421 research outputs found

    Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays and Stable H-dibaryon

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    It is shown that an instanton induced interaction between quarks produces a very deeply bound H-dibaryon with mass below 2M_N, M_H=1718 MeV. Therefore the H-dibaryon is predicted to be a stable particle. The reaction of photodisintegration of H-dibaryon to 2Λ2\Lambda in during of its penetration into cosmic microwave background will result in a new possible cut-off in the cosmic-ray spectrum. This provides an explanation of ultra-high energy cosmic ray events observed above the GZK cut-off as a result of the strong interaction of high energy H-dibaryons from cosmic rays with nuclei in Earth's atmosphere.Comment: 5 pages, Late

    Evaluation of mTOR-regulated mRNA translation.

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    mTOR, the mammalian target of rapamycin, regulates protein synthesis (mRNA translation) by affecting the phosphorylation or activity of several translation factors. Here, we describe methods for studying the impact of mTOR signalling on protein synthesis, using inhibitors of mTOR such as rapamycin (which impairs some of its functions) or mTOR kinase inhibitors (which probably block all functions).To assess effects of mTOR inhibition on general protein synthesis in cells, the incorporation of radiolabelled amino acids into protein is measured. This does not yield information on the effects of mTOR on the synthesis of specific proteins. To do this, two methods are described. In one, stable-isotope labelled amino acids are used, and their incorporation into new proteins is determined using mass spectrometric methods. The proportions of labelled vs. unlabeled versions of each peptide from a given protein provide quantitative information about the rate of that protein's synthesis under different conditions. Actively translated mRNAs are associated with ribosomes in polyribosomes (polysomes); thus, examining which mRNAs are found in polysomes under different conditions provides information on the translation of specific mRNAs under different conditions. A method for the separation of polysomes from non-polysomal mRNAs is describe

    Dibaryons as axially symmetric skyrmions

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    Dibaryons configurations are studied in the framework of the bound state soliton model. A generalized axially symmetric ansatz is used to determine the soliton background. We show that once the constraints imposed by the symmetries of the lowest energy torus configuration are satisfied all spurious states are removed from the dibaryon spectrum. In particular, we show that the lowest allowed state in the S=−2S=-2 channel carries the quantum numbers of the H particle. We find that, within our approximations, this particle is slightly bound in the model. We discuss, however, that vacuum effects neglected in the present calculation are very likely to unbind the H.Comment: 24 pages, LaTeX, TAN-FNT-93-12 (it replaces old version which was truncated

    Dihyperon in Chiral Colour Dielectric Model

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    The mass of dihyperon with spin, parity Jπ=0+J^{\pi}=0^{+} and isospin I=0I = 0 is calculated in the framework of Chiral colour dielectric model. The wave function of the dihyperon is expressed as a product of two colour-singlet baryon clusters. Thus the quark wave functions within the cluster are antisymmetric. Appropriate operators are then used to antisymmetrize inter-cluster quark wave functions. The radial part of the quark wavefunctions are obtained by solving the the quark and dielectric field equations of motion obtained in the Colour dielectric model. The mass of the dihyperon is computed by including the colour magnetic energy as well as the energy due to meson interaction. The recoil correction to the dihyperon mass is incorporated by Peierls-Yoccoz technique. We find that the mass of the dihyperon is smaller than the Λ−Λ\Lambda-\Lambda threshold by over 100 MeV. The implications of our results on the present day relativistic heavy ion experiments is discussed.Comment: LaTeX, 13 page

    Do Search for Dibaryonic De - Excitations in Relativistic Nuclear Reactions

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    Some odd characteristics are observed in the single particle distributions obtained from He+Li He + Li interactions at 4.5AGeV/c 4.5 AGeV/c momenta which are explained as the manifestation of a new mechanism of strangeness production via dibaryonic de-excitations. A signature of the formation of hadronic and baryonic clusters is also reported. The di-pionic signals of the dibaryonic orbital de-excitations are analyzed in the frame of the MIT - bag Model and a Monte Carlo simulation.The role played by the dibaryonic resonances in relativistic nuclear collisions could be a significant one. Key words: Relativistic nuclear interactions negative pions, negative kaons, di-pions , streamer chamber, dibaryons, MIT - bag model PACS codes: 25.75.+r,14.40.Aq,14.20.Pt,12.40.AsComment: 17 pages,LATEX, preprint ICTP -243 1993,figures available by reques

    Can Doubly Strange Dibaryon Resonances be Discovered at RHIC?

