175 research outputs found

    Effects of neoadjuvant trastuzumab, pertuzumab and palbociclib on Ki67 in HER2 and ER-positive breast cancer

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    The crosstalk between estrogen and HER2 receptors and cell-cycle regulation sustains resistance to endocrine therapy of HER2- and hormone receptor-positive breast cancer. We earlier reported that women with HER2 and ER-positive breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant dual HER2-block and palbociclib in the NA-PHER2 trial had Ki67 decrease and 27% pathological complete responses (pCR). We extended NA-PHER2 to Cohort B using dual HER2-block and palbociclib without fulvestrant and report here Ki67 drops at week-2 (mean change 1225.7), at surgery (after 16 weeks, mean change 129.5), high objective response (88.5%) and pCR (19.2%). In Cohort C [Ki67 > 20% and HER2low (IHC 1+/2+ without gene amplification)], women also received fulvestrant, had dramatic Ki67 drop at week 2 ( 1229.5) persisting at surgery ( 1219.3), and objective responses in 78.3%. In view of the favorable tolerability and of the efficacy-predictive value of Ki67 drop at week-2, the chemotherapy-free approach of NA-PHER2 deserves further investigation in HER2 and ER-positive breast cancer. The trial is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT02530424

    Single Institution trial of anthracycline- and taxane-based chemotherapy for operable breast cancer: The ASTER study

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    The efficacy of anthracycline- and taxane-based chemotherapy for perioperative treatment of breast cancer (BC) has been established. No superiority of a cytotoxic regimen has been demonstrated, provided that administration of an anthracycline and a taxane is warranted. The ASTER study was designed to investigate the safety of 6 months of perioperative chemotherapy with Doxorubicin and Paclitaxel, followed by Cyclophosphamide, Methotrexate, and 5-Fluorouracil. ASTER enrolled patients with cT2-3 N0-1 or pT1-2 N1-3 BC, from November 2008 to August 2011. Treatment consisted of Doxorubicin 60 mg/sm, Paclitaxel 200 mg/sm q21 (AT) for three cycles followed by Cyclophosphamide 600 mg/sm, Methotrexate 40 mg/sm, 5-Fluorouracil 600 mg/sm d1,8 q28 (CMF) for three cycles, in either neo-adjuvant or adjuvant setting. All HER-positive patients received targeted therapy with Trastuzumab for 1 year. Disease-free and overall survival (DFS and OS, respectively) were estimated according to Kaplan-Meier method. Three hundred and thirty patients were enrolled, where 77.9% of cases were treated in an adjuvant setting; 65.5% received breast conservative surgery, 72.4% axillary dissection. 75.5% of cases presented estrogen receptor positivity, 66.7% progesterone receptor positivity; 18.5% of patients presented HER2-positive BC, 16.1% triple negative disease. Twenty-eight (8.5%) developed grade III-IV hematologic toxicity; nine patients (2.7%) developed grade III neurological toxicity. Loco-regional DFS was 99.6% at 1 year, 97.1% at 5 years, 95.9% at 7 years. Corresponding distant DFS was 98.4%, 90.2%, and 88.8%. One, 5, and 7-year OS was 99.6%, 94.9%, and 91.2%, respectively. Chemotherapy with ATx3 -> CMFx3 is confirmed safe and effective at 6.7 years follow-up. These results appear comparable to those reported in regulatory trials of most commonly prescribed anthracycline and taxane-based regimens


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    Biochar is a carbonaceous material obtained by pyrolysis of biomass feedstocks. It is applied to soils in order to improve fertility and mitigate greenhouse-gases emissions. In fact, from the one hand, biochar changes physical-chemical soil properties, thereby affecting soil fertility. From the other hand, biochar is resistant to chemical and biochemical degradation. For this reason, its use allows carbon sequestration in soils and consequent reduction of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Here, dynamics of water at the liquid-solid interface of water saturated biochars is discussed. Results revealed that water dynamics is affected by the nature of biochar parent biomasses. Moreover, biochar chemical physical properties are affected by conditions for their production. It was understood that water undergoes to an inner-sphere interaction mechanism with biochar surface through formation of weak unconventional hydrogen bonds. Recognition of the interaction mechanisms between water and biochar is of paramount importance in order to understand why biochar soil amendments improve soil fertility and crop production

    Systematically missing confounders in individual participant data meta-analysis of observational cohort studies.

