35 research outputs found

    Prion infection impairs cholesterol metabolism in neuronal cells

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    Conversion of prion protein (PrPC) into a pathological isoform (PrPSc) during prion infection occurs in lipid rafts and is dependent on cholesterol. Here, we show that prion infection increases the abundance of cholesterol transporter, ATP-binding cassette transporter type A1 (ATP-binding cassette transporter type A1), but reduces cholesterol efflux from neuronal cells leading to the accumulation of cellular cholesterol. Increased abundance of ABCA1 in prion disease was confirmed in prion-infected mice. Mechanistically, conversion of PrPC to the pathological isoform led to PrPSc accumulation in rafts, displacement of ABCA1 from rafts and the cell surface, and enhanced internalization of ABCA1. These effects were abolished with reversal of prion infection or by loading cells with cholesterol. Stimulation of ABCA1 expression with liver X receptor agonist or overexpression of heterologous ABCA1 reduced the conversion of prion protein into the pathological form upon infection. These findings demonstrate a reciprocal connection between prion infection and cellular cholesterol metabolism, which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of prion infection in neuronal cells

    The number of the intraepithelial T cells correlate with the proliferation index in human bulbourethral gland epithelium

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    Background: Our study has immunohistochemically examined T cells localization and number as well as proliferative activity level for the bulbourethral gland epithelium in men of different ages, using monoclonal antibodies against CD45RO and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Results: We have found that the T cells have been localized mainly in excretory ducts epithelium of the glands in any age group, meanwhile their relative number varies with age. The excretory ducts epithelium has shown a high proliferative activity when in acini the PCNA index has been low. Postnatal dynamics of the epithelium proliferative activity positively correlates with age-related density fluctuations in lymphocytic infiltration of the glands. Conclusions: We consider that intraepithelial T cells may contribute to the regulation of epithelial cells proliferation in the bulbourethral glands


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    Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (WDXRF) and total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis were applied to study the elemental composition of the Late Neolithic ancient ceramics collected at the Popovsky Lug burial site (Kachug, Upper Lena river, Russia). Semi-quantitative non-destructive analysis of ceramic pieces showed that measurements of the upper and lower sides of the ceramic are less informative than the measurement of its cut. Various sample preparation techniques for the low quantity of crushed ceramics such as fusion, pressing and preparation of suspensions were compared to preserve the material. Samples were prepared as 150 mg fused beads and 250 mg pressed pellets for WDXRF, and as suspensions of 20 mg sample based on the aqueous solution of the Triton X-100 surfactant for TXRF. Certified methods were used to validate the obtained contents of rock-forming oxides and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to confirm the results of trace elements determination. Based on the carried-out studies, a combination of the wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (glass) and total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (suspension) methods was chosen to obtain the data on the elemental bulk composition of archaeological ceramics. The proposed combination allowed the quantitative determination of Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Pb, and Ba from the sample of crushed ceramics weighing only about 170 mg.Keywords: wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis, total reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis, ceramics, archeology, Popovsky Lug, Upper Lena River DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.25.1.001 G.V. Pashkova1,2, M.M. Mukhamedova1,2, V.M. Chubarov1,3, A.S. Maltsev1,4,A.A. Amosova3, E.I. Demonterova1, E.A. Mikheeva1, D.L. Shergin1,2,5, V.A. Pellinen1, A.V. Teten'kin1,4 1Institute of the Eatrh’s Crust, SB RAS, 128 Lermontov St., 640033, Irkutsk, Russian Federation2Irkutsk State University, 1 K. Marx St., 664003, Irkutsk, Russian Federation3Vinogradov Institute of Geochemistry, SB RAS, 1А Favorsky st., 664033, Irkutsk, Russian Federation4Irkutsk National Research Technical University, 83 Lermontov st., 664074, Irkutsk, Russian Federation5Irkutsk Regional Museum of Local Lore; 13 K. Marx st., 664003, Irkutsk, Russian FederationДля изучения элементного состава древней керамики эпохи позднего неолита стоянки-могильника Поповский Луг (район поселка Качуг, верховье реки Лены, Россия) использованы два варианта рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа: традиционный рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с волновой дисперсией (WDXRF) и рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с полным внешним отражением (TXRF). Приближенно-количественный анализ фрагментов керамики без измельчения показал, что измерения внешней и внутренней поверхности фрагментов керамики являются менее информативными, по сравнению с измерением ее среза. Апробированы способы подготовки проб, ориентированные на анализ малых навесок измельченной керамики с целью сохранения материала: сплавление, прессование и приготовление суспензий. Для WDXRF излучатели готовили в виде сплавленных стекол из 150 мг пробы, а также в виде прессованных таблеток из 250 мг пробы. Для проведения TXRF использовали суспензии из 20 мг пробы на основе водного раствора поверхностно-активного вещества Triton X-100. В качестве методик сравнения при определении породообразующих оксидов применяли аттестованные методики количественного химического анализа, при определении микроэлементов – метод масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой. Проведенные исследования показали, что для получения данных об элементном валовом составе археологической керамики предпочтительно использование комбинации методов WDXRF (стекло) и TXRF (суспензия). Предложенная схема позволяет проводить количественное определение Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Pb и Ba из навески измельченной керамики массой примерно 170 мг.Ключевые слова: рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с волновой дисперсией, рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с полным внешним отражением, керамика, археология, Поповский Луг, Верхняя ЛенаDOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15826/analitika.2020.25.1.00

