248 research outputs found

    A social-ecological approach to conservation planning: embedding social considerations

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    Many conservation plans remain unimplemented, in part because of insufficient consideration of the social processes that influence conservation decisions. Complementing social considerations with an integrated understanding of the ecology of a region can result in a more complete conservation approach. We suggest that linking conservation planning to a social-ecological systems (SES) framework can lead to a more thorough understanding of human-environment interactions and more effective integration of social considerations. By characterizing SES as a set of subsystems, and their interactions with each other and with external factors, the SES framework can improve our understanding of the linkages between social and ecological influences on the environment. Using this framework can help to identify socially and ecologically focused conservation actions that will benefit ecosystems and human communities, and assist in the development of more consistent evidence for evaluating conservation actions by comparing conservation case studies

    Performance and Mix Measurements of Indirect Drive Cu-Doped Be Implosions

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    The ablator couples energy between the driver and fusion fuel in inertial confinement fusion (ICF). Because of its low opacity, high solid density, and material properties, beryllium has long been considered an ideal ablator for ICF ignition experiments at the National Ignition Facility. We report here the first indirect drive Be implosions driven with shaped laser pulses and diagnosed with fusion yield at the OMEGA laser. The results show good performance with an average DD neutron yield of ~2 × 10[superscript 9] at a convergence ratio of R[subscript 0]/R ~ 10 and little impact due to the growth of hydrodynamic instabilities and mix. In addition, the effect of adding an inner liner of W between the Be and DD is demonstrated.United States. Dept. of Energy (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344

    Core conditions for alpha heating attained in direct-drive inertial confinement fusion

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    It is shown that direct-drive implosions on the OMEGA laser have achieved core conditions that would lead to significant alpha heating at incident energies available on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) scale. The extrapolation of the experimental results from OMEGA to NIF energy assumes only that the implosion hydrodynamic efficiency is unchanged at higher energies. This approach is independent of the uncertainties in the physical mechanism that degrade implosions on OMEGA, and relies solely on a volumetric scaling of the experimentally observed core conditions. It is estimated that the current best-performing OMEGA implosion [Regan et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 025001 (2016)10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.025001] extrapolated to a 1.9 MJ laser driver with the same illumination configuration and laser-target coupling would produce 125 kJ of fusion energy with similar levels of alpha heating observed in current highest performing indirect-drive NIF implosions.United States. Department of Energy (DE-FC02-04ER54789)United States. National Nuclear Security Administration (DE-NA0001944

    Evaluation of surgical fixation methods for the implantation of melt electrowriting-reinforced hyaluronic acid hydrogel composites in porcine cartilage defects

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    The surgical repair of articular cartilage remains an ongoing challenge in orthopedics. Tissue engineering is a promising approach to treat cartilage defects; however, scaffolds must (i) possess the requisite material properties to support neocartilage formation, (ii) exhibit sufficient mechanical integrity for handling during implantation, and (iii) be reliably fixed within cartilage defects during surgery. In this study, we demonstrate the reinforcement of soft norbornene-modified hyaluronic acid (NorHA) hydrogels via the melt electrowriting (MEW) of polycaprolactone to fabricate composite scaffolds that support encapsulated porcine mesenchymal stromal cell (pMSC, three donors) chondrogenesis and cartilage formation and exhibit mechanical properties suitable for handling during implantation. Thereafter, acellular MEW-NorHA composites or MEW-NorHA composites with encapsulated pMSCs and precultured for 28 days were implanted in full-thickness cartilage defects in porcine knees using either bioresorbable pins or fibrin glue to assess surgical fixation methods. Fixation of composites with either biodegradable pins or fibrin glue ensured implant retention in most cases (80%); however, defects treated with pinned composites exhibited more subchondral bone remodeling and inferior cartilage repair, as evidenced by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and safranin O/fast green staining, respectively, when compared to defects treated with glued composites. Interestingly, no differences in repair tissue were observed between acellular and cellularized implants. Additional work is required to assess the full potential of these scaffolds for cartilage repair. However, these results suggest that future approaches for cartilage repair with MEW-reinforced hydrogels should be carefully evaluated with regard to their fixation approach for construct retention and surrounding cartilage tissue damage

    Evaluation of surgical fixation methods for the implantation of melt electrowriting-reinforced hyaluronic acid hydrogel composites in porcine cartilage defects

