303 research outputs found
Seasonal abundance and biology of sporophagous thrips and notes on other thrips (Insecta, Thysanoptera) on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L. in, Navarra (N Spain)
This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are also reported.
Key words: Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Seasonal abundance, Life cycle, Sporophagous thrips, Quercus rotundifolia.This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are also reported.
Key words: Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Seasonal abundance, Life cycle, Sporophagous thrips, Quercus rotundifolia.This paperrecords the seasonal abundance of four species of sporophagous thrips collected on the Mediterranean oak, Quercus rotundifolia L., in the Mediterranean area of Navarra (N Spain). The life cycles of Cornpsothrips albosignatus (Reuter), Priesneriella clavicornis (Knechtel); Megalothrips bonannii Uzel and Cryptohrips nigripes (Reuter) are reported, and notes given about habitat specificity and wing development. Notes about host specific Terebrantia thrips of the Mediterranean oak are also reported.
Key words: Thysanoptera, Tubulifera, Seasonal abundance, Life cycle, Sporophagous thrips, Quercus rotundifolia
Genera of fungivorous Phlaeothripinae (Thysanoptera) from dead branches and leaf-litter in Australia
An illustrated key is provided for the identification of 39 genera of Thysanoptera-Phlaeothripinae with species that live in association with dead branches and leaf-litter in Australia and are considered to be fungus-feeding. Seven of these gen-era are not previously recorded from this continent, including un-named species of Deplorothrips, Malacothrips, Mystro-thrips, Preeriella and Tylothrips, together with Azaleothrips lepidus Okajima and Terthrothrips ananthakrishnani Kudo. A brief generic diagnosis is provided for each genus, together with comments on systematic problems and numbers of species. Copyright © 2013 Magnolia Press
The Thrips genus-group (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in Iran
The monobasic genus Sphaeropothrips is recorded in Iran for the first time. This is the fourth member of the Thrips genus-group recorded from Iran, and a key is provided to distinguish these four genera. Information about these four genera is provided, and some problems in the recognition of true host-plant associations in Iran are discussed
Resolving the confused identity of Frankliniella panamensis (Thysanoptera: Thripidae)
La figure de Jules César dans les Essais Dans les débats idéologiques en Italie, la figure de Jules César se situe au cœur de la grande polémique entamée par les humanistes florentins contre leurs homologues milanais et contre les visées expansionnistes de la tyrannie incarnée par les Visconti, et César est un des personnages les plus cités chez Machiavel. Même fascination en France : Marot se réfère à Jules César pour célébrer le vainqueur de Cérisoles, dans le Liber de militia, Pierre Ramus..
Factors influencing citrus fruit scarring caused by Pezothrips kellyanus
[EN] Kelly s citrus thrips (KCT) Pezothrips kellyanus
(Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a recently recorded
cosmopolitan citrus pest, causing fruit scarring that results in
downgrading of fruit. Due to the detrimental effects caused
on fruits by KCT, we wanted to study some of the factors
influencing fruit scarring. Specifically, the objectives were:
(1) to determine the fruit development stage when citrus
fruits are damaged by KCT and the population structure of
KCT during this period, (2) to study the influence of temperature
on intensity of damage, and finally, (3) to identify
alternative host plants. KCT populations on flowers and
fruitlets and alternate plant hosts were sampled in four citrus
orchards from 2008 to 2010. The percentage of damaged
fruits was also recorded. The exotic vine Araujia sericifera
(Apocynaceae) was recorded as a new host for KCT. Thrips
scarring started to increase at 350 650 degree-days (DD)
above 10.2 C, coinciding with a peak abundance of the
second instar larval stages over all 3 years of the study. The
maximum percentage of larval stages of KCT was observed
in the 3 years at about 500 DD, a period which corresponds to
the end of May or early June. Variation in the severity of fruit
scarring appeared to be related to air temperature. Temperature
likely affects the synchronisation between the peak in
abundance of KCT larvae, and the period when fruitlets are
susceptible to thrips damage. Temperature can also influence
the survival and development of KCT populations in citrus
and other host plants in the citrus agro-ecosystem.The authors thank Alejandro Tena for his valuable suggestions and two anonymous referees for their careful review and helpful comments. We also extend our thanks to the owners of the commercial orchards for giving us permission to use their citrus orchards. The first author was awarded an FPI fellowship from the Polytechnic University of Valencia to obtain her PhD degree.Navarro Campos, C.; Pekas, A.; Aguilar MartĂ, MA.; Garcia MarĂ, F. (2013). Factors influencing citrus fruit scarring caused by Pezothrips kellyanus. Journal of Pest Science. (86):459-467. doi:10.1007/s10340-013-0489-7S45946786Baker GJ (2006) Kelly citrus thrips management. Fact sheet. Government of South Australia, primary industries and resources SA. http://www.sardi.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0010/44875/kctfact_sheet.pdf . Accessed 16 July 2012Baker GJ, Jackman DJ, Keller M, MacGregor A, Purvis S (2002) Development of an integrated pest management system for thrips in Citrus. HAL Final Report CT97007. http://www.sardi.sa.gov.au/pestsdiseases/horticulture/horticultural_pests/kelly_citrus_thrips/research_report_1997-2000 . Accessed 16 July 2012Bedford ECG (1998) Thrips, wind and other blemishes. Citrus pests in the Republic of South Africa. In: Bedford ECG, van den Berg MA, de Villiers EA (eds) ARC-Institute for tropical and subtropical crops, Nelspruit, South Africa, pp 170–183Blank RH, Gill GSC (1997) Thrips (Thysanoptera: Terebrantia) on flowers and fruit of citrus in New Zealand. N Z J Crop Hortic Sci 25:319–332Chellemi D, Funderburk F, Hall D (1994) Seasonal abundance of flower-inhabiting Frankliniella species (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) on wild plant species. Environ Entomol 23:337–342Conti F, Tuminelli R, Amico C, Fisicaro R, Frittitta C, Perrotta G, Marullo R (2001) Monitoring Pezothrips kellyanus on citrus in eastern Sicily, Thrips and tospoviruses. In: Proceedings of the 7th international symposium on Thysanoptera, Reggio Calabria, 1–8 July 2001, Italy, pp 207–210Costa L, Mateus C, zurStrassen R, Franco JC (2006) Thrips (Thysanoptera) associated to lemon orchards in the Oeste region of Portugal. IOBC/WPRS Bull 29:285–291European Plant Protection Organisation Reporting Service [EPPO] (2006) Pezothrips kellyanus. http://www.eppo.org/QUARANTINE/Pest_Risk_Analysis/PRAdocs_insects/06-12760%20DS%20PEZTKE.doc. Accessed 18 June 2012European Plant ProtectionOrganisation Reporting Service [EPPO] (2005) Scirtothrips aurantii, Scirtothrips citri, Scirtothrips dorsalis. EPPO Bull 35:353–356Franco JC, Garcia-MarĂ F, Ramos AP, Besri M (2006) Survey on the situation of citrus pest management in Mediterranean countries. 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Aust J Entomol 36:319–326Mound LA, Jackman DJ (1998) Thrips in the economy and ecology of Australia, In: Zalucki MP, RAI Drew RAI, White GG (eds) Pest Management: future challenges, Proceedings of the sixth Australian applied entomological research conference, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, pp 472–478Mound LA, Marullo R (1996) The thrips of Central and South America (Insecta: Thysanoptera): an introduction. Mem Entomol Int 6:1–487Mound LA, Walker AK (1982) Terebrantia (Insecta: Thysanoptera). Fauna N Z 1:1–113Navarro-Campos C, Marzal C, Aguilar A, GarciaMarĂ F (2010) Presencia del microlepidĂłptero Anatrachyntisbadia en cĂtricos: descripciĂłn, comportamiento y daños al fruto. Levante AgrĂcola 402:270–276Navarro-Campos C, Aguilar A, Garcia-MarĂ F (2011) Population trend and fruit damage of Pezothrips kellyanus in citrus orchards in Valencia (Spain). IOBC/WPRS Bull 62: 285–292Navarro-Campos C, Aguilar A, Garcia-MarĂ F (2012) Aggregation pattern, sampling plan and intervention threshold for Pezothrips kellyanus in citrus groves. Entomol Exp Appl 142:130–139Northfield TD, Paini DR, Funderburk JE, Reitz SR (2008) Annual cycles of Frankliniella spp. (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) thrips abundance on North Florida uncultivated reproductive hosts: predicting possible sources of pest outbreaks. Ann Entomol Soc Am 101:769–778Orphanides G (1997) Thrips on citrus. Annual Review for 1997. Agricultural Research Institute, Nicosia, CyprusPerrotta G, Conti F (2008) A threshold hypothesis for an integrated control of thrips infestation on citrus in South-Eastern Sicily. IOBC/WPRS Bull 38:204–209Reitz S, Yu-lin G, Zhong-ren L (2011) Thrips: pests of concern to China and the United States. Agric Sci China 10:867–892Rhodes AA, Morse JG (1989) Scirtothrips citri sampling and damage prediction on California navel oranges. 