6 research outputs found

    Health care utilisation and problems in accessing health care of female undocumented immigrants in the Netherlands

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    Contains fulltext : 88419.pdf (publisher's version ) (Closed access)OBJECTIVE: To obtain information about the actual use of health care facilities by undocumented women and to identify obstacles they experience in accessing health care facilities. METHODS: A mixed methods study, with structured questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, was chosen to obtain a complete understanding. One-hundred undocumented women were recruited. Diversity was sought according to age, origin and reason for being undocumented. RESULTS: Undocumented female immigrants have unmet health care needs (56%) and low health care utilisation. Sixty-nine per cent of the women reported obstacles in accessing health care facilities. These included many personal obstacles such as shame, fear and/or lack of information. Poor language proficiency (OR 0.28;. CI 0.09-0.90) reduces utilisation of primary health care services. CONCLUSION: Health care utilisation of undocumented women is low. Undocumented women refrain from seeking health care because of personal obstacles. These women need to be identified and informed about their rights, the health care system and the duty of professional confidentiality of doctors. Finally, institutional obstacles to access care should be removed since they strengthen reluctance to seek help.1 oktober 201

    Consciousness and the self

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    Bibliography: p. 123-124."Consciousness and the Self' is a thesis in the philosophy of mind on the topic of consciousness from the perspective of the individual. I argue for the superiority of the first-person epistemological position based on introspection as a valid form of knowledge acquisition. I argue for the existence of qualia. And I propose a view of the self as the seat of consciousness and the core of one's personal identity. I discuss the views of William James, David Hume, Gilbert Ryle, Herbert Feigl, Thomas Nagel, John Searle, Anthony Quinton, J. J. C. Smart, Frank Jackson, Daniel Dennett, and Paul Churchland. I do not share the Eliminativists' enthusiasm for eradicating folk-psychology, the mind, and mental states. My views on both consciousness and the self lie between Non- Disappearance Identity Theory and Interactive Dualism. Thus, I emphasize the possibility of reconciling Materialism and Mentalism

    Piodermatite-pioestomatite vegetante: relato de caso e revisão de literatura Pyodermatitis-pyostomatitis vegetans: case report and review of medical literature

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    A piodermatite-pioestomatite vegetante é uma rara dermatose inflamatória de etiologia desconhecida, com típico comprometimento mucocutâneo. Relatamos caso de paciente feminina com lesões pustulosas e vesiculosas em axilas, evoluindo com placas vegetantes e pústulas com agrupamento anular. Houve progressão com comprometimento vulvar, inguinal e mucosas oral, nasal e ocular. Proposto o diagnóstico, optou-se por iniciar prednisona 40mg ao dia, com remissão das lesões após um mês de uso da medicação. A associação com doença inflamatória intestinal ocorre em 70% dos casos. A imunofluorescência é um fator que ajuda a caracterizar a doença, sendo tipicamente negativa. A rápida resposta à terapêutica com corticosteroides sistêmicos é esperada<br>Pyodermatitis-pyostomatitis vegetans is a rare inflammatory dermatosis of unknown etiology, with a typical mucocutaneous involvement. We report the case of a woman with pustular and vesicular lesions in the axillae, evolving with vegetating plaques and pustules with annular grouping. The disease progressed with vulvar and inguinal involvement as well as involvement of the oral, nasal and ocular mucous membranes. She started the treatment with prednisone (40 mg/day), with remission of the lesions after one month of use of such medication. Association with inflammatory bowel disease occurs in 70% of the cases. Immunofluorescence, which is typically negative, helps to characterize the disease. A rapid response to systemic steroids is expecte