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    The baryon-baryon continuum invariant mass spectrum generated from relativistic nucleus + nucleus collision data may reveal the existence of doubly-strange dibaryons not stable against strong decay if they lie within a few MeV of threshold. Furthermore, since the dominant component of these states is a superposition of two color-octet clusters which can be produced intermediately in a color-deconfined quark-gluon plasma (QGP), an enhanced production of dibaryon resonances could be a signal of QGP formation. A total of eight, doubly-strange dibaryon states are considered for experimental search using the STAR detector (Solenoidal Tracker at RHIC) at the new Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). These states may decay to Lambda-Lambda and/or proton-Cascade-minus, depending on the resonance energy. STAR's large acceptance, precision tracking and vertex reconstruction capabilities, and large data volume capacity, make it an ideal instrument to use for such a search. Detector performance and analysis sensitivity are studied as a function of resonance production rate and width for one particular dibaryon which can directly strong decay to proton-Cascade-minus but not Lambda-Lambda. Results indicate that such resonances may be discovered using STAR if the resonance production rates are comparable to coalescence model predictions for dibaryon bound states.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figures, revised versio

    Search for the Weak Decay of an H Dibaryon

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    We have searched for a neutral HH dibaryon decaying via H→ΛnH\to\Lambda n and H→Σ0nH\to\Sigma^0 n. Our search has yielded two candidate events from which we set an upper limit on the HH production cross section. Normalizing to the inclusive Λ\Lambda production cross section, we find (dσH/dΩ)/(dσΛ/dΩ)<6.3×10−6(d\sigma_H/d\Omega) / (d\sigma_\Lambda/d\Omega) < 6.3\times 10^{-6} at 90% C.L., for an HH of mass ≈\approx 2.15 GeV/c2c^2.Comment: 11 pages, 6 postscript figures, epsfig, aps, preprint, revte

    Neutron Star Constraints on the H Dibaryon

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    We study the influence of a possible H dibaryon condensate on the equation of state and the overall properties of neutron stars whose population otherwise contains nucleons and hyperons. In particular, we are interested in the question of whether neutron stars and their masses can be used to say anything about the existence and properties of the H dibaryon. We find that the equation of state is softened by the appearance of a dibaryon condensate and can result in a mass plateau for neutron stars. If the limiting neutron star mass is about that of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar a condensate of H dibaryons of vacuum mass 2.2 GeV and a moderately attractive potential in the medium could not be ruled out. On the other hand, if the medium potential were even moderately repulsive, the H, would not likely exist in neutron stars. If neutron stars of about 1.6 solar mass were known to exist, attractive medium effects for the H could be ruled out. Certain ranges of dibaryon mass and potential can be excluded by the mass of the Hulse-Taylor pulsar which we illustrate graphically.Comment: Revised by the addition of a figure showing the region of dibaryon mass and potential excluded by the Hulse-Taylor pulsar. 18 pages, 11 figures, latex (submitted to Phys. Rev. C

    The Role of MeCP2 in Brain Development and Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Methyl CpG binding protein-2 (MeCP2) is an essential epigenetic regulator in human brain development. Rett syndrome, the primary disorder caused by mutations in the X-linked MECP2 gene, is characterized by a period of cognitive decline and development of hand stereotypies and seizures following an apparently normal early infancy. In addition, MECP2 mutations and duplications are observed in a spectrum of neurodevelopmental disorders, including severe neonatal encephalopathy, X-linked mental retardation, and autism, implicating MeCP2 as an essential regulator of postnatal brain development. In this review, we compare the mutation types and inheritance patterns of the human disorders associated with MECP2. In addition, we summarize the current understanding of MeCP2 as a central epigenetic regulator of activity-dependent synaptic maturation. As MeCP2 occupies a central role in the pathogenesis of multiple neurodevelopmental disorders, continued investigation into MeCP2 function and regulatory pathways may show promise for developing broad-spectrum therapies

    The malignant phenotype in breast cancer is driven by eIF4A1-mediated changes in the translational landscape

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    Human mRNA DeXD/H-box helicases are ubiquitous molecular motors that are required for the majority of cellular processes that involve RNA metabolism. One of the most abundant is eIF4A, which is required during the initiation phase of protein synthesis to unwind regions of highly structured mRNA that would otherwise impede the scanning ribosome. Dysregulation of protein synthesis is associated with tumorigenesis, but little is known about the detailed relationships between RNA helicase function and the malignant phenotype in solid malignancies. Therefore, immunohistochemical analysis was performed on over 3000 breast tumors to investigate the relationship among expression of eIF4A1, the helicase-modulating proteins eIF4B, eIF4E and PDCD4, and clinical outcome. We found eIF4A1, eIF4B and eIF4E to be independent predictors of poor outcome in ER-negative disease, while in contrast, the eIF4A1 inhibitor PDCD4 was related to improved outcome in ER-positive breast cancer. Consistent with these data, modulation of eIF4A1, eIF4B and PCDC4 expression in cultured MCF7 cells all restricted breast cancer cell growth and cycling. The eIF4A1-dependent translatome of MCF7 cells was defined by polysome profiling, and was shown to be highly enriched for several classes of oncogenic genes, including G-protein constituents, cyclins and protein kinases, and for mRNAs with G/C-rich 5′UTRs with potential to form G-quadruplexes and with 3′UTRs containing microRNA target sites. Overall, our data show that dysregulation of mRNA unwinding contributes to the malignant phenotype in breast cancer via preferential translation of a class of genes involved in pro-oncogenic signaling at numerous levels. Furthermore, immunohistochemical tests are promising biomarkers for tumors sensitive to anti-helicase therapies
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