4,201 research outputs found

    Online-learning at ISCTE-IUL: towards a sustainable education paradigm

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    Online-learning platforms have long been praised for their great benefits, such as the way they contribute to long-distance students being able to overcome geographical barriers to their education, and the way they allow students to self-manage, by autonomously deciding when they enroll and complete courses. This empowers people from all over the world to engage in lifelong-learning that may have an important impact in their daily lives, especially in developing countries. Besides these benefits, there’s also an important dimension that is often overlooked: the contribution that the use of online-learning platforms has in providing a sustainable environment by reducing environmentally-damaging effects and the use of scarce resources. In this paper, we present the economical and environmental impact that the use of an online-learning platform has had in a public University in Lisbon, Portugal. We first present the online-learning platform that was developed in-house and follow up by describing the positive impact that this education paradigm has had in the lives of students, in reducing costs at the University, and in contributing to a more sustainable future.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Influence of 3D microstructure for improving the thermal performance of building façades

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    The thermal performance of a building is highly dependent on the heat transmission through the envelope. On the other hand, additive manufacturing has been increasingly used in several industrial applications due to its possibility to produce complex structures. However, most studies of the 3d printing process focused on mechanical performance. This study aims to evaluate how the internal 3D-printed microstructure affects thermal performance. Twelve infill patterns were analysed, including Gyroid, Grid, Hilbert curve, Line, Rectilinear, Stars Triangles, 3D Honeycomb, Honeycomb, Concentric, Cubic, and Octagram spiral. Using fused deposition modelling (FDM), the samples were printed with polyethene terephthalate-glycol (PET-G) thermoplastic filaments. Thermal tests were conducted using a calibrated hotbox, following the recommendations of ASTM C1363-11:2014. The results obtained show a variation of 70% by changing the internal microstructure using fix infill density of 25%. Concentric, Gyroid and Hilbert curve achieved the best thermal insulation properties.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support granted by NORTE-45-2020-75. The contribution of the work of Paulo Renato Quintas during the analysis and development of the analysed specimens, and the technical support of Prof. Ricardo Mateus, Adilson Junior and Lívia Cosentino during the hotbox experiments

    Tracking e-learning through published papers: a systematic review

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    Electronic learning (e-learning) is a broader approach to learning that brings new opportunities for learning and teaching in many fields of education far from the traditional classroom environment. Over the past decades, research in the field indicates a proliferation of e-learning contents and discrepancies that affect interoperability patterns in education for students and teachers; however, little has been done to assess the usability of e-learning systems. From a different perspective, this study aims to provide information on the numerous findings relating to the cumulative results of e-learning in education. This systematic review uses a full protocol with the aim of standardizing and specifying all the procedures adopted to collect and code 99 academic articles from 2010 to 2018 with keywords: education and e-learning. The text analysis as conducted using the qualitative software Leximancer to extract meaning from the large number of articles retrieved. The results highlight four dominant themes, namely education systems and learning issues that in turn promote student behaviours and the use of online learning tools. This research contributes towards providing research propositions that can be used in a cogent theoretical framework and, based on the analysis, we also propose a new definition of e-learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Dermite de Contacto à Mitomicina C. 6 Casos

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    A Mitomicina C está entre uma variedade de agentes quimioterapêuticos intravesicais actualmente disponíveis para o tratamento do carcinoma superficial da bexiga. Cerca de9% destes doentes desenvolve reacções adversas cutâneas, geralmente dermites de contacto, localizadas nas mãos, pés, genitais, ou erupções mais disseminadas. Descrevem-se 6 casos de dermite de contacto alérgica à Mitomicina C, observados entre Junho/2004 e Março/2005,emcinco doentes do sexo masculino e umdo sexo feminino, com uma idade média de 70 anos

    C14. Um caso de polimiosite, fibrose pulmonar e cancro do pulmão

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    The authors present the case of a 67 year-old man with a 50-pack-year history of cigarette smoking. He had been in the navy for 30 years where he was exposed to asbestos fibbers.He had been asymptomatic until the age of 62, when he started to experience increasing exertional dyspnoea. One year later he had an episode of fever, productive cough and myalgias. Digital clubbing was noticed and bibasilar crackles were present on chest auscultation.Thoracic CT scan obtained at that time, were compatible with Usual Interstitial Pneumonia and bronchoalveolar lavage excluded other diseases. Pulmonary function studies: restriction and decreased DLco.Deflazacort, acetylcysteine and azathioprine were administered. Azathioprine was then switched to cyclophosphamide because of clinical and functional deterioration. Two years later he began Interferon Gamma 1b, with clinical and functional improvement lasting one year.He was then diagnosed Polymyositis and received Immunoglobulin.Twelve months later he was admitted to the hospital with intermittent fever, non productive cough, worsening exertional dyspnoea and myalgias. The Thoracic scan showed honeycombing and bronchiectasis. In the left inferior lobe there was a peripheral nodule. The patient was submitted to a Thansthoracic Needle Biopsy, the tissue immunocytochemistry pattern revealed Small Cell Lung Cancer. In the staging procedures there were positive mediastinal and hilar nodes and multiple hepatic metastases.Only one administration of chemotherapy was performed with carboplatinum and etoposide, without response. Unfortunately the patient died a fortnight later.Polymyositis has been associated with a variety of malignancies, in this case, the patient developed pulmonary fibrosis previously to the diagnosis of Polymyositis, and only several years later Small Cell Lung cancer was diagnosed

    Knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread – an online survey

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    Aim: Assess knowledge and attitude towards the gradual reduction of salt in bread and the potential impact on eating habits of children (6-18 years) and their families, as part as a Health Impact Assessment pilot study.N/

