94 research outputs found

    Decay-Time Asymmetries at the B-Factories

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    Absract (Invited talk at the X DAE High Energy Physics symposium in December 1992, held at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay)Comment: 20pages, TIFR/TH/93-1

    On P-wave meson decay constants in the heavy quark limit of QCD

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    In previous work it has been shown that, either from a sum rule for the subleading Isgur-Wise function ξ3(1)\xi_3(1) or from a combination of Uraltsev and Bjorken SR, one infers for PP-wave states τ1/2(1)τ3/2(1)|\tau_{1/2}(1)| \ll |\tau_{3/2}(1)|. This implies, in the heavy quark limit of QCD, a hierarchy for the {\it production} rates of PP-states Γ(BˉdD(12)ν)Γ(BˉdD(32)ν)\Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to D ({1 \over 2}) \ell \nu) \ll \Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to D ({3 \over 2}) \ell \nu) that seems at present to be contradicted by experiment. It was also shown that the decay constants of j=32j = {3 \over 2} PP-states vanish in the heavy quark limit of QCD, f3/2(n)=0f_{3/2}^{(n)} = 0. Assuming the {\it model} of factorization in the decays BˉdDˉsD\bar{B}_d \to \bar{D}_s^{**}D, one expects the opposite hierarchy for the {\it emission} rates Γ(BˉdDˉs(32)D)Γ(BˉdDˉs(12)D)\Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to \bar{D}_s ({3 \over 2}) D) \ll \Gamma(\bar{B}_d \to \bar{D}_s ({1 \over 2}) D), since j=12j = {1 \over 2} PP-states are coupled to vacuum. Moreover, using Bjorken SR and previously discovered SR involving heavy-light meson decay constants and IW functions, one can prove that the sums n(f(n)f(0))2\sum\limits_n ({f^{(n)} \over f^{(0)}})^2, n(f1/2(n)f(0))2\sum\limits_n ({f_{1/2}^{(n)} \over f^{(0)}})^2 (where f(n)f^{(n)} and f1/2(n)f_{1/2}^{(n)} are the decay constants of SS-states and j=12j = {1\over 2} PP-states) are divergent. This situation seems to be realized in the relativistic quark models \`a la Bakamjian and Thomas, that satisfy HQET and predict decays constants f(n)f^{(n)} and f1/2(n)f_{1/2}^{(n)} that do not decrease with the radial quantum number nn.Comment: 7 pages, Late

    Grand Unification of Quark and Lepton FCNCs

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    In the context of Supersymmetric Grand Unified theories with soft breaking terms arising at the Planck scale, it is generally possible to link flavor changing neutral current and CP violating processes occurring in the leptonic and hadronic sectors. We study the correlation between flavor changing squark and slepton mass insertions in models \`a la SU(5). We show that the constraints coming from lepton flavor violation exhibit a strong impact on CP-violating B decays.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    New Heavy Quark Limit Sum Rules involving Isgur-Wise Functions and Decay Constants

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    We consider the dominant ccˉc\bar{c} contribution to ΔΓ\Delta \Gamma for the Bs0B_s^0-Bˉs0\bar{B}_s^0 system in the heavy quark limit for both bb and cc quarks. In analogy with the Bjorken-Isgur-Wise sum rule in semileptonic heavy hadron decay, we impose duality between the parton model calculation of ΔΓ\Delta \Gamma and its estimation by a sum over heavy mesons. Varying the mass ratio mc/mbm_c/m_b and assuming factorization and saturation by narrow resonances (Nc(N_c \to \infty), we obtain new sum rules that involve the Isgur-Wise functions ξ(n)(w)\xi^{(n)}(w) and τ1/2(n)(w)\tau^{(n)}_{1/2}(w) and the decay constants f(n)f^{(n)}, f1/2(n)f^{(n)}_{1/2} (nn stands for any radial excitation). Alternatively, we deduce the sum rules with another method free of the factorization hypothesis, from the saturation of the expectation value of a product of two currents by heavy hadrons and by the corresponding free quarks. The sum rules read nf(n)f(0)ξ(n)(w)=2nf1/2(n)f(0)τ1/2(n)(w)=1\sum\limits_{n}{f^{(n)} \over f^{(0)}} \xi^{(n)}(w) = 2 \sum\limits_{n}{f^{(n)}_{1/2} \over f^{(0)}} \tau^{(n)}_{1/2}(w) = 1, valid for all ww. Moreover, we obtain, in the heavy quark limit, f3/2(n)=0f^{(n)}_{3/2} = 0. As a consequence, unlike the BIW sum rule, the slope of the elastic function ξ(w)\xi (w) is related to radial excitations alone. These are generalizations, rigorous for QCD in the heavy quark limit, of results that have an easy understanding in the non-relativistic quark model.Comment: 15 page

    Searching for new physics in bssdˉb\to s s \bar d decays

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    For any new physics possibly emerging in the future B experiments, the problem is how to extract the signals from the SM background. We consider the decay bssdˉb\to s s\bar d which is very small in the SM. In the MSSM this decay is possibly accessible in the future experiments. In the supersymmetric models with R-parity violating couplings, this channel is not strictly constrained, thus being useful in obtaining bounds on the lepton-number violating couplings. A typical candidate for the suggested search is the BKKπ+B^-\to K^-K^-\pi^+ mode.Comment: 9 pages, one figure, late

