7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kondisi Vasektomi pada Perilaku Reproduksi Monyet Ekor Panjang (Macaca Fascicularis) di Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia, Bogor

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    - Telah dilakukan pengamatan perilaku reproduksi moyet ekor panjang (Macaca fascicularis) di Yayasan Inisiasi Alam Rehabilitasi Indonesia (YIARI) yang telah disterilkan dengan metode vasektomi. Tujuan penelitian adalah mengamati pengaruh vasektomi monyet ekor panjang terhadap perilaku reproduksinya. Pengamatan dilakukan pada tiga ekor monyet ekor panjang jantan (Jantan1, Jantan2, dan Jantan3) yang dikandangkan bersama dua ekor monyet ekor panjang betina (Betina1 dan Betina2) dengan metode scan sampling dan ad libitum dengan interval waktu 5 menit tanpa jeda. Pengamatan dilakukan dari pukul 08.00-15.00 WIB selama 14 hari di bulan Agustus 2016, serta dengan total titik sampel yang diperoleh adalah 1008. Hasil pengamatan menunjukkan ketiga jantan masih aktif melakukan perilaku reproduksi, dengan Jantan1 yang merupakan jantan dominan dalam kelompok yang lebih mendominasi betina dibanding Jantan2 dan Jantan3, dibuktikan dengan nilai MM (Male Mounts) terhadap betina yaitu Jantan1 sebanyak 111 kali, Jantan2 sebanyak 10 kali dan Jantan3 sebanyak 21 kali. Perilaku reproduksi pada ketiga jantan masih ditemukan karena metode vasektomi tidak merusak proses spermatogenesis sehingga sistem hormonal hewan tidak terganggu. Terdapat perbedaan frekuensi perilaku reproduksi jantan terhadap Betina1 dan Betina2. Hal tersebut dikarenakan preferensi jantan dalam kelompok yang lebih memilih untuk kawin dengan Betina1 daripada Betina2, yang dibuktikan dengan nilai FRS (Female Refuses Sex) dari Betina1 terhadap jantan sebanyak 111 kali sementara Betina2 sebanyak 7 kali. Diduga Betina1 merupakan betina dominan dengan kadar hormon estrogen yang lebih tinggi daripada Betina2.Kata Kunci - Macaca fascicularis, Rehabilitasi, Perilaku Reproduksi, Vasektom

    Dugong (Dugong Dugon) Feeding Behaviour in Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta

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    Dugongs is a protected herbivorous marine mammals (Suwelo et al., 1992) and included in vulnerable category of IUCN(International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) and Appendix I CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) (IUCN 2012). Dugong population continues to decline due to the human threat (Suwelo et al., 1992). Another factor is because Dugong has a low reproductive rate (Hindell & Kirkword 2003). Ex-situ conservation of dugong is become important and has conducted by Sea World Indonesia, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol, Jakarta. Research on dugong feeding behaviour can help the ex-situ conservation of dugong. This because feeding behaviour is a main daily behaviour of dugong in the sea (Chilvers et al., 2003). The aim of this research was to describe feeding behaviour of two dugong in Sea World Indonesia. Observations were made in SWI Dugong aquarium with a diameter of 10 meters and two different depth (2 meters and 5 meters). Observations were made during two weeks on December 2012. Behavioral observation time was divided into morning (9:15 to 09:35), (11:30 to 11:50) and (14:30 to 14:50) observations. The feeding behavior observed was hand-fed, surface-fed and bottom-fed. Daily observations of dugong feeding behavior were done using focal animal sampling and ad libitum sampling. The data obtained was displayed in the form of tables and graphs. The data was analyzed using descriptive analysis reinforced with statistical tests. The statistical tests used were the t-test and ANOVA test. Hand-fed behavior of male dugong (31,30%) was higher than female (29,67%). Results from t-test showed that the hand-fed behaviors of both dugongs were not significantly different. Meanwhile, the other t-test result for surface-fed behavior and bottom-fed behavior of both dugongs was significantly different. Surface-fed behavior of male dugong (65.83%) was higher than female (32.08%). Bottom-fed behavior of male dugong (6.23%) was lower than females (36.63%). Hand-fed behaviour and feed on surface are the adaptation of feeding behavior in captivity. Feed on bottom behaviour is the behavior that similar to dugong feeding in the wild, which is grazing. Based on the observation, it is known that both dugong, male dugong especially, have a good adaptation on hand-fed seagrass behaviour and feed on surface, while the female dugong maintain its natural feeding behavior

    Comparison of Process Slaughtered on Beef Cattle Based on level of Cortisol and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)

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    Application of animal welfare in process of slaughtering is very important, both for animals themselves and also for quality of meat. Meanwhile, determination of animal stress using hormonal such as cortisol is expensive and less practical so that portable stress indicator for cows based on Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) must be provided. The aims of this research are to find out the comparison process of slaughter between Rope Casting Local (RCL) and Restraining Box methods by measuring of cortisol and wavelength in FTIR methods. Thirty two of male Ongole cross bred cattle were used in this experiment. Blood sampling was taken from jugular vein when they were rested and repeated when slaughtered. All of blood samples were centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 20 minutes to get serum, and divided into two parts for cortisol assayed using ELISA and for measuring the wavelength using FTIR. The serum then measured at the wavelength between 4000-400 cm^(-1) using MB3000 FTIR. Band data absorption in wavelength of FTIR is analyzed descriptively by using FTIR HorizonMB^TM. For RCL, average of serum cortisol when the animals rested were 11.47 ± 4.88 ng/mL, when the time of slaughter were 23.27 ± 7.84 ng/mL. For RBM, level of cortisol when rested animals were 13.67 ± 3.41 ng/mL and 53.47 ± 20.25 ng/mL at slaughtered. Based on student t Test, there were significantly different between RBM and RCL methods when beef cattle were slaughtered (P0.05). Result of FTIR with the various of wavelength such as methyl group (〖=CH〗_3) 2986 cm^(-1), methylene (〖=CH〗_2) 2827 cm^(-1), hydroxyl (-OH) 3371cm^(-1), carbonyl (ketones) (C=O) 1636 cm^(-1), carboxyl (COO^-) 1408 cm^(-1), glucosa 1057 cm^(-1), urea 1011 cm^(-1)have been obtained. It can be concluded that the RCL slaughtered method is better than the RMB method based on the increase of cortisol as an indicator of stress in beef cattle (P<0.05). FTIR is really possible to be used as stub of stress tool due to differentiation of resting and slaughter condition by recognizing the increase of absorption and the separation of component group at the wavelength. Keywords: FTIR, Cows, stress indicato