183 research outputs found

    Metabolic Characterization of the Common Marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)

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    High-resolution metabolomics has created opportunity to integrate nutrition and metabolism into genetic studies to improve understanding of the diverse radiation of primate species. At present, however, there is very little information to help guide experimental design for study of wild populations. In a previous non-targeted metabolomics study of common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus), Rhesus macaques, humans, and four non-primate mammalian species, we found that essential amino acids (AA) and other central metabolites had interspecies variation similar to intraspecies variation while non-essential AA, environmental chemicals and catabolic waste products had greater interspecies variation. The present study was designed to test whether 55 plasma metabolites, including both nutritionally essential and non-essential metabolites and catabolic products, differ in concentration in common marmosets and humans. Significant differences were present for more than half of the metabolites analyzed and included AA, vitamins and central lipid metabolites, as well as for catabolic products of AA, nucleotides, energy metabolism and heme. Three environmental chemicals were present at low nanomolar concentrations but did not differ between species. Sex and age differences in marmosets were present for AA and nucleotide metabolism and warrant additional study. Overall, the results suggest that quantitative, targeted metabolomics can provide a useful complement to non-targeted metabolomics for studies of diet and environment interactions in primate evolution.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (grant AG038746

    High accuracy theoretical investigations of CaF, SrF, and BaF and implications for laser-cooling

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    The NL-eEDM collaboration is building an experimental setup to search for the permanent electric dipole moment of the electron in a slow beam of cold barium fluoride molecules [Eur. Phys. J. D, 72, 197 (2018)]. Knowledge of molecular properties of BaF is thus needed to plan the measurements and in particular to determine an optimal laser-cooling scheme. Accurate and reliable theoretical predictions of these properties require incorporation of both high-order correlation and relativistic effects in the calculations. In this work theoretical investigations of the ground and the lowest excited states of BaF and its lighter homologues, CaF and SrF, are carried out in the framework of the relativistic Fock-space coupled cluster (FSCC) and multireference configuration interaction (MRCI) methods. Using the calculated molecular properties, we determine the Franck-Condon factors (FCFs) for the A2Π1/2X2Σ1/2+A^2\Pi_{1/2} \rightarrow X^2\Sigma^{+}_{1/2} transition, which was successfully used for cooling CaF and SrF and is now considered for BaF. For all three species, the FCFs are found to be highly diagonal. Calculations are also performed for the B2Σ1/2+X2Σ1/2+B^2\Sigma^{+}_{1/2} \rightarrow X^2\Sigma^{+}_{1/2} transition recently exploited for laser-cooling of CaF; it is shown that this transition is not suitable for laser-cooling of BaF, due to the non-diagonal nature of the FCFs in this system. Special attention is given to the properties of the A2ΔA'^2\Delta state, which in the case of BaF causes a leak channel, in contrast to CaF and SrF species where this state is energetically above the excited states used in laser-cooling. We also present the dipole moments of the ground and the excited states of the three molecules and the transition dipole moments (TDMs) between the different states.Comment: Minor changes; The following article has been submitted to the Journal of Chemical Physics. After it is published, it will be found at https://publishing.aip.org/resources/librarians/products/journals

    RECQL4 helicase has oncogenic potential in sporadic breast cancers

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    RECQL4 helicase is a molecular motor that unwinds DNA, a process essential during DNA replication and DNA repair. Germ-line mutations in RECQL4 cause type II Rothmund–Thomson syndrome (RTS), characterized by a premature ageing phenotype and cancer predisposition. RECQL4 is widely considered to be a tumour suppressor, although its role in human breast cancer is largely unknown. As the RECQL4 gene is localized to chromosome 8q24, a site frequently amplified in sporadic breast cancers, we hypothesized that it may play an oncogenic role in breast tumourigenesis. To address this, we analysed large cohorts for gene copy number changes (n = 1977), mRNA expression (n = 1977) and protein level (n = 1902). Breast cancer incidence was also explored in 58 patients with type II RTS. DNA replication dynamics and chemosensitivity was evaluated in RECQL4-depleted breast cancer cells in vitro. Amplification or gain in gene copy number (30.6%), high-level mRNA expression (51%) and high levels of protein (23%) significantly associated with aggressive tumour behaviour, including lymph node positivity, larger tumour size, HER2 overexpression, ER-negativity, triple-negative phenotypes and poor survival. RECQL4 depletion impaired the DNA replication rate and increased chemosensitivity in cultured breast cancer cells. Thus, although recognized as a ’safe guardian of the genome’, our data provide compelling evidence that RECQL4 is tumour promoting in established breast cancers

    Sustained in vivo signaling by long-lived IL-2 induces prolonged increases of regulatory T cells.