    Constraining New Physics with the CDF Measurement of CP Violation in BψKSB \to \psi K_S

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    Recently, the CDF collaboration has reported a measurement of the CP asymmetry in the BψKSB\to\psi K_S decay: aψKS=0.790.44+0.41a_{\psi K_S}=0.79^{+0.41}_{-0.44}. We analyze the constraints that follow from this measurement on the size and the phase of contributions from new physics to B-\barB mixing. Defining the relative phase between the full M12M_{12} amplitude and the Standard Model contribution to be 2θd2\theta_d, we find a new bound: \sin2\theta_d\gsim-0.6 (-0.87) at one sigma (95% CL). Further implications for the CP asymmetry in semileptonic B decays are discussed.Comment: 13 pages, harvmac, 3 figures; v2: a discussion of new physics effects on tree level decays added; references added; accepted for publication in Physical Review Letter

    Long distance contribution to K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu {\bar \nu} decay and O(p4)O(p^4) terms in CHPT

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    The long distance contribution to K+π+ννˉK^+ \to \pi^+ \nu {\bar \nu} is calculated using chiral perturbation theory. The leading contribution comes from O(p4)O(p^4) tree terms. The branching ratio of the O(p4)O(p^4) long distance contribution is found to be of order 10310_{-3} smaller than the short distance contributions.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure (available upon request

    CP violation and CKM phases from angular distributions for BsB_s decays into admixtures of CP eigenstates

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    We investigate the time-evolutions of angular distributions for BsB_s decays into final states that are admixtures of CP-even and CP-odd configurations. A sizable lifetime difference between the BsB_s mass eigenstates allows a probe of CP violation in time-dependent untagged angular distributions. Interference effects between different final state configurations of BsDs+DsB_s\to D^{*+}_s D^{*-}_s, J/ψϕJ/\psi \phi determine the Wolfenstein parameter η\eta from untagged data samples, or -- if one uses Vub/Vcb|V_{ub}|/|V_{cb}| as an additional input -- the notoriously difficult to measure CKM angle γ\gamma. Another determination of γ\gamma is possible by using isospin symmetry of strong interactions to relate untagged data samples of BsK+KB_s\to K^{\ast+} K^{\ast-} and BsK0K0B_s\to K^{\ast0} \overline{K^{\ast0}}. We note that the untagged angular distribution for Bsρ0ϕB_s\to\rho^0 \phi provides interesting information about electroweak penguins.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, no figure

    Sneutrino-induced like sign dilepton signal with conserved R-parity

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    Lepton number violation could be manifest in the sneutrino sector of supersymmetric extensions of the standard model with conserved R-parity. Then sneutrinos decay partly into the ``wrong sign charged lepton'' final state, if kinematically accessible. In sneutrino pair production or associated single sneutrino production, the signal then is a like sign dilepton final state. Under favourable circumstances, such a signal could be visible at the LHC or a next generation linear collider for a relative sneutrino mass-splitting of order O(0.001){\cal O}(0.001) and sneutrino width of order O{\cal O}(1 GeV). On the other hand, the like sign dilepton event rate at the TEVATRON is probably too small to be observable.Comment: 19 pages, 14 Figures. Section about LSD at LHC and TEVATRON added. Previous Title "Single sneutrino production and the wrong charged lepton signal

    Measuring Vub|V_{ub}| with BDs+Xu\to D_s^+ X_u transitions

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    We propose the determination of the CKM matrix element Vub|V_{ub}| by the measurement of the spectrum of BDs+XuB \to D_s^+ X_u, dominated by the spectator quark model mechanism bˉDs()+uˉ\bar{b} \to D_s^{(*)+} \bar{u}. The interest of considering BDs+XuB \to D_s^+X_u versus the semileptonic decay is that more than 50 % of the spectrum for BDs+XuB \to D_s^+ X_u occurs above the kinematical limit for BDs+XcB \to D_s^+ X_c, while most of the spectrum BlνXuB \to l \nu X_u occurs below the BlνXcB \to l \nu X_c one. Furthermore, the measure of the hadronic mass MXM_X is easier in the presence of an identified DsD_s than when a ν\nu has been produced. As a consistency check, we point out that the rate bˉDs()+cˉ\bar{b} \to D_s^{(*)+} \bar{c} (including QCD corrections that we present elsewhere) is consistent with the measured BR(BDs±X)BR (B \to D_s^{\pm} X). Although the hadronic complications may be more severe in the mode that we propose than in the semileptonic inclusive decay, the end of the spectrum in BlνXuB \to l \nu X_u is not well understood on theoretical grounds. We argue that, in our case, the excited DsD_s^{**}, decaying into DKD K, do not contribute and, if there is tagging of the BB meson, the other mechanisms to produce a DsD_s of the right sign are presumably small, of O(102)O(10^{-2}) relative to the spectator amplitude, or can be controlled by kinematical cuts. In the absence of tagging, other hadronic backgrounds deserve careful study. We present a feasability study with the BaBar detector.Comment: 22 pages, LaTe