1,204 research outputs found

    New Intersections for Student Engagement in Libraries: A Qualitative Exploration of Collaborative Learning with Multimedia Technologies

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    Objective – The purpose of this study was to explore new ways librarians can provide meaningful learning experiences for students beyond the traditional classroom assignment and the one-hour library instruction session. Methods – The study was done within a qualitative framework using participative, interpretive, and personal experience methods. The research team consisted of two librarians and a graduate student. Data collected included transcripts of audio-recorded team meetings and interviews, field notes, and a post-project survey, where students described their experiences negotiating the conceptual and technical processes of authoring a multimedia story. The instructional layer was built upon a constructivist approach allowing for a collaborative learning setting to foster learner control and self-efficacy. Results – Findings illustrate the benefits of collaborative approaches for enhancing the learning experiences of students in the library, in this case with multimedia. The data also suggest promising new ways for librarians to facilitate learning and to engage students in the library. Conclusion – Through a multimedia project that involves both librarian-guided exploration and collaborative learning processes, libraries can offer students formal and structured opportunities to explore their own interests or underlying curiosities beyond the classroom assignment and the one-hour library instruction session

    MMOG/LE: Improving supply chain delivery performance through buyer- supplier collaboration

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    This article introduces readers to a relatively new self-assessment tool for measuring the readiness and effectiveness of supplier materials management and logistics processes in the automotive industry. The tool, the Material Management Operating Guidelines/Logistics Evaluation (MMOG/ LE), was developed by the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG), and Odette International – a European alliance of automotive companies. The article begins with an introduction to the topic of quality and materials management assessment systems. The author’s then report on what they learned about MMOG/LE based on a review of the system and other comparable systems, and based on interviews with OEM’s and tier 1 and 2 auto suppliers that use the system. The article begins with a description of what the MMOG/LE system is, and how it works. The article then has a section comparing MMOG/LE and ISO/TS16949, and then another section comparing MMOG/LE and the SCOR model. The authors then address and comment on various strengths and weaknesses of the MMOG/LE model. Finally, the authors make several recommendations on how the system and processes for managing it could be improved. Overall, the authors find that MMOG/LE is an effective system for improving materials management and logistics performance

    Molecular cloning and characterization of a new peroxidase gene (OvRCI) from Orychophragmus violaceus

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    A new peroxidase gene from Orychophragmus violaceus was cloned. The full-length cDNA of O.violaceus peroxidase gene (OvRCI, GenBank. Acc. No. AY428037) was 1220 bp and contained an 1128 bp open reading frame encoding a protein of 375 amino acids. Homology analysis and molecularmodeling revealed that OvRCI strongly resembled other peroxidase genes. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that it was a constitutively salt-inducible gene and its transcript level was most abundant after 24 h treatment with 200 mmol.L-1 sodium chloride. Our studies suggested that OvRCI was a new member of the family of recently cloned peroxidase genes

    Multisymplectic Geometry and Multisymplectic Preissman Scheme for the KP Equation

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    The multisymplectic structure of the KP equation is obtained directly from the variational principal. Using the covariant De Donder-Weyl Hamilton function theories, we reformulate the KP equation to the multisymplectic form which proposed by Bridges. From the multisymplectic equation, we can derive a multisymplectic numerical scheme of the KP equation which can be simplified to multisymplectic forty-five points scheme.Comment: 17 papges, 8 figure

    Baseline characteristics and enrichment results from the SONAR trial

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    Aim: The SONAR trial uses an enrichment design based on the individual response to the selective endothelin receptor antagonist atrasentan on efficacy (the degree of the individual response in the urinary albumin‐to‐creatinine ratio [UACR]) and safety/tolerability (signs of sodium retention and acute increases in serum creatinine) to assess the effects of this agent on major renal outcomes. The patient population and enrichment results are described here. Methods: Patients with type 2 diabetes with an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) within 25 to 75 mL/min/1.73 m2 and UACR between 300 and 5000 mg/g were enrolled. After a run‐in period, eligible patients received 0.75 mg/d of atrasentan for 6 weeks. A total of 2648 responder patients in whom UACR decreased by ≥30% compared to baseline were enrolled, as were 1020 non‐responders with a UACR decrease of <30%. Patients who experienced a weight gain of >3 kg and in whom brain natriuretic peptide exceeded ≥300 pg/mL, or who experienced an increase in serum creatinine >20% (0.5 mg/dL), were not randomized. Results: Baseline characteristics were similar for atrasentan responders and non‐responders. Upon entry to the study, median UACR was 802 mg/g in responders and 920 mg/g in non‐responders. After 6 weeks of treatment with atrasentan, the UACR change in responders was −48.8% (95% CI, −49.8% to −47.9%) and in non‐responders was −1.2% (95% CI, −6.4% to 3.9%). Changes in other renal risk markers were similar between responders and non‐responders except for a marginally greater reduction in systolic blood pressure and eGFR in responders. Conclusions: The enrichment period has successfully identified a population with a profound UACR reduction without clinical signs of sodium retention in whom a large atrasentan effect on clinically important renal outcomes is possible. The SONAR trial aims to establish whether atrasentan confers renal protection

    Convergence and Disparities in Higher Education Fiscal Expenditures in China: A Regional Perspective

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    У цьому дослідженні досліджуються відмінності та конвергенція у фінансових витратах на вищу освіту в різних регіонах Китаю. У дослідженні використовується аналіз коефіцієнтів Джині та тести σ-конвергенції/β-конвергенції для кількісної оцінки ступеня розбіжностей і вивчення тенденцій конвергенції протягом дванадцятирічного періоду дослідження (2007–2018). Результати проливають світло на дисбаланс у розподілі ресурсів і дають цінну інформацію про зусилля, необхідні для досягнення більш справедливого розподілу бюджетних ресурсів для вищої освіти. Отримані результати показують значні відмінності у фінансових витратах на вищу освіту між східним, центральним, західним і північно-східним регіонами, причому східний регіон демонструє найбільший розрив порівняно з іншими. Примітно, диспропорція між східним і центральним регіонами навіть більша, ніж між східним і західним регіонами, що підкреслює необхідність цілеспрямованих втручань для усунення регіональних дисбалансів. Протягом досліджуваного періоду розрив між Східним і Центральним регіонами залишався стабільно вищим, ніж інші регіональні відмінності. Крім того, дослідження показує загальну тенденцію до скорочення розбіжностей у фіскальних видатках у регіонах, причому найбільш виражена конвергенція спостерігається між центральним і північно-східним регіонами. У Західному регіоні спостерігаються дещо більші відмінності, ніж у Центральному та Північно-Східному регіонах, що, ймовірно, пояснюється більшою підтримкою фіскальної політики та меншою кількістю студентів. Тим не менш, розрив у фіскальних видатках між Західним і Центральним регіонами продемонстрував тенденцію до скорочення. Дослідження також досліджує абсолютну та умовну β-конвергенцію, виявляючи помітні моделі конвергенції у східному та центральному регіонах. Однак західні та північно-східні регіони демонструють різний ступінь конвергенції, що вказує на необхідність механізмів конвергенції, характерних для кожного регіону. Щоб досягти збалансованого розподілу фінансових ресурсів для вищої освіти між регіонами, дослідження рекомендує цільову фіскальну політику, додаткове фінансування та покращення прозорості та підзвітності. Політики повинні зосередитися на посиленні механізмів конвергенції для забезпечення більш справедливого розподілу ресурсів і сприяння сталому розвитку вищої освіти в усій країні. Незважаючи на те, що це дослідження дає цінну інформацію, важливо розглянути інші потенційні фактори, що впливають на диспропорції у фіскальних видатках, такі як політична орієнтація, економічні відмінності та демографічні структури, для більш повного розуміння. У майбутніх дослідженнях можуть бути використані якісні дослідження для подальшого вивчення складнощів дисбалансу фінансових витрат на вищу освіту та визначення ефективних заходів політики.This research investigates the disparities and convergence in higher education fiscal expenditures across different regions in China. The study utilises Gini coefficient analysis and σ-convergence/β-convergence tests to quantify the extent of disparities and explore convergence trends over a twelve-year investigation period (2007–2018). The results shed light on the imbalances in resource allocation and provide valuable insights into the efforts required to achieve a more equitable distribution of fiscal resources for higher education. The findings reveal significant disparities in higher education fiscal expenditures between the Eastern, Central, Western, and Northeastern regions, with the Eastern region exhibiting the largest gap compared to others. Remarkably, the disparity between the Eastern and Central regions is even greater than that between the Eastern and Western regions, emphasising the need for targeted interventions to address regional imbalances. Over the study period, the gap between the Eastern and Central regions remained consistently higher than other regional disparities. Moreover, the research shows a general trend towards narrowing regional fiscal expenditure disparities, with the most pronounced convergence observed between the Central and Northeastern regions. The Western region exhibits slightly larger disparities than the Central and Northeastern regions, possibly attributed to greater fiscal policy support and lower student enrollments. Nevertheless, the fiscal expenditure gap between the Western and Central regions has shown a trend towards reduction. The study also explores absolute and conditional β-convergence, revealing notable convergence patterns in the Eastern and Central regions. However, the Western and Northeastern regions exhibit varying degrees of convergence, indicating the necessity for region-specific convergence mechanisms. To achieve a balanced allocation of financial resources for higher education across regions, the study recommends targeted fiscal policies, additional funding, and improved transparency and accountability. Policymakers should focus on enhancing convergence mechanisms to ensure a more equitable distribution of resources and foster the sustainable development of higher education throughout the country. While this research provides valuable insights, it is essential to consider other potential factors influencing fiscal expenditure disparities, such as policy orientation, economic disparities, and demographic structures, for a more comprehensive understanding. Future research may benefit from qualitative investigations to further explore the complexities of higher education fiscal expenditure imbalances and identify effective policy interventions

    Lithium chloride promotes neural functional recovery after local cerebral ischemia injury in rats through Wnt signaling pathway activation

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    Lithium chloride (LiCl) has a significant neuroprotective effect in cerebral ischemia. However, to date, there is a paucity of evidence on the role of LiCl in neural restoration after brain ischemia and the signaling pathways involved remain unclear. Therefore, to address this gap, the middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) rat model was used to simulate human ischemia stroke. Male SD rats were given MCAO for 90 min followed by reperfusion, and Dickkopf-1(DKK1, 5.0 μg/kg) was administered half an hour before MCAO. Rats were then treated with hypodermic injection of LiCl (2.0 mmol/kg) twice a day for one week. After treatment, cognitive impairment was assessed by the Morris Water Maze test. Neurological deficit score, 2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining, brain water content, and histopathology were used to evaluate brain damage. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to measure oxidative stress damage and inflammatory cytokines. Apoptosis of the hippocampal neurons was tested by Western blot. The key factors of Wnt signaling pathway in the ischemic penumbra were detected by immunofluorescence (IF) staining and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Current experimental results showed that LiCl treatment significantly improved the impaired spatial learning and memory ability, suppressed oxidative stress, inflammatory reaction, and neuron apoptosis accompanied by attenuating neuronal damage, which subsequently decreased the brain edema, infarct volume and neurological deficit. Furthermore, the treatment of LiCl activated Wnt signaling pathway. Interestingly, the aforementioned effects of LiCl treatment were markedly reversed by administration of DKK1, an inhibitor of Wnt signaling pathway. These results indicate that LiCl exhibits neuroprotective effects in focal cerebral ischemia by Wnt signaling pathway activation, and it might have latent clinical application for the prevention and treatment of ischemic stroke