    Left Ventricular Function after Revascularization in Patients with Chronical Coronary Syndromes

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to determine the dynamics of morpho-functional and myocardial deformation characteristics of the left ventricle after revascularization in patients with chronic coronary syndromes (CCS). Methods and Results: The study included 136 CCS patients of both sexes with stable anginal symptoms [(i) clinical scenario] and asymptomatic coronary artery disease (CAD) at screening [(vi) clinical scenario]. Diagnosis of CCS was performed according to the 2019 ESC Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of chronic coronary syndromes. All patients underwent the following examinations: assessment of traditional risk factors, physical examination, general clinical and laboratory blood tests, 12-lead ECG, transthoracic echocardiography, two-dimensional speckle tracking echocardiography (STE), and coronary angiography (CAG). The SYNTAX score was calculated retrospectively according to the SYNTAX score algorithm. A total of 100 patients with CCS were enrolled in the main group (MG) and underwent revascularization by PCI with intracoronary stenting using drug-eluting stents. Among the main-group patients, one-vessel, two-vessel, and three-vessel CAD were detected in 36(26.5%), 34(25%), and 30(22.0%) cases, respectively. The comparison group (CG) included 36 CCS patients with hemodynamically non-significant coronary lesions (<50% stenosis). LVEF values were within the normal range in all groups, with the highest value in the CG, followed by the one-, two- and three-vessel lesion groups. LVEF obtained by the area-length method and modified biplane Simpson's method did not differ. The assessment of the contractile function of the LV myocardium was also obtained by assessing the global longitudinal strain (GLS) and global longitudinal strain rate (GLSR). The comparative analysis of the LV myocardial deformation properties in the studied groups showed that less negative GLS and GLSR were found in the three-vessel CAD, followed by the two-vessel and one-vessel CAD groups, and CG. CG demonstrated more negative GLS and GLSR than all MG subgroups. We analyzed the effect of revascularization on the GLS and found no statistically significant differences before and 48 hours after revascularization in all studied MG subgroups and CG. Thirty days after revascularization, GLS significantly showed more negative values in all MG subgroups: -18.12±0.63 versus -17.9±0.4 in one-vessel CAD, -16.13±0.71 versus -15.9±0.4 in two-vessel CAD and -13.91±1.25 versus -13.1±1.1 in three-vessel CAD. In CG with medical treatment only, GLS did not change statistically significantly but had more negative values than in the studied MG subgroups. Analysis of changes in LVEF after revascularization in the MG of patients with one-, two- and three-vessel CAD and in the CG after medical treatment did not reveal statistically significant dynamics. Conclusion: the results indicate the absence of statistically significant changes in myocardial deformation indicators and morpho-functional parameters of the left ventricle in CCS patients 48 hours after revascularization. Thirty days after revascularization, GLS significantly improves, while LVEF remains unchanged. GLS is superior to LVEF in visualizing improvement in LV function after revascularization in patients with CCS

