387 research outputs found

    Localized-Interaction-Induced Quantum Reflection and Filtering of Bosonic Matter in a One-Dimensional Lattice Guide

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    We study the dynamics of quantum bosonic waves confined in a one-dimensional tilted optical lattice. The bosons are under the action of an effective spatially localized nonlinear two-body potential barrier set in the central part of the lattice. This version of the Bose-Hubbard model can be realized in atomic Bose-Einstein condensates, by means of localized Feshbach resonance, and in quantum optics, using an arrayed waveguide with selectively doped guiding cores. Our numerical analysis demonstrates that the central barrier induces anomalous quantum reflection of incident wave packets acting solely on bosonic components with multiple onsite occupancies. From the other side single-occupancy components can pass the barrier thus allowing one to distill them in the central interacting zone. As a consequence, in this region one finds a state in which the multiple occupancy is forbidden, i.e., a Tonks-Girardeau gas. Our results demonstrate that this regime can be obtained dynamically, using relatively weak interactions, irrespective of their sign.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in NJP (Focus issue on "Strongly interacting quantum gases in one dimension"

    Quantum bright solitons in the Bose-Hubbard model with site-dependent repulsive interactions

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    We introduce a one-dimensional (1D) spatially inhomogeneous Bose-Hubbard model (BHM) with the strength of the onsite repulsive interactions growing, with the discrete coordinate zjz_{j}, as ∣zj∣α|z_{j}|^{\alpha } with α>0\alpha >0. Recently, the analysis of the mean-field (MF) counterpart of this system has demonstrated self-trapping of robust unstaggered discrete solitons, under condition α>1\alpha >1. Using the numerically implemented method of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), we demonstrate that, in a certain range of interaction, the BHM also self-traps, in the ground state, into a soliton-like configuration, at α>1\alpha >1, and remains weakly localized at α<1\alpha <1. An essential quantum feature is a residual density in the background surrounding the soliton-like peak in the BHM ground state, while in the MF limit the finite-density background is absent. Very strong onsite repulsion eventually destroys soliton-like states, and, for integer densities, the system enters the Mott phase with a spatially uniform densityComment: Phys. Rev. A, in pres

    Magnetic phase transition in coherently coupled Bose gases in optical lattices

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    We describe the ground state of a gas of bosonic atoms with two coherently coupled internal levels in a deep optical lattice in a one dimensional geometry. In the single-band approximation this system is described by a Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian. The system has a superfluid and a Mott insulating phase which can be either paramagnetic or ferromagnetic. We characterize the quantum phase transitions at unit filling by means of a density matrix renormalization group technique and compare it with a mean-field approach. The presence of the ferromagnetic Ising-like transition modifies the Mott lobes. In the Mott insulating region the system maps to the ferromagnetic spin-1/2 XXZ model in a transverse field and the numerical results compare very well with the analytical results obtained from the spin model. In the superfluid regime quantum fluctuations strongly modify the phase transition with respect to the well established mean-field three dimensional classical bifurcation.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Non-Local Order Parameters as a Probe for Phase Transitions in the Extended Fermi-Hubbard Model

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    The Extended Fermi-Hubbard model is a rather studied Hamiltonian due to both its many applications and a rich phase diagram. Here we prove that all the phase transitions encoded in its one dimensional version are detectable via non-local operators related to charge and spin fluctuations. The main advantage in using them is that, in contrast to usual local operators, their asymptotic average value is finite only in the appropriate gapped phases. This makes them powerful and accurate probes to detect quantum phase transitions. Our results indeed confirm that they are able to properly capture both the nature and the location of the transitions. Relevantly, this happens also for conducting phases with a spin gap, thus providing an order parameter for the identification of superconducting and paired superfluid phasesComment: 7 pages, 3 figures; Submitted to EPJ Special Topics, Quantum Gases and Quantum Coherenc

    Out-of-equilibrium states and quasi-many-body localization in polar lattice gases

