82,711 research outputs found

    Metallicities of galaxies in the nearby Lynx-Cancer void

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    Does the void environment have a sizable effect on the evolution of dwarf galaxies? If yes, the best probes should be the most fragile least massive dwarfs. We compiled a sample of about one hundred dwarfs with M_B in the range -12 to -18 mag, falling within the nearby Lynx-Cancer void. The goal is to study their evolutionary parameters -- gas metallicity and gas mass-fraction, and to address the epoch of the first substantial episode of Star Formation. Here we present and discuss the results of O/H measurements in 38 void galaxies, among which several the most metal-poor galaxies are found with the oxygen abundances of 12+log(O/H)=7.12-7.3 dex.Comment: 2 pages, one figure. To appear in proceedings of 'Environment and the Formation of Galaxies: 30 years later,' (Lisbon, September 2010), published by Springer-Verla

    MARVELS-1b: A Short-period, Brown Dwarf Desert Candidate from the SDSS-III Marvels Planet Search

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    We present a new short-period brown dwarf (BD) candidate around the star TYC 1240-00945-1. This candidate was discovered in the first year of the Multi-object APO Radial Velocity Exoplanets Large-area Survey (MARVELS), which is part of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) III, and we designate the BD as MARVELS-1b. MARVELS uses the technique of dispersed fixed-delay interferometery to simultaneously obtain radial velocity (RV) measurements for 60 objects per field using a single, custom-built instrument that is fiber fed from the SDSS 2.5 m telescope. From our 20 RV measurements spread over a ~370 day time baseline, we derive a Keplerian orbital fit with semi-amplitude K = 2.533 ± 0.025 km s^(–1), period P = 5.8953 ± 0.0004 days, and eccentricity consistent with circular. Independent follow-up RV data confirm the orbit. Adopting a mass of 1.37 ± 0.11 M_☉ for the slightly evolved F9 host star, we infer that the companion has a minimum mass of 28.0 ± 1.5 M_(Jup), a semimajor axis 0.071 ± 0.002 AU assuming an edge-on orbit, and is probably tidally synchronized. We find no evidence for coherent intrinsic variability of the host star at the period of the companion at levels greater than a few millimagnitudes. The companion has an a priori transit probability of ~14%. Although we find no evidence for transits, we cannot definitively rule them out for companion radii ≲ R_(Jup)

    Monte Carlo transition probabilities

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    Transition probabilities governing the interaction of energy packets and matter are derived that allow Monte Carlo NLTE transfer codes to be constructed without simplifying the treatment of line formation. These probabilities are such that the Monte Carlo calculation asymptotically recovers the local emissivity of a gas in statistical equilibrium. Numerical experiments with one-point statistical equilibrium problems for Fe II and Hydrogen confirm this asymptotic behaviour. In addition, the resulting Monte Carlo emissivities are shown to be far less sensitive to errors in the populations of the emitting levels than are the values obtained with the basic emissivity formula.Comment: Improved text. Accepted for publication in A&

    Evidence of environmental strains on charge injection in silole based organic light emitting diodes

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    Using d. functional theory (DFT) computations, the authors demonstrated a substantial skeletal relaxation when the structure of 2,5-bis-[4-anthracene-9-yl-phenyl]-1,1-dimethyl-3,4-diphenyl-silole (BAS) is optimized in the gas-phase comparing with the mol. structure detd. from monocrystal x-ray diffraction. The origin of such a relaxation is explained by a strong environmental strains induced by the presence of anthracene entities. Also, the estn. of the frontier orbital levels showed that this structural relaxation affects mainly the LUMO that is lowered of 190 meV in the gas phase. To check if these theor. findings would be confirmed for thin films of BAS, the authors turned to UV photoemission spectroscopy and/or inverse photoemission spectroscopy and electrooptical measurements. The study of the c.d. or voltage and luminance or voltage characteristics of an ITO/PEDOT/BAS/Au device clearly demonstrated a very unusual temp.-dependent behavior. Using a thermally assisted tunnel transfer model, this behavior likely originated from the variation of the electronic affinity of the silole deriv. with the temp. The thermal agitation relaxes the mol. strains in thin films as it is shown when passing from the cryst. to the gas phase. The relaxation of the intramol. thus induces an increase of the electronic affinity and, as a consequence, the more efficient electron injection in org. light-emitting diodes

    On Resource-bounded versions of the van Lambalgen theorem

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    The van Lambalgen theorem is a surprising result in algorithmic information theory concerning the symmetry of relative randomness. It establishes that for any pair of infinite sequences AA and BB, BB is Martin-L\"of random and AA is Martin-L\"of random relative to BB if and only if the interleaved sequence A⊎BA \uplus B is Martin-L\"of random. This implies that AA is relative random to BB if and only if BB is random relative to AA \cite{vanLambalgen}, \cite{Nies09}, \cite{HirschfeldtBook}. This paper studies the validity of this phenomenon for different notions of time-bounded relative randomness. We prove the classical van Lambalgen theorem using martingales and Kolmogorov compressibility. We establish the failure of relative randomness in these settings, for both time-bounded martingales and time-bounded Kolmogorov complexity. We adapt our classical proofs when applicable to the time-bounded setting, and construct counterexamples when they fail. The mode of failure of the theorem may depend on the notion of time-bounded randomness

    Entanglement of a qubit with a single oscillator mode

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    We solve a model of a qubit strongly coupled to a massive environmental oscillator mode where the qubit backaction is treated exactly. Using a Ginzburg-Landau formalism, we derive an effective action for this well known localization transition. An entangled state emerges as an instanton in the collective qubit-environment degree of freedom and the resulting model is shown to be formally equivalent to a Fluctuating Gap Model (FGM) of a disordered Peierls chain. Below the transition, spectral weight is transferred to an exponentially small energy scale leaving the qubit coherent but damped. Unlike the spin-boson model, coherent and effectively localized behaviors may coexist.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure; added calculation of entanglement entrop

    Processing of natural temporal stimuli by macaque retinal ganglion cells

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    This study quantifies the performance of primate retinal ganglion cells in response to natural stimuli. Stimuli were confined to the temporal and chromatic domains and were derived from two contrasting environments, one typically northern European and the other a flower show. The performance of the cells was evaluated by investigating variability of cell responses to repeated stimulus presentations and by comparing measured to model responses. Both analyses yielded a quantity called the coherence rate (in bits per second), which is related to the information rate. Magnocellular (MC) cells yielded coherence rates of up to 100 bits/sec, rates of parvocellular (PC) cells were much lower, and short wavelength (S)-cone-driven ganglion cells yielded intermediate rates. The modeling approach showed that for MC cells, coherence rates were generated almost exclusively by the luminance content of the stimulus. Coherence rates of PC cells were also dominated by achromatic content. This is a consequence of the stimulus structure; luminance varied much more in the natural environment than chromaticity. Only approximately one-sixth of the coherence rate of the PC cells derived from chromatic content, and it was dominated by frequencies below 10 Hz. S-cone-driven ganglion cells also yielded coherence rates dominated by low frequencies. Below 2–3 Hz, PC cell signals contained more power than those of MC cells. Response variation between individual ganglion cells of a particular class was analyzed by constructing generic cells, the properties of which may be relevant for performance higher in the visual system. The approach used here helps define retinal modules useful for studies of higher visual processing of natural stimuli
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