    Perceptions in Living Kidney Donation: What ProtagonistsThink and Feel

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    Abstract Background Although donor perceptions of donation have been evaluated in several programs, evaluation of associated recipients has not been as frequent. Purpose Our aim was to evaluate and compare after transplantation, donor and recipient perceptions of donation. Methods After transplantation 35 recipients and 45 donors completed a sociodemographic and a donation perception questionnaire. We applied the Fisher test to descriptive (absolute and relative frequency) data. Results 57.8% of donors were female and 62.9% of recipients male. 53.3% of donors were siblings, 44.5% parents, and 2.2% a daughter. Most recipients (71.9%) thought that the donation was the donors' initiative and 21.9% that it was suggested by medical team. 96.4% responded that it was the donor's wish that determined their decision; 51.4% had serious or some doubts about accepting the option, but for 48.6% it was an easy decision. Among the donors, 88.9% decided by themselves and 8.9% were asked for donation. For 91.1%, their wish was the main reason of the decision, but 8.9% felt a moral obligation; 77.8% thought it was an easy decision, and 17.8% hesitated a little 84.4% were not worried about their future health. Conclusions Altruistic motivations were predominant in both groups. Most recipients thought that the motivation for donation was self-determined, a finding that agreed with donor perceptions. Perceptions about the quality of and changes in emotional relationship were the same in both groups. Donors and recipients referred to the donation process as positive, but there were some negative emotions and perceptions

    Depression and anxiety in living kidney donation: evaluation of donors and recipients.

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    Transplant Proc. 2011 Jan-Feb;43(1):131-6. Depression and anxiety in living kidney donation: evaluation of donors and recipients. Lopes A, Frade IC, Teixeira L, Oliveira C, Almeida M, Dias L, Henriques AC. SourceLyaison-Psychiatry and Health Psychology Unit, Oporto Hospital Centre, Oporto, Portugal. [email protected] Abstract BACKGROUND: Psychosocial status of donors before and after living kidney donor transplantation has been an important concern. Investigations of psychosocial issues in related recipients are not frequent. AIM: The aims of this study were to evaluate and compare psychopathologic dimensions in donors and recipients before and after transplantation. METHODS: Thirty-five recipients and 45 donors completed a psychosocial evaluation before and after transplantation. We applied Pearson chi-square, McNemar, Fisher, Wilcoxon, and Mann-Whitney tests as well as linear and logistic regression statistical methods. RESULTS: Before transplantation 100% of the recipients presented total anxiety, compared with 64.4% of donors, with higher anxiety levels in all dimensions (P < .001). Also, 38.7% of recipients and 16.3% of donors had moderate/serious depression (P = .029). Men showed higher levels of cognitive anxiety before transplantation (odds ratio [OR] = 4.3; P = .008). After versus before transplantation central nervous system and cognitive anxiety had diminished in recipients (P = .031; P = .035, respectively); there were higher levels of cognitive anxiety than among the donors (P = .007). Depression showed no significant changes in recipients or donors; the differences were no longer significant. There were less severely depressed recipients but an increase among severely depressed donors. Male recipients and donors showed greater cognitive anxiety (P = .02; P = .04, respectively) at both times. Female recipients presented with more severe depression (P = .036). CONCLUSIONS: Anxiety is an important symptom. Surgery had a positive impact to lower anxiety in recipients. Most protagonists displayed little or no depression; it was more prevalent among recipients. Donors and recipients maintained some psychopathologic symptoms after surgery. We defined vulnerable groups among these cohorts. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Overview of machine learning methods for Android malware identification

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    Mobile malware is growing and affecting more and more mobile users around the world. Malicious developers and organisations are disguising their malware payloads on apparently benign applications and pushing them to large app stores, such as Google Play Store, and from there to final users. App stores are currently losing the battle against malicious applications proliferation and existing malware. Detection methods based on signatures, such as those of an antivirus, are limited, new approaches based on machine learning start to be explored to surpass the limitations of traditional mobile malware detection methods, analysing not only static characteristics of the app but also its behaviour. This paper contains an overview of the existing machine learning mobile malware detection approaches based on static, dynamic and hybrid analysis, presenting the advantages and limitations of each, and a comparison between the reviewed methods.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    On the Richardson-Lucy Algorithm with A Varying Point Spread Function along The Iterations

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    Abstract: This work analyses the soundness of two algorithms, Fishsint and Almexp to improve images using the Richardson-Lucy (RL) algorithm under a varying Point Spread Function (PSF) along the iterations. A plethora of methods based on Richardson-Lucy has been published, but no further proposal involving such an alternative has been published. Whereas the unnamed predecessor of Fishsint addressed only small size synthetic images under a blind fashion procedure, Fishsint and Almexp employs an algorithm Wdet to determine the initial PSF and all subsequent values after each iteration, respectively. Fishsint performs a loop, where the last determined PSF improves the previously obtained image and vice versa. Its original unnamed version has been modified in the present work by entering a previously determined initial PSF to accelerate the convergence. The algorithm Almexp, as well, uses the algorithm Wdet to determine the PSF of the last obtained image to deconvolve itself. Therefore, whereas the Fishsint unnamed predecessor used an initial guess PSF - chosen by the customer - Almexp determines the PSF always through the algorithm Wdet. Fishsint and Almexp furnish final images which outperform those obtained with the original Richardson-Lucy approach working under a constant PSF along the iterations. Hence, in order to carry out a comparison between their performances, all the algorithms have been embedded into an ad hoc written Fortran 90 program. The results corroborate the soundness of a varying PSF along the iterations with the Richardson Lucy algorithm. Keywords: Richardson-Lucy, varying PSF along iterations, image improvement, neutron radiograph
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