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    One difficulty in performing meta-analyses of observational cohort studies is that the availability of confounders may vary between cohorts, so that some cohorts provide fully adjusted analyses while others only provide partially adjusted analyses. Commonly, analyses of the association between an exposure and disease either are restricted to cohorts with full confounder information, or use all cohorts but do not fully adjust for confounding. We propose using a bivariate random-effects meta-analysis model to use information from all available cohorts while still adjusting for all the potential confounders. Our method uses both the fully adjusted and the partially adjusted estimated effects in the cohorts with full confounder information, together with an estimate of their within-cohort correlation. The method is applied to estimate the association between fibrinogen level and coronary heart disease incidence using data from 154,012 participants in 31 cohort

    Prostate-Specific Ets (PSE) factor: a novel marker for detection of metastatic breast cancer in axillary lymph nodes

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    Prostate Specific Ets factor is a recently identified transcriptional activator that is overexpressed in prostate cancer. To determine whether this gene is overexpressed in breast cancer, we performed a virtual Northern blot using data available online at the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project website. Ninety-five SAGE libraries were probed with a unique sequence tag to the Prostate Specific Ets gene. The results indicate that Prostate Specific Ets is expressed in 14 out of 15 breast cancer libraries (93%), nine out of 10 prostate cancer libraries (90%), three out of 40 libraries from other cancers (7.5%), and four out of 30 normal tissue libraries (13%). To determine the possibility that the Prostate Specific Ets gene is a novel marker for detection of metastatic breast cancer in axillary lymph nodes, quantitative real-time RT–PCR analyses were performed. The mean level of Prostate Specific Ets expression in lymph nodes containing metastatic breast cancer (n=22) was 410-fold higher than in normal lymph node (n=51). A receiver operator characteristic curve analysis indicated that Prostate Specific Ets was overexpressed in 18 out of 22 lymph nodes containing metastatic breast cancer (82%). The receiver operator characteristic curve analysis also indicated that the diagnostic accuracy of the Prostate Specific Ets gene for detection of metastatic breast cancer in axillary lymph nodes was 0.949. These results provide evidence that Prostate Specific Ets is a potentially informative novel marker for detection of metastatic breast cancer in axillary lymph nodes, and should be included in any study that involves molecular profiling of breast cancer

    Incidence of reversible amenorrhea in women with breast cancer undergoing adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy with or without docetaxel

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To determine the incidence of reversible amenorrhea in women with breast cancer undergoing adjuvant anthracycline-based chemotherapy with or without docetaxel.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We studied the incidence and duration of amenorrhea induced by two chemotherapy regimens: (i) 6 cycles of 5-fluorouracil 500 mg/m<sup>2</sup>, epirubicin 100 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>and cyclophosphamide 500 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>on day 1 every 3 weeks (6FEC) and (ii) 3 cycles of FEC 100 followed by 3 cycles of docetaxel 100 mg/m<sup>2 </sup>on day 1 every 3 weeks (3FEC/3D). Reversible amenorrhea was defined as recovery of regular menses and, where available (101 patients), premenopausal hormone values (luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and estradiol) in the year following the end of chemotherapy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>One hundred and fifty-four premenopausal patients were included: 84 treated with 6FEC and 70 with 3FEC/3D. The median age was 43.5 years (range: 28–58) in the 6FEC arm and 44 years (range: 29–53) in the 3FEC/3D arm. Seventy-eight percent of patients were treated in the context of the PACS 01 trial. The incidence of chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea at the end of chemotherapy was similar in the two groups: 93 % in the 6FEC arm and 92.8 % in the 3FEC/3D arm. However, in the year following the end of chemotherapy, more patients recovered menses in the 3FEC/3D arm than in the 6FEC arm: 35.5 % versus 23.7 % (p = 0.019). Among the 101 patients for whom hormone values were available, 43 % in the 3FEC/3D arm and 29 % in the 6FEC arm showed premenopausal levels one year after the end of chemotherapy (p < 0.01). In the 3FEC/3D group, there was a statistically significant advantage in disease-free survival (DFS) for patients who were still amenorrheic after one year, compared to patients who had recovered regular menses (p = 0.0017).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our study suggests that 3FEC/3D treatment induces more reversible amenorrhea than 6FEC. The clinical relevance of these findings needs to be investigated further.</p

    Trastuzumab for HER2-positive early stage breast cancer : a meta-analysis of individual patient data from 13,864 women from seven randomised trials

