18 research outputs found

    Fishermen-Household‘s Accessibilities to Solving Problems of Their Poverty :a Case Study in the East Java Coastal Villages

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    The objectives of the research are (1) to identify a change for bio-physic livelihoods. to solving their poverty and to disempowering home marine social economy, (2) to analyse factors inïŹ‚uencing the strategy of resource USAge and ïŹshermen empowerment and (3) to analyse accessibilities of poor home ïŹshermen in solving their needs. The research used a survey method and a poverty rapid appraisal (PRA). Primary data are collected from home ïŹsherman respondents using Participatory Poverty Assessment {PPA) and Sustainable Livelihoods Approaches (SLA). Data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with an analysis model of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and Two Stage Least Squares (ZSLS), and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results of the ïŹrst-year research are as follows: (1) exploitation pressures on coastal marine resources are very intensive and exceed maxirnum sustainable yield (MSY) (over exploited). (2) Fishing operations of the ïŹshemien are far away ïŹshing locations, quantity and ïŹsh-size are smaller. Some poor ïŹsliermen solved their problems by using size~renovation of their ships and adjusting catching ïŹsh technology, ïŹshing ground. post-harvest activities


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    The mangrove forest is a unique and distinctive form of forest ecosystem, especially in the Indonesia area, because the mangrove forest is found in the ebb and flow of coastal, coastal, and small islands, and it is a potentially rich and competitive nature's resources. The mangrove forests have great economic and ecological value especially in coastal society, but they are particularly vulnerable to damage when the care of the society for the preservation and maintenance of the mangrove forest it self is reduced. The study was to find out the extent of the society understanding of the mangrove forest in the Pangkalaseang Village, North Balantak District, Banggai Regency. The study is carried out for 2 months, from June to August 2020. The method was used to identify the level of human understanding of the mangrove forest found in the Pangkalaseang Village, analysed using a descriptive method, with a scale of 1-3-5 (likert scale modification). The data-collection technique used in this research is observation, interview and documentation. The results of the study indicate that the level of understanding of the people in the pangkalaseang village is in high levels, indicating that the knowledge levels in the village of pangkalaseang are already familiar with the importance of the mangrove forest. The society understood that the presence of mangrove forests opened the way for society to manage so as to care for the life and economic needs of the families resulting from the manage of the mangrove forest.Keywords: Mangrove, Forest, Societ


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    Danau merupakan perairan yang tergenang berbentuk cekungan berisi air yang dikelilingi oleh daratan, baik secara alami maupun buatan. Penurunan kualitas air akan menurunkan daya guna produktivitas, daya dukung, serta daya tampung dari sumber daya air yang akhirnya dapat menurunkan kekayaan dari sumber daya alam itu sendiri. Hal ini memiliki risiko dalam penyebaran berbagai macam penyakit salah satunya yaitu, penyakit yang disebabkan oleh bakteri E.coli dan Total coliform pada danau yang tercemar. Untuk mengetahui kandungan E.coli dan total coliform di Danau Mooat Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan, yaitu cross sectional. Sampel yang diambil, yaitu air Danau Mooat Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur. Untuk parameter E.coli, titik 1 (43/100ml), titik 2 dan 3 (240/100ml), titik 4 (460/100ml). Parameter total coliform, titik 1 (93/100ml), titik 3 (240/100ml), titik 2 dan titik 4 (460/100ml). Titik 1 menunjukan kualitas air danau tidak melebihi standar baku mutu untuk parameter E.coli tetapi pada titik 2, titik 3 dan titik 4 menunjukkan hasil yang melebihi standar baku mutu. Parameter total coliform pada titik 1, titik 2, titik 3, dan titik 4 menunjukkan hasil yang melebihi standar baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan menurut Permenkes RI Nomor 32 Tahun 2017.  Kata Kunci: Kualitas Air Danau, Escherichia coli, Total coliform, Danau Mooat Kabupaten Bolaang      Mongondow Timur ABSTRACTLake is stagnant water that form basin filled with water surrounded by land, both naturally and artificially. Lake waters can be used for agriculture, industry, transportation, tourist attractions and others. Declining water quality will reduce the usability of productivity, carrying capacity, and capacity of water resources which can ultimately reduce the wealth of natural resources themselves. This has risked in the spread of various diseases one of them is diarrhea caused by Escherichia coli (E.coli) and Total coliform in polluted lake. To find out the content of Escherichia coli and total coliform in Mooat Lake, East Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The type of research conducted was cross sectional. Sample was taken at Lake Mooat East Bolaang Mongondow Regency water. For E.coli parameters, point 1 (43/100ml), points 2 and 3 (240/100ml), point 4 (460/100ml). The parameters of total coliform, point 1 (93/100ml), point 3 (240 / 100ml), points 2 and 4 (460/100ml). Point 1 shows the quality of lake water does not exceed the quality standard for the Escherichia coli parameters but at point 2, point 3 and point 4 shows results that exceed the quality standard. The Total coliform parameters at point 1, point 2, point 3, and point 4 show results that exceed the quality standards that have been set according to the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2017. Keywords: Quality of Lake Water, Escherchia coli, Total coliform, Danau Mooat Kabupaten Bolaang Mongondow Timur

    Efficiency of suspended solid removal from tofu production using Rotating Biological Contractor (RBC)

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    Tofu is a common food in Indonesia, made from soybean, and needs gigantic water for the process. The liquid waste of the tofu industry is usually directly discharged into the river without being processed. