1,365 research outputs found

    Earth-Moon Lagrangian points as a testbed for general relativity and effective field theories of gravity

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    We first analyse the restricted four-body problem consisting of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun as the primaries and a spacecraft as the planetoid. This scheme allows us to take into account the solar perturbation in the description of the motion of a spacecraft in the vicinity of the stable Earth-Moon libration points L4 and L5 both in the classical regime and in the context of effective field theories of gravity. A vehicle initially placed at L4 or L5 will not remain near the respective points. In particular, in the classical case the vehicle moves on a trajectory about the libration points for at least 700 days before escaping away. We show that this is true also if the modified long-distance Newtonian potential of effective gravity is employed. We also evaluate the impulse required to cancel out the perturbing force due to the Sun in order to force the spacecraft to stay precisely at L4 or L5. It turns out that this value is slightly modified with respect to the corresponding Newtonian one. In the second part of the paper, we first evaluate the location of all Lagrangian points in the Earth-Moon system within the framework of general relativity. For the points L4 and L5, the corrections of coordinates are of order a few millimeters and describe a tiny departure from the equilateral triangle. After that, we set up a scheme where the theory which is quantum corrected has as its classical counterpart the Einstein theory, instead of the Newtonian one. In other words, we deal with a theory involving quantum corrections to Einstein gravity, rather than to Newtonian gravity. By virtue of the effective-gravity correction to the long-distance form of the potential among two point masses, all terms involving the ratio between the gravitational radius of the primary and its separation from the planetoid get modified. Within this framework, for the Lagrangian points of stable equilibrium, we find quantum corrections of order two millimeters, whereas for Lagrangian points of unstable equilibrium we find quantum corrections below a millimeter. In the latter case, for the point L1, general relativity corrects Newtonian theory by 7.61 meters, comparable, as an order of magnitude, with the lunar geodesic precession of about 3 meters per orbit. The latter is a cumulative effect accurately measured at the centimeter level through the lunar laser ranging positioning technique. Thus, it is possible to study a new laser ranging test of general relativity to measure the 7.61-meter correction to the L1 Lagrangian point, an observable never used before in the Sun-Earth-Moon system. Performing such an experiment requires controlling the propulsion to precisely reach L1, an instrumental accuracy comparable to the measurement of the lunar geodesic precession, understanding systematic effects resulting from thermal radiation and multi-body gravitational perturbations. This will then be the basis to consider a second-generation experiment to study deviations of effective field theories of gravity from general relativity in the Sun-Earth-Moon system

    Global superscaling analysis of quasielastic electron scattering with relativistic effective mass

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    We present a global analysis of the inclusive quasielastic electron scattering data with a superscaling approach with relativistic effective mass. The SuSAM* model exploits the approximation of factorization of the scaling function f(ψ)f^*(\psi^*) out of the cross section under quasifree conditions. Our approach is based on the relativistic mean field theory of nuclear matter where a relativistic effective mass for the nucleon encodes the dynamics of nucleons moving in presence of scalar and vector potentials. Both the scaling variable ψ\psi^* and the single nucleon cross sections include the effective mass as a parameter to be fitted to the data alongside the Fermi momentum kFk_F. Several methods to extract the scaling function and its uncertainty from the data are proposed and compared. The model predictions for the quasielastic cross section and the theoretical error bands are presented and discussed for nuclei along the periodic table from A=2A=2 to A=238A=238: 2^2H, 3^3H, 3^3He, 4^4He, 12^{12}C, 6^{6}Li, 9^{9}Be, 24^{24}Mg, 59^{59}Ni, 89^{89}Y, 119^{119}Sn, 181^{181}Ta, 186^{186}W, 197^{197}Au, 16^{16}O, 27^{27}Al, 40^{40}Ca, 48^{48}Ca, 56^{56}Fe, 208^{208}Pb, and 238^{238}U. We find that more than 9000 of the total 20000\sim 20000 data fall within the quasielastic theoretical bands. Predictions for 48^{48}Ti and 40^{40}Ar are also provided for the kinematics of interest to neutrino experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 20 figures and 4 table

    Mechanical Systems with Symmetry, Variational Principles, and Integration Algorithms

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    This paper studies variational principles for mechanical systems with symmetry and their applications to integration algorithms. We recall some general features of how to reduce variational principles in the presence of a symmetry group along with general features of integration algorithms for mechanical systems. Then we describe some integration algorithms based directly on variational principles using a discretization technique of Veselov. The general idea for these variational integrators is to directly discretize Hamilton’s principle rather than the equations of motion in a way that preserves the original systems invariants, notably the symplectic form and, via a discrete version of Noether’s theorem, the momentum map. The resulting mechanical integrators are second-order accurate, implicit, symplectic-momentum algorithms. We apply these integrators to the rigid body and the double spherical pendulum to show that the techniques are competitive with existing integrators

    Weak Production of Strange Particles and η\eta Mesons off the Nucleon

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    The strange particle production induced by (anti)neutrino off nucleon has been studied for ΔS=0|\Delta S|=0 and ΔS=1|\Delta S|=1 channels. The reactions those we have considered are for the production of single kaon/antikaon, eta and associated particle production processes. We have developed a microscopical model based on the SU(3) chiral Lagrangian. The basic parameters of the model are fπf_\pi, the pion decay constant, Cabibbo angle, the proton and neutron magnetic moments and the axial vector coupling constants for the baryons octet. For antikaon production we have also included Σ\Sigma^*(1385) resonance and for eta production S11S_{11}(1535) and S11S_{11}(1650) resonances are included.Comment: To appear in AIP Conf. Proc. of the Workshop CETUP*14, 12 Pages, 13 Figure

    A novel interplanetary communications relay

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    A case study of a potential Earth-Mars interplanetary communications relay, designed to ensure continuous communications, is detailed. The relay makes use of orbits based on artificial equilibrium points via the application of continuous low thrust, which allows a spacecraft to hover above the orbital plane of Mars and thus ensure communications when the planet is occulted with respect to the Earth. The artificial equilibria of two different low-thrust propulsion technologies are considered: solar electric propulsion, and a solar sail/solar electric propulsion hybrid. In the latter case it is shown that the combination of sail and solar electric propulsion may prove advantageous, but only under specific circumstances of the relay architecture suggested. The study takes into account factors such as the spacecraft's power requirements and communications band utilized to determine the mission and system architecture. A detailed contingency analysis is considered for recovering the relay after increasing periods of spacecraft motor failure, and combined with a consideration for how best to deploy the relay spacecraft to maximise propellant reserves and mission duration

    Choreographic solution to the general relativistic three-body problem

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    We revisit the three-body problem in the framework of general relativity. The Newtonian N-body problem admits choreographic solutions, where a solution is called choreographic if every massive particles move periodically in a single closed orbit. One is a stable figure-eight orbit for a three-body system, which was found first by Moore (1993) and re-discovered with its existence proof by Chenciner and Montgomery (2000). In general relativity, however, the periastron shift prohibits a binary system from orbiting in a single closed curve. Therefore, it is unclear whether general relativistic effects admit a choreographic solution such as the figure eight. We carefully examine general relativistic corrections to initial conditions so that an orbit for a three-body system can be closed and a figure eight. This solution is still choreographic. This illustration suggests that the general relativistic N-body problem also may admit a certain class of choreographic solutions.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, text improved, accepted for publication in PR

    Collinear solution to the general relativistic three-body problem

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    The three-body problem is reexamined in the framework of general relativity. The Newtonian three-body problem admits Euler's collinear solution, where three bodies move around the common center of mass with the same orbital period and always line up. The solution is unstable. Hence it is unlikely that such a simple configuration would exist owing to general relativistic forces dependent not only on the masses but also on the velocity of each body. However, we show that the collinear solution remains true with a correction to the spatial separation between masses. Relativistic corrections to the Sun-Jupiter Lagrange points L1, L2 and L3 are also evaluated.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PR