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    Background: Trastuzumab targets the extracellular domain of the HER2 protein. Adding trastuzumab to chemotherapy for patients with early-stage, HER2-positive breast cancer reduces the risk of recurrence and death, but is associated with cardiac toxicity. We investigated the long-term benefits and risks of adjuvant trastuzumab on breast cancer recurrence and cause-specific mortality. Methods: We did a collaborative meta-analysis of individual patient data from randomised trials assessing chemotherapy plus trastuzumab versus the same chemotherapy alone. Randomised trials that enrolled women with node-negative or node-positive, operable breast cancer were included. We collected individual patient-level data on baseline characteristics, dates and sites of first distant breast cancer recurrence and any previous local recurrence or second primary cancer, and the date and underlying cause of death. Primary outcomes were breast cancer recurrence, breast cancer mortality, death without recurrence, and all-cause mortality. Standard intention-to-treat log-rank analyses, stratified by age, nodal status, oestrogen receptor (ER) status, and trial yielded first-event rate ratios (RRs). Findings: Seven randomised trials met the inclusion criteria, and included 13 864 patients enrolled between February, 2000, and December, 2005. Mean scheduled treatment duration was 14·4 months and median follow-up was 10·7 years (IQR 9·5 to 11·9). The risks of breast cancer recurrence (RR 0·66, 95% CI 0·62 to 0·71; p<0·0001) and death from breast cancer (0·67, 0·61 to 0·73; p<0·0001) were lower with trastuzumab plus chemotherapy than with chemotherapy alone. Absolute 10-year recurrence risk was reduced by 9·0% (95% CI 7·4 to 10·7; p<0·0001) and 10-year breast cancer mortality was reduced by 6·4% (4·9 to 7·8; p<0·0001), with a 6·5% reduction (5·0 to 8·0; p<0·0001) in all-cause mortality, and no increase in death without recurrence (0·4%, –0·3 to 1·1; p=0·35). The proportional reduction in recurrence was largest in years 0–1 after randomisation (0·53, 99% CI 0·46 to 0·61), with benefits persisting through years 2–4 (0·73, 0·62 to 0·85) and 5–9 (0·80, 0·64 to 1·01), and little follow-up beyond year 10. Proportional recurrence reductions were similar irrespective of recorded patient and tumour characteristics, including ER status. The more high risk the tumour, the larger the absolute reductions in 5-year recurrence (eg, 5·7% [95% CI 3·1 to 8·3], 6·8% [4·7 to 9·0], and 10·7% [7·7 to 13·6] in N0, N1–3, and N4+ disease). Interpretation: Adding trastuzumab to chemotherapy for early-stage, HER2-positive breast cancer reduces recurrence of, and mortality from, breast cancer by a third, with worthwhile proportional reductions irrespective of recorded patient and tumour characteristics. Funding: Cancer Research UK, UK Medical Research Council

    Stage III and oestrogen receptor negativity are associated with poor prognosis after adjuvant high-dose therapy in high-risk breast cancer

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    We report on the efficacy and toxicity of a sequential high-dose therapy with peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) support in 85 patients with high-risk stage II/III breast cancer. There were 71 patients with more than nine tumour-positive axillary lymph nodes. An induction therapy of two cycles of ifosfamide (total dose, 7.5 g m−2) and epirubicin (120 mg m−2) was given, and PBSC were harvested during G-CSF-supported leucocyte recovery following the second cycle. The PBSC-supported high-dose chemotherapy consisted of two cycles of ifosfamide (total dose, 12 000 mg m−2), carboplatin (900 mg m−2) and epirubicin (180 mg m−2). Patients were autografted with a median number of 3.7 × 106 CD34+ cells kg−1 (range, 1.9–26.5 × 106) resulting in haematological reconstitution within approximately 2 weeks following high-dose therapy. The toxicity was moderate in general, and there was no treatment-related toxic death. Twenty-one patients relapsed between 3 and 30 months following the last cycle of high-dose therapy (median, 11 months). The probability of disease-free and overall survival at 4 years were 60% and 83%, respectively. According to a multivariate analysis, patients with stage II disease had a significantly better probability of disease-free survival (74%) in comparison to patients with stage III disease (36%). The probability of disease-free survival was also significantly better for patients with oestrogen receptor-positive tumours (70%) compared to patients with receptor-negative ones (40%). Bone marrow samples collected from 52 patients after high-dose therapy were examined to evaluate the prognostic relevance of isolated tumour cells. The proportion of patients presenting with tumour cell-positive samples did not change in comparison to that observed before high-dose therapy (65% vs 71%), but a decrease in the incidence and concentration of tumour cells was observed over time after high-dose therapy. This finding was true for patients with relapse and for those in remission, which argues against a prognostic significance of isolated tumour cells in bone marrow. In conclusion, sequential high-dose chemotherapy with PBSC support can be safely administered to patients with high-risk stage II/III breast cancer. Further intensification of the therapy, including the addition of non-cross resistant drugs or immunological approaches such as the use of antibodies against HER-2/NEU, may be envisaged for patients with stage III disease and hormone receptor-negative tumours. © 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Prophylaxis of chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia with granulocyte colony-stimulating factors: where are we now?

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    Updated international guidelines published in 2006 have broadened the scope for the use of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) in supporting delivery of myelosuppressive chemotherapy. G-CSF prophylaxis is now recommended when the overall risk of febrile neutropenia (FN) due to regimen and individual patient factors is ≥20%, for supporting dose-dense and dose-intense chemotherapy and to help maintain dose density where dose reductions have been shown to compromise outcomes. Indeed, there is now a large body of evidence for the efficacy of G-CSFs in supporting dose-dense chemotherapy. Predictive tools that can help target those patients who are most at risk of FN are now becoming available. Recent analyses have shown that, by reducing the risk of FN and chemotherapy dose delays and reductions, G-CSF prophylaxis can potentially enhance survival benefits in patients receiving chemotherapy in curative settings. Accumulating data from ‘real-world’ clinical practice settings indicate that patients often receive abbreviated courses of daily G-CSF and consequently obtain a reduced level of FN protection. A single dose of PEGylated G-CSF (pegfilgrastim) may provide a more effective, as well as a more convenient, alternative to daily G-CSF. Prospective studies are needed to validate the importance of delivering the full dose intensity of standard chemotherapy regimens, with G-CSF support where appropriate, across a range of settings. These studies should also incorporate prospective evaluation of risk stratification for neutropenia and its complications