29 лет — 11,51 %. В возрасте 40-49 лет число лиц по сравнению с предыдущей возрастной группой было одинаковым.Заключение. На основании анализа листа ожидания было выявлено, что в общей структуре патологии доля больных с ЦП аутоиммунной этиологии составляет 59 %. Для этих больных характерно быстрое прогрессирование печеночной недостаточности и высокая летальность. Обработка статических данных листа ожидания трансплантации печени позволяет усовершенствовать методику отбора, ведение пациентов, своевременно предупредить развитие осложнений и тем самым увеличить прогноз выживаемости

    Коррекция нутритивной недостаточности пациентов с раком яичников на фоне хирургического лечения. Клинический случай

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    Background. According to some studies, nutrient deficiencies reach an over-70% prevalence in ovarian cancer, among other gynaecological malignancies, thus constituting an important risk factor for postoperative mortality, surgical complications and longer hospital stays. Therefore, effective nutrient deficiency correction methods are warranted to improve the ovarian cancer outcomes, especially in patients following radical surgical interventions. New systematic evidence emerges in literature on the impact of such novel methods on the critical status of variant-category patients. Meanwhile, such evidence bears a recommendatory value only, with no current standard or protocol assumed for nutrient deficiency management. This issue presently remains open and requires careful research and analysis.Materials and methods. The clinical case demonstrates the efficacy of nutrient deficiency correction in an ovarian cancer patient following an individualised radical surgery.Results and discussion. The energy supplied on day 1 was &gt;42%, &gt;83% on day 3, and the target values had been achieved by day 7 of intensive therapy. The nutrient deficiency marker dynamics revealed the growth of transferrin, triglycerides and peripheral blood lymphocyte counts as early as by day 3 post-surgery. Albumin was the latest to respond, increasing only on day 7.Conclusion. The introduction of novel nutrition strategies and knowledge of their impact depend on further high-quality research, especially prospective studies, incorporating a  greater homogeneity of intervention types and clinical outcomes, as well as wider sampling of female ovarian cancer. Введение. Среди гинекологических злокачественных новообразований распространенность недостаточности питания при раке яичников достигает в некоторых анализах более 70 %, представляя собой важный фактор риска послеоперационной смертности, хирургических осложнений и продолжительности пребывания в стационаре. Следовательно, поиск эффективных методов коррекции нутритивной недостаточности, в особенности у пациентов, подвергшихся радикальным оперативным вмешательствам, имеет решающее значение для улучшения исходов пациентов с раком яичников. В литературе появляются структурированные данные о влиянии новых методик коррекции нутритивной недостаточности на течение критического состояния разнообразных групп пациентов различного профиля. Однако эти данные несут исключительно рекомендательный характер и отсутствует какой-либо стандарт или протокол коррекции нутритивной недостаточности. В настоящее время этот вопрос остается открытым для обсуждения и требует тщательного изучения и анализа.Материалы и методы. В данной статье на примере клинического случая продемонстрирована эффективность коррекции нутритивной недостаточности пациентки с опухолью яичников после радикальной операции по индивидуальному протоколу.Результаты и обсуждение. Установлено, что доставленная энергия на 1-е сутки составила более 42 %, на 3-и сутки обеспечивалось более 83 % целевых показателей, которые были достигнуты уже к 7-м суткам интенсивной терапии. Динамика маркеров нутритивной недостаточности демонстрирует, что прирост трансферрина, триглицеридов и лимфоцитов периферической крови у пациентки регистрировался уже на 3-и сутки оперативного лечения. Позже всех отреагировал уровень альбумина, содержание которого начало увеличиваться только на 7-е сутки.Заключение. Необходимы дальнейшие высококачественные исследования, особенно проспективные исследования, с большей однородностью между типами вмешательств и клиническими исходами, включая большое количество женщин с раком яичников, чтобы предложить новые стратегии питания и изучить влияние таких стратегий.

    Genomics meets HIV-1

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    Genomics is now a core element in the effort to develop a vaccine against HIV-1. Thanks to unprecedented progress in high-throughput genotyping and sequencing, in knowledge about genetic variation in humans, and in evolutionary genomics, it is finally possible to systematically search the genome for common genetic variants that influence the human response to HIV-1. The identification of such variants would help to determine which aspects of the response to the virus are the most promising targets for intervention. However, a key obstacle to progress remains the scarcity of appropriate human cohorts available for genomic research

    Association of Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-Like Receptor Genes with Hodgkin's Lymphoma in a Familial Study

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    BACKGROUND: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the major environmental factor associated with Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL), a common lymphoma in young adults. Natural killer (NK) cells are key actors of the innate immune response against viruses. The regulation of NK cell function involves activating and inhibitory Killer cell Immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs), which are expressed in variable numbers on NK cells. Various viral and virus-related malignant disorders have been associated with the presence/absence of certain KIR genes in case/control studies. We investigated the role of the KIR cluster in HL in a family-based association study. METHODOLOGY: We included 90 families with 90 HL index cases (age 16–35 years) and 255 first-degree relatives (parents and siblings). We developed a procedure for reconstructing full genotypic information (number of gene copies) at each KIR locus from the standard KIR gene content. Out of the 90 collected families, 84 were informative and suitable for further analysis. An association study was then carried out with specific family-based analysis methods on these 84 families. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Five KIR genes in strong linkage disequilibrium were found significantly associated with HL. Refined haplotype analysis showed that the association was supported by a dominant protective effect of KIR3DS1 and/or KIR2DS1, both of which are activating receptors. The odds ratios for developing HL in subjects with at least one copy of KIR3DS1 or KIR2DS1 with respect to subjects with neither of these genes were 0.44[95% confidence interval 0.23–0.85] and 0.42[0.21–0.85], respectively. No significant association was found in a tentative replication case/control study of 68 HL cases (age 18–71 years). In the familial study, the protective effect of KIR3DS1/KIR2DS1 tended to be stronger in HL patients with detectable EBV in blood or tumour cells. CONCLUSIONS: This work defines a template for family-based association studies based on full genotypic information for the KIR cluster, and provides the first evidence that activating KIRs can have a protective role in HL

    Expression of the innate immune receptor LILRB5 on monocytes is associated with mycobacteria exposure.

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    Antigen presenting cells (APC) are critical components of innate immunity and consequently shape the adaptive response. Leukocyte Ig Like Receptors (LILR) are innate immune receptors predominantly expressed on myeloid cells. LILR can influence the antigen presenting phenotype of monocytic cells to determine the nature of T cell responses in infections including Mycobaterium leprae. We therefore investigated the relevance of LILR in the context of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Real-time PCR studies indicated that the transcriptional profile of the orphan receptor LILRB5 was significantly up-regulated following exposure to mycobacteria. Furthermore, LILRA1 and LILRB5 were able to trigger signalling through direct engagement of mycobacteria using tranfectant cells incorporating a reporter system. We describe for the first time the expression of this receptor on T cells, and highlight the potential relevance to mycobacterial recognition. Furthermore, we demonstrate that crosslinking of this receptor on T cells increases proliferation of cytotoxic, but not helper, T cells