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    Regulatory T cells (Tregs) expressing FOXP3 are essential for the maintenance of self-tolerance and are deficient in many common autoimmune diseases. Immune tolerance is maintained in part by IL-2 and deficiencies in the IL-2 pathway cause reduced Treg function and an increased risk of autoimmunity. Recent studies expanding Tregs in vivo with low-dose IL-2 achieved major clinical successes highlighting the potential to optimize this pleiotropic cytokine for inflammatory and autoimmune disease indications. Here we compare the clinically approved IL-2 molecule, Proleukin, with two engineered IL-2 molecules with long half-lives owing to their fusion in monovalent and bivalent stoichiometry to a non-FcRγ binding human IgG1. Using nonhuman primates, we demonstrate that single ultra-low doses of IL-2 fusion proteins induce a prolonged state of in vivo activation that increases Tregs for an extended period of time similar to multiple-dose Proleukin. One of the common pleiotropic effects of high dose IL-2 treatment, eosinophilia, is eliminated at doses of the IL-2 fusion proteins that greatly expand Tregs. The long half-lives of the IL-2 fusion proteins facilitated a detailed characterization of an IL-2 dose response driving Treg expansion that correlates with increasingly sustained, suprathreshold pSTAT5a induction and subsequent sustained increases in the expression of CD25, FOXP3 and Ki-67 with retention of Treg-specific epigenetic signatures at FOXP3 and CTLA4.This work was supported by Wellcome Trust Grant 091157, JDRF International Grant 9-2011-253, the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre, and the Medical Research Council Cusrow Wadia Fund. The Cambridge Institute for Medical Research (CIMR) is in receipt of a Wellcome Trust Strategic Award (100140). U.M.N. was the recipient of a Hoffmann-La Roche postdoctoral fellowship.This is thefinal version. It was first published by Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089684111400146

    Evolutionary trade-offs associated with loss of PmrB function in host-adapted <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa colonises the upper airway of cystic fibrosis (CF) patients, providing a reservoir of host-adapted genotypes that subsequently establish chronic lung infection. We previously experimentally-evolved P. aeruginosa in a murine model of respiratory tract infection and observed early-acquired mutations in pmrB, encoding the sensor kinase of a two-component system that promoted establishment and persistence of infection. Here, using proteomics, we show downregulation of proteins involved in LPS biosynthesis, antimicrobial resistance and phenazine production in pmrB mutants, and upregulation of proteins involved in adherence, lysozyme resistance and inhibition of the chloride ion channel CFTR, relative to wild-type strain LESB65. Accordingly, pmrB mutants are susceptible to antibiotic treatment but show enhanced adherence to airway epithelial cells, resistance to lysozyme treatment, and downregulate host CFTR expression. We propose that P. aeruginosa pmrB mutations in CF patients are subject to an evolutionary trade-off, leading to enhanced colonisation potential, CFTR inhibition, and resistance to host defences, but also to increased susceptibility to antibiotics.</p

    Postpartum depression in mothers and fathers: a structural equation model

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    open access articleBackground Post-partum depression (PPD) is a growing mental health concern worldwide. There is little evidence in the Chinese context of the relationship between paternal PPD and maternal PPD. Given the growing global concerns this relationship requires further exploration. Methods A survey was conducted with 950 total couples from March 2017 to December 2018. The study was conducted using a standardized questionnaire that included basic demographic information, information on the relationship between the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, marital satisfaction (both maternal and paternal), and PPD symptoms. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) analysis was used to explore the underlying mechanism for PPD symptoms in mothers and fathers. Results In 4.4% of the couples both the wife and the husband showed depressive symptoms. Maternal marital satisfaction showed a significant mediating effect on paternal PPD (B = -0.114, p < 0.01), and there was a direct effect of maternal PPD on paternal PPD (B = 0.31, p < 0.001). Conclusions This is the first study to investigate the possible correlation between maternal PPD, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship satisfaction, maternal marital satisfaction, paternal marital satisfaction, and paternal PPD. It is important for future PPD interventions to target both maternal and paternal mental health, as well as the mechanisms identified that can lead to PPD

    TMEM203 is a binding partner and regulator of STING-mediated inflammatory signaling in macrophages

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    Regulation of IFN signaling is critical in host recognition and response to pathogens while its dysregulation underlies the pathogenesis of several chronic diseases. STimulator of IFN Genes (STING) has been identified as a critical mediator of IFN inducing innate immune pathways, but little is known about direct coregulators of this protein. We report here that TMEM203, a conserved putative transmembrane protein, is an intracellular regulator of STING-mediated signaling. We show that TMEM203 interacts, functionally cooperates, and comigrates with STING following cell stimulation, which in turn leads to the activation of the kinase TBK1, and the IRF3 transcription factor. This induces target genes in macrophages, including IFN-β. Using Tmem203 knockout bone marrow-derived macrophages and transient knockdown of TMEM203 in human monocyte-derived macrophages, we show that TMEM203 protein is required for cGAMPinduced STING activation. Unlike STING, TMEM203 mRNA levels are elevated in T cells from patients with systemic lupus erythematosus, a disease characterized by the overexpression of type I interferons. Moreover, TMEM203 mRNA levels are associated with disease activity, as assessed by serum levels of the complement protein C3. Identification of TMEM203 sheds light into the control of STING-mediated innate immune responses, providing a potential novel mechanism for therapeutic interventions in STING-associated inflammatory diseases

    Systematic study and uncertainty evaluation of P, T-odd molecular enhancement factors in BaF

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    A measurement of the magnitude of the electric dipole moment of the electron (eEDM) larger than that predicted by the Standard Model (SM) of particle physics is expected to have a huge impact on the search for physics beyond the SM. Polar diatomic molecules containing heavy elements experience enhanced sensitivity to parity (P) and time-reversal (T)-violating phenomena, such as the eEDM and the scalar-pseudoscalar (S-PS) interaction between the nucleons and the electrons, and are thus promising candidates for measurements. The NL-eEDM collaboration is preparing an experiment to measure the eEDM and S-PS interaction in a slow beam of cold BaF molecules [P. Aggarwal et al., Eur. Phys. J. D 72, 197 (2018)]. Accurate knowledge of the electronic structure parameters, Wd and Ws, connecting the eEDM and the S-PS interaction to the measurable energy shifts is crucial for the interpretation of these measurements. In this work, we use the finite field relativistic coupled cluster approach to calculate the Wd and Ws parameters in the ground state of the BaF molecule. Special attention was paid to providing a reliable theoretical uncertainty estimate based on investigations of the basis set, electron correlation, relativistic effects, and geometry. Our recommended values of the two parameters, including conservative uncertainty estimates, are 3.13 ±0.12×1024Hzecm for Wd and 8.29 ± 0.12 kHz for W

    Interrogation of the perturbed gut microbiota in gouty arthritis patients through in silico metabolic modeling

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    Recent studies have shown perturbed gut microbiota associated with gouty arthritis, a metabolic disease characterized by an imbalance between uric acid production and excretion. To mechanistically investigate altered microbiota metabolism associated with gout disease, 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequence data from stool samples of gout patients and healthy controls were computationally analyzed through bacterial community metabolic models. Patient-specific community models constructed with the metagenomics modeling pipeline, mgPipe, were used to perform k-means clustering of samples according to their metabolic capabilities. The clustering analysis generated statistically significant partitioning of samples into a Bacteroides-dominated, high gout cluster and a Faecalibacterium-elevated, low gout cluster. The high gout cluster was predicted to allow elevated synthesis of the amino acids D-alanine and L-alanine and byproducts of branched-chain amino acid catabolism, while the low gout cluster allowed higher production of butyrate, the sulfur-containing amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine, and the L-cysteine catabolic product H2S. By expanding the capabilities of mgPipe to provide taxa-level resolution of metabolite exchange rates, acetate, D-lactate and succinate exchanged from Bacteroides to Faecalibacterium were predicted to enhance butyrate production in the low gout cluster. Model predictions suggested that sulfur-containing amino acid metabolism generally and H2S more specifically could be novel gout disease markers

    Decadal soil carbon accumulation across Tibetan permafrost regions

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    Acknowledgements We thank the members of Peking University Sampling Teams (2001–2004) and IBCAS Sampling Teams (2013–2014) for assistance in field data collection. We also thank the Forestry Bureau of Qinghai Province and the Forestry Bureau of Tibet Autonomous Region for their permission and assistance during the sampling process. This study was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31670482 and 31322011), National Basic Research Program of China on Global Change (2014CB954001 and 2015CB954201), Chinese Academy of Sciences-Peking University Pioneer Cooperation Team, and the Thousand Young Talents Program.Peer reviewedPostprintPostprin