    Comparative analysis of X-ray fluorescence methods for elemental composition determination of the archaeological ceramics from low sample quantity

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    Для изучения элементного состава древней керамики эпохи позднего неолита стоянки-могильника Поповский Луг (район поселка Качуг, верховье реки Лены, Россия) использованы два варианта рентгенофлуоресцентного анализа: традиционный рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с волновой дисперсией (WDXRF) и рентгенофлуоресцентный анализ с полным внешним отражением (TXRF). Приближенно-количественный анализ фрагментов керамики без измельчения показал, что измерения внешней и внутренней поверхности фрагментов керамики являются менее информативными, по сравнению с измерением ее среза. Апробированы способы подготовки проб, ориентированные на анализ малых навесок измельченной керамики с целью сохранения материала: сплавление, прессование и приготовление суспензий. Для WDXRF излучатели готовили в виде сплавленных стекол из 150 мг пробы, а также в виде прессованных таблеток из 250 мг пробы. Для проведения TXRF использовали суспензии из 20 мг пробы на основе водного раствора поверхностно-активного вещества Triton X-100. В качестве методик сравнения при определении породообразующих оксидов применяли аттестованные методики количественного химического анализа, при определении микроэлементов – метод масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой. Проведенные исследования показали, что для получения данных об элементном валовом составе археологической керамики предпочтительно использование комбинации методов WDXRF (стекло) и TXRF (суспензия). Предложенная схема позволяет проводить количественное определение Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Pb и Ba из навески измельченной керамики массой примерно 170 мг.Wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (WDXRF) and total-reflection X-ray fluorescence (TXRF) analysis were applied to study the elemental composition of the Late Neolithic ancient ceramics collected at the Popovsky Lug burial site (Kachug, Upper Lena river, Russia). Semi-quantitative non-destructive analysis of ceramic pieces showed that measurements of the upper and lower sides of the ceramic are less informative than the measurement of its cut. Various sample preparation techniques for the low quantity of crushed ceramics such as fusion, pressing and preparation of suspensions were compared to preserve the material. Samples were prepared as 150 mg fused beads and 250 mg pressed pellets for WDXRF, and as suspensions of 20 mg sample based on the aqueous solution of the Triton X-100 surfactant for TXRF. Certified methods were used to validate the obtained contents of rock-forming oxides and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry was used to confirm the results of trace elements determination. Based on the carried-out studies, a combination of the wavelength-dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis (glass) and total-reflection X-ray fluorescence analysis (suspension) methods was chosen to obtain the data on the elemental bulk composition of archaeological ceramics. The proposed combination allowed the quantitative determination of Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, V, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Pb, and Ba from the sample of crushed ceramics weighing only about 170 mg.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке гранта РНФ № 19-78-10084. Все измерения проводили с использованием оборудования Центров коллективного пользования «Изотопно-геохимических исследований» ИГХ СО РАН и «Геодинамика и геохронология» ИЗК СО РАН. Авторы выражают благодарность ведущему инженеру ИЗК СО РАН С.В. Пантеевой за проведение ICP-MS анализа керамики и ведущему инженеру ИГХ СО РАН Г.А. Погудиной за определение породообразующих оксидов в образцах керамики.Current work was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 19-78-10084). All measurements were performed using the equipment of “Isotope-Geochemical Research” and “Geodynamics and Geochronology” Joint Use Centers of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The authors are grateful to Svetlana Panteeva for ICPMS analysis and Galina Pogudina for the determination of rock-forming oxides in ceramic samples

    Reaction of p-menthadiene dioxide with hydrogen chloride

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