2,942 research outputs found

    Contribution to phaneroptical study in andalusian hound dog breed

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    We have studied the type of hair and the coat colour of the Andalusian Hound breed with a view to characterise and typify the nine varieties recognised in the racial pattern. We have concluded the existence of highly significant differences between sizes for the variables type of hair and coat colour, what it is confirming the present reproductive separation and isolation of each variety in the management of the breed book. At the same time we have developed a study of the variable related to the mouth form obtaining the majority of the animal presenting correct mouth caught, but the defect prognatism appear in all the varieties, while the enogmatism only appear in the medium size varieties.Se estudia el tipo de pelo y la coloración de la capa dentro de la raza Podenco Andaluz con vistas a conseguir la caracterización y tipificación de las nueve variedades reconocidas en su patrón racial. Se concluye la existencia de diferencias altamente significativas entre la variable talla y las variables tipo de pelo y color de la capa lo que confirma el actual tratamiento en la separación y aislamiento reproductivo en cada una de las variedades dentro de la gestión de los registros genealógicos de la raza. Asimismo se realiza un estudio de las variables fanerópticas de la boca obteniendo una mayoría de animales que presentan un tipo de mordidas correctas si bien el defecto de mordida prognata está presente en todas las variedades mientras que el enogmatismo sólo aparece en las correspondientes a la talla media

    Evaluación de las asignaciones presupuestarias de proyectos de inversión pública del área urbana del cantón Riobamba y su incidencia en el desarrollo local, período 2015-2016/Evaluation of budget allocations for public investment projects in the urban are

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    Resumen El principal objetivo del presente ensayo es evaluar las asignaciones presupuestarias de los proyectos de inversión pública en el área urbana del Cantón Riobamba y su incidencia en el Desarrollo Local en el período 2015-2016, el presente trabajo de investigación fue correlacionar porque permitió conocer la relación o grado de asociación que existió entre la inversión pública, las asignaciones presupuestarias y el desarrollo local; a través de la aplicación de las variables de análisis estadístico: ANOVA y LEVENE; determinando así, cómo influyó esta relación de variables en mejorar la calidad de vida de la población considerando una correcta visión de desarrollo local en sus dimensiones: económica, social y territorial. De tal forma que se realice una revisión a la gestión realizada en la elaboración, ejecución y evaluación presupuestaria de los recursos económicos provistos por el Gobierno Local y Nacional; su uso, su beneficio y los resultados obtenidos, que permitan un aporte significativo en la evaluación de la inclusión de un adecuado modelo de ordenamiento territorial previsto a través de la Constitución y leyes vigentes para verificar que la ciudadanía se encuentre en un entorno ordenado, organizado y con acceso a un desarrollo local sostenible y sustentable en el tiempo. The main objective of this essay is to evaluate the budget allocations of public investment projects in the urban area of the Riobamba Canton and its impact on Local Development in the period 2015-2016, the present research work was correlated because it allowed to know the relationship or degree of association that existed between public investment, budget allocations and local development; through the application of statistical analysis variables: ANOVA and LEVENE; determining how this relationship of variables influenced to improve the quality of life of the population considering a correct vision of local development in its dimensions: economic, social and territorial. In such a way that a review is made of the management carried out in the preparation, execution and budgetary evaluation of the economic resources provided by the Local and National Government; its use, its benefit and the results obtained, which allow a significant contribution in the evaluation of the inclusion of an adequate model of territorial ordering foreseen through the Constitution and laws in force to verify that citizenship is in an orderly, organized environment and with access to sustainable local development that is sustainable over time. Palabras clave: Ordenamiento Territorial, Territorio, Presupuesto, Desarrollo Local, Evaluación. Keywords: Territorial Planning, Territory, Budget, Local Development, Evaluation

    Identification and characterization of Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in different peach cultivars showing dapple fruit, fruit yellow mosaic and cracked suture symptoms

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    From the early 1990s, a fruit peach syndrome characterized mainly by small discoloured spots (dapple fruit) and/or yellow areas on the skin (yellow mosaic), cracked suture and deformations was identified in most commercial orchards in the Emilia Romagna region (Northern Italy). In the past, Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) and Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) have been detected in trees with symptomatic fruits. In order to ascertain the presence and spread of these two viroids, symptomatic fruit samples were collected from five different cultivars: ‘Royal Glory’, ‘Crimson Lady’, ‘Grenat’, ‘Diamond Princess’ and ‘Laura’. Dapple fruit symptoms affected all cultivars, ‘Grenat’ samples also showed evident yellow mosaic and fruit deformation, and ‘Royal Glory’ severe cracked sutures. The results showed a large diffusion of the two viroids, mainly in mixed infections. Anvaluation of the role the viroids could play in symptom expression has been complicated by the high number of samples infected by both viroids (60%). Nonetheless, PLMVd was confirmed to be strictly associated with the yellow mosaic, cracked suture and fruit deformation symptoms. The aetiological origin of the dapple fruit disease, however, seems to be more complicated, since in the ‘Diamond Princess’, only PLMVd has been found to be associated with the symptoms, whereas in all other cultivars, the presence of HSVd could have influenced the symptom expression. Moreover, the molecular characterization of some PLMVd isolates does not show any correlation between nucleotide sequence and symptoms although new PLMVd variants were identified. Keywords: peach fruit symptoms, PLMVd, HSVd, mixed infectio

    The molecular characterization of HSVd isolates associated with dapple fruit and fruit rugosity in plum seedlings suggests a possible role of breeding in viroid dissemination

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    In a wide range of hosts, the infection caused by Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) appears to be latent, whereas in some others it is frequently pathogenic. In this work, the presence of HSVd has been found to be associated with symptoms of dapple fruit and fruit rugosity in plum seedlings obtained from cross breeding for quality. Symptomatic and symptomless plum seedling samples have been analyzed for the presence of the principal stone fruit viroids and viruses. HSVd was found in all symptomatic samples, whereas no other viruses or viroids were found in the analyzed samples with the exception of ACLSV, which was detected rarely. The RNAs of all HSVd isolates have been cloned and sequenced. The sequence analysis showed a high percentage of homology among the isolates, making it possible to hypothesize a potential unique origin of the infection. For this purpose, those plants used in breeding as pollen donors have been analyzed. The results showed that the same HSVd isolate was also present in the parental plants, both in the leaves and pollen, suggesting a possible role of breeding in the dissemination of the viroid.Keywords: Plum, seedlings, fruit rugosity, dapple fruit, HSVd, polle