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Ann Entomol Soc Am 73: 378–338Teksam I, Tunç I (2009) An analysis of Thysanoptera associated with citrus flowers in Antalya, Turkey: composition, distribution, abundance and pest status of species. Appl Entomol Zool 44:455–464Varikou K, Tsitsipis JA, Alexandrakis V, Mound LA (2002) Pezothrips kellyanus (Bagnall) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), a new pest of citrus trees in Crete, In: Proceedings of the VII European congress of entomology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 7–13 Oct 2002, p 33Varikou K, Tsitsipis I, Alexandrakis V, Hoddle M (2009) Effect of temperature on the development and longevity of Pezothrips kellyanus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 102:835–841Varikou K, Birouraki A, Tsitsipis I, Sergentani CHR (2012) Effect of temperature on the fecundity of Pezothrips kellyanus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 105:60–65Vassiliou VA (2007) Chemical control of Pezothrips kellyanus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in citrus plantations in Cyprus. 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Invasion Genetics of the Western Flower Thrips in China: Evidence for Genetic Bottleneck, Hybridization and Bridgehead Effect
The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande), is an invasive species and the most economically important pest within the insect order Thysanoptera. F. occidentalis, which is endemic to North America, was initially detected in Kunming in southwestern China in 2000 and since then it has rapidly invaded several other localities in China where it has greatly damaged greenhouse vegetables and ornamental crops. Controlling this invasive pest in China requires an understanding of its genetic makeup and migration patterns. Using the mitochondrial COI gene and 10 microsatellites, eight of which were newly isolated and are highly polymorphic, we investigated the genetic structure and the routes of range expansion of 14 F. occidentalis populations in China. Both the mitochondrial and microsatellite data revealed that the genetic diversity of F. occidentalis of the Chinese populations is lower than that in its native range. Two previously reported cryptic species (or ecotypes) were found in the study. The divergence in the mitochondrial COI of two Chinese cryptic species (or ecotypes) was about 3.3% but they cannot be distinguished by nuclear markers. Hybridization might produce such substantial mitochondrial-nuclear discordance. Furthermore, we found low genetic differentiation (global FST = 0.043, P<0.001) among all the populations and strong evidence for gene flow, especially from the three southwestern populations (Baoshan, Dali and Kunming) to the other Chinese populations. The directional gene flow was further supported by the higher genetic diversity of these three southwestern populations. Thus, quarantine and management of F. occidentalis should focus on preventing it from spreading from the putative source populations to other parts of China
Natural history of G ynaikothrips uzeli (Thysanoptera, Phlaeothripidae) in galls of Ficus benjamina (Rosales, Moraceae)
ABSTRACT Galls induced by thrips are simple structures when compared to those of other groups of arthropods, and little is known regarding many of their aspects. This study aimed to investigate aspects of the natural history of Gynaikothrips uzeli Zimmermann, 1900 in galls of Ficus benjamina L., 1753 using seasonal sampling (summer and winter). Twenty trees were sampled and divided into quadrants. From each of them, five galls were collected, forming a total of 400 galls per collection. Thrips showed greater abundance at higher temperatures (25.7°C) and no precipitation. Sex ratio was biased towards females (0.022 males per female), pointing to an inbred mating structure. Arthropod fauna associated with galls was more abundant (N=798) in winter, and it included representatives of the orders Hemiptera, Hymenoptera, Araneae, Coleoptera, Neuroptera, Psocoptera, Thysanoptera, Diptera and Blattodea
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