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    The absence of energy dissipation leads to an intriguing out-of-equilibrium dynamics for ultracold polar gases in optical lattices, characterized by the formation of dynamically-bound on-site and inter-site clusters of two or more particles, and by an effective blockade repulsion. These effects combined with the controlled preparation of initial states available in cold gases experiments can be employed to create interesting out-of-equilibrium states. These include quasi-equilibrated effectively repulsive 1D gases for attractive dipolar interactions and dynamically-bound crystals. Furthermore, non-equilibrium polar lattice gases can offer a promising scenario for the study of many-body localization in the absence of quenched disorder. This fascinating out-of-equilibrium dynamics for ultra-cold polar gases in optical lattices may be accessible in on-going experiments.Comment: 5+1 pages, 4+1 figure

    Quantum bright solitons in a quasi-one-dimensional optical lattice

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    We study a quasi-one-dimensional attractive Bose gas confined in an optical lattice with a superimposed harmonic potential by analyzing the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian of the system. Starting from the three-dimensional many-body quantum Hamiltonian, we derive strong inequalities involving the transverse degrees of freedom under which the one-dimensional Bose-Hubbard Hamiltonian can be safely used. To have a reliable description of the one-dimensional ground state, which we call a quantum bright soliton, we use the density-matrix-renormalization-group (DMRG) technique. By comparing DMRG results with mean-field (MF) ones, we find that beyond-mean-field effects become relevant by increasing the attraction between bosons or by decreasing the frequency of the harmonic confinement. In particular, we find that, contrary to the MF predictions based on the discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation, average density profiles of quantum bright solitons are not shape-invariant. We also use the time-evolving-block-decimation method to investigate the dynamical properties of bright solitons when the frequency of the harmonic potential is suddenly increased. This quantum quench induces a breathing mode whose period crucially depends on the final strength of the superimposed harmonic confinement. © 2014 American Physical Society

    Homogeneous and inhomogeneous magnetic phases of constrained dipolar bosons

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    We study the emergence of several magnetic phases in dipolar bosonic gases subject to three-body loss mechanism employing numerical simulations based on the density matrix renormalization group(DMRG) algorithm. After mapping the original Hamiltonian in spin language, we find a strong parallelism between the bosonic theory and the spin-1 Heisenberg model with single ion anisotropy and long-range interactions. A rich phase diagram, including ferromagnetic, antiferromagnetic and non-local ordered phases, emerges in the half-filled one-dimensional case, and is preserved even in presence of a trapping potential.Comment: v2: 9 pages, 15 figures, extended version, new numerical calculations on the BKT transition, accepted for pubblication in PR

    Disorderless quasi-localization of polar gases in one-dimensional lattices

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    One-dimensional polar gases in deep optical lattices present a severely constrained dynamics due to the interplay between dipolar interactions, energy conservation, and finite bandwidth. The appearance of dynamically-bound nearest-neighbor dimers enhances the role of the 1/r31/r^3 dipolar tail, resulting, in the absence of external disorder, in quasi-localization via dimer clustering for very low densities and moderate dipole strengths. Furthermore, even weak dipoles allow for the formation of self-bound superfluid lattice droplets with a finite doping of mobile, but confined, holons. Our results, which can be extrapolated to other power-law interactions, are directly relevant for current and future lattice experiments with magnetic atoms and polar molecules.Comment: 5 + 2 Page

    Quenched dynamics and spin-charge separation in an interacting topological lattice

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    We analyze the static and dynamical properties of a one-dimensional topological lattice, the fermionic Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model, in the presence of on-site interactions. Based on a study of charge and spin correlation functions, we elucidate the nature of the topological edge modes, which, depending on the sign of the interactions, either display particles of opposite spin on opposite edges, or a pair and a holon. This study of correlation functions also highlights the strong entanglement that exists between the opposite edges of the system. This last feature has remarkable consequences upon subjecting the system to a quench, where an instantaneous edge-to-edge signal appears in the correlation functions characterizing the edge modes. Besides, other correlation functions are shown to propagate in the bulk according to the light cone imposed by the Lieb-Robinson bound. Our study reveals how one-dimensional lattices exhibiting entangled topological edge modes allow for a nontrivial correlation spreading, while providing an accessible platform to detect spin-charge separation using state-of-the-art experimental techniques
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