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    The surgical repair of articular cartilage remains an ongoing challenge in orthopedics. Tissue engineering is a promising approach to treat cartilage defects; however, scaffolds must (i) possess the requisite material properties to support neocartilage formation, (ii) exhibit sufficient mechanical integrity for handling during implantation, and (iii) be reliably fixed within cartilage defects during surgery. In this study, we demonstrate the reinforcement of soft norbornene-modified hyaluronic acid (NorHA) hydrogels via the melt electrowriting (MEW) of polycaprolactone to fabricate composite scaffolds that support encapsulated porcine mesenchymal stromal cell (pMSC, three donors) chondrogenesis and cartilage formation and exhibit mechanical properties suitable for handling during implantation. Thereafter, acellular MEW-NorHA composites or MEW-NorHA composites with encapsulated pMSCs and precultured for 28 days were implanted in full-thickness cartilage defects in porcine knees using either bioresorbable pins or fibrin glue to assess surgical fixation methods. Fixation of composites with either biodegradable pins or fibrin glue ensured implant retention in most cases (80%); however, defects treated with pinned composites exhibited more subchondral bone remodeling and inferior cartilage repair, as evidenced by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) and safranin O/fast green staining, respectively, when compared to defects treated with glued composites. Interestingly, no differences in repair tissue were observed between acellular and cellularized implants. Additional work is required to assess the full potential of these scaffolds for cartilage repair. However, these results suggest that future approaches for cartilage repair with MEW-reinforced hydrogels should be carefully evaluated with regard to their fixation approach for construct retention and surrounding cartilage tissue damage

    The rationale and design of the perindopril genetic association study (PERGENE): A pharmacogenetic analysis of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor therapy in patients with stable coronary artery disease

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    Background: Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors reduce clinical symptoms and improve outcome in patients with hypertension, heart failure, and stable coronary artery disease (CAD) and are among the most frequently used drugs in these patient groups. For hypertension, treatment is guided by the level of blood pressure. In the secondary prevention setting, there are no means of guiding therapy. Prior attempts to target ACE-inhibitors to those patients that are most likely to benefit have not been successful, mainly due to the consistency in the treatment effect in clinical subgroups. Still, for prolonged prophylactic treatment with ACE-inhibitors it would be best to target treatment to only those patients most likely to benefit, which would considerably lower the number needed to treat and increase cost-effectiveness. A new approach for such "tailored-therapy" may be to integrate information on the genetic variation between patients. Until now, pharmacogenetic research of the efficacy of ACE-inhibitor therapy in CAD patients is still in a preliminary stage. Methods: The PERindopril GENEtic association study (PERGENE) is a substudy of the EUROPA trial, a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled multicentre clinical trial which demonstrated a beneficial effect of the ACE-inhibitor perindopril in reducing cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in 12.218 patients with stable coronary artery disease (mean follow-up 4.2 years). Blood tubes were received from patients at the beginning of the EUROPA trial and buffy coats were stored at -40°C at the central core laboratory. Candidate genes were selected in the renin-angiotensin-system and bradykinin pathways. Polymorphisms were selected based on haplotype tagging principles using the HapMap genome project, Seattle and other up-to-date genetic database platforms to comprehensively cover all common genetic variation within the genes. Selection also took into consideration the functionality of SNP's, location within the gene (promoter) and existing relevant literature. The main outcome measure of PERGENE is the effect of genetic factors on the treatment benefit with ACE-inhibitors. The size of this pharmacogenetic substudy allows detection with a statistical power of 98% to detect a difference in hazard ratios (treatment effect) of 20% between genotypes with minor allele frequency of 0.20 (two-sided alpha 0.05). Conclusion: The PERGENE study is a large cardiovascular pharmacogenetic study aimed to assess the feasibility of pharmacogenetic profiling of the treatment effect of ACE-inhibitor use with the perspective to individualize treatment in patients with stable coronary artery disease

    Experimental Evidence of a Variant Neutron Spectrum from the T(t,2n)α Reaction at Center-of-Mass Energies in the Range of 16–50 keV

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    Full calculations of six-nucleon reactions with a three-body final state have been elusive and a long-standing issue. We present neutron spectra from the T(t,2n)α (TT) reaction measured in inertial confinement fusion experiments at the OMEGA laser facility at ion temperatures from 4 to 18 keV, corresponding to center-of-mass energies (E[subscript c.m.]) from 16 to 50 keV. A clear difference in the shape of the TT-neutron spectrum is observed between the two E[subscript c.m.], with the ⁵He ground state resonant peak at 8.6 MeV being significantly stronger at the higher than at the lower energy. The data provide the first conclusive evidence of a variant TT-neutron spectrum in this E[subscript c.m.] range. In contrast to earlier available data, this indicates a reaction mechanism that must involve resonances and/or higher angular momenta than L=0. This finding provides an important experimental constraint on theoretical efforts that explore this and complementary six-nucleon systems, such as the solar ³He(³He,2p)α reaction