14 research outputs found

    An initialization strategy for addressing barren plateaus in parametrized quantum circuits

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    Parametrized quantum circuits initialized with random initial parameter values are characterized by barren plateaus where the gradient becomes exponentially small in the number of qubits. In this technical note we theoretically motivate and empirically validate an initialization strategy which can resolve the barren plateau problem for practical applications. The technique involves randomly selecting some of the initial parameter values, then choosing the remaining values so that the circuit is a sequence of shallow blocks that each evaluates to the identity. This initialization limits the effective depth of the circuits used to calculate the first parameter update so that they cannot be stuck in a barren plateau at the start of training. In turn, this makes some of the most compact ans\"atze usable in practice, which was not possible before even for rather basic problems. We show empirically that variational quantum eigensolvers and quantum neural networks initialized using this strategy can be trained using a gradient based method

    Statistical limits of supervised quantum learning

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    Within the framework of statistical learning theory it is possible to bound the minimum number of samples required by a learner to reach a target accuracy. We show that if the bound on the accuracy is taken into account, quantum machine learning algorithms for supervised learning—for which statistical guarantees are available—cannot achieve polylogarithmic runtimes in the input dimension. We conclude that, when no further assumptions on the problem are made, quantum machine learning algorithms for supervised learning can have at most polynomial speedups over efficient classical algorithms, even in cases where quantum access to the data is naturally available

    Computation of molecular excited states on IBM quantum computers using a discriminative variational quantum eigensolver

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    Solving for molecular excited states remains one of the key challenges of modern quantum chemistry. Traditional methods are constrained by existing computational capabilities, limiting the complexity of the molecules that can be studied or the accuracy of the results that can be obtained. Several quantum computing methods have been suggested to address this limitation. However, these typically have hardware requirements which may not be achieved in the near term. We propose a variational quantum machine learning based method to determine molecular excited states aiming at being as resilient as possible to the defects of early noisy intermediate scale quantum computers and demonstrate an implementation for H on IBM Quantum Computers. Our method uses a combination of two parametrized quantum circuits, working in tandem, combined with a variational quantum eigensolver to iteratively find the eigenstates of a molecular Hamiltonian

    Approximating Hamiltonian dynamics with the Nyström method

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    Simulating the time-evolution of quantum mechanical systems is BQP-hard and expected to be one of the foremost applications of quantum computers. We consider classical algorithms for the approximation of Hamiltonian dynamics using subsampling methods from randomized numerical linear algebra. We derive a simulation technique whose runtime scales polynomially in the number of qubits and the Frobenius norm of the Hamiltonian. As an immediate application, we show that sample based quantum simulation, a type of evolution where the Hamiltonian is a density matrix, can be efficiently classically simulated under specific structural conditions. Our main technical contribution is a randomized algorithm for approximating Hermitian matrix exponentials. The proof leverages a low-rank, symmetric approximation via the Nyström method. Our results suggest that under strong sampling assumptions there exist classical poly-logarithmic time simulations of quantum computations

    Adversarial quantum circuit learning for pure state approximation

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    Adversarial learning is one of the most successful approaches to modeling high-dimensional probability distributions from data. The quantum computing community has recently begun to generalize this idea and to look for potential applications. In this work, we derive an adversarial algorithm for the problem of approximating an unknown quantum pure state. Although this could be done on universal quantum computers, the adversarial formulation enables us to execute the algorithm on near-term quantum computers. Two parametrized circuits are optimized in tandem: one tries to approximate the target state, the other tries to distinguish between target and approximated state. Supported by numerical simulations, we show that resilient backpropagation algorithms perform remarkably well in optimizing the two circuits. We use the bipartite entanglement entropy to design an efficient heuristic for the stopping criterion. Our approach may find application in quantum state tomography

    Cost-function embedding and dataset encoding for machine learning with parametrized quantum circuits

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    Machine learning is seen as a promising application of quantum computation. For near-term noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, parametrized quantum circuits have been proposed as machine learning models due to their robustness and ease of implementation. However, the cost function is normally calculated classically from repeated measurement outcomes, such that it is no longer encoded in a quantum state. This prevents the value from being directly manipulated by a quantum computer. To solve this problem, we give a routine to embed the cost function for machine learning into a quantum circuit, which accepts a training dataset encoded in superposition or an easily preparable mixed state. We also demonstrate the ability to evaluate the gradient of the encoded cost function in a quantum state

    Dynamical mean field theory algorithm and experiment on quantum computers

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    The developments of quantum computing algorithms and experiments for atomic scale simulations have largely focused on quantum chemistry for molecules, while their application in condensed matter systems is scarcely explored. Here we present a quantum algorithm to perform dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) calculations for condensed matter systems on currently available quantum computers, and demonstrate it on two quantum hardware platforms. DMFT is required to properly describe the large class of materials with strongly correlated electrons. The computation-ally challenging part arises from solving the effective problem of an interacting impurity coupled to a bath, which scales exponentially with system size on conventional computers. An exponential speedup is expected on quantum computers, but the algorithms proposed so far are based on real time evolution of the wavefunction, which requires high-depth circuits and hence very low noise levels in the quantum hardware. Here we propose an alternative approach, which uses the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) method for ground and excited states to obtain the needed quantities as part of an exact diagonalization impurity solver. We present the algorithm for a two site DMFT system, which we benchmark using simulations on conventional computers as well as experiments on superconducting and trapped ion qubits, demonstrating that this method is suitable for running DMFT calculations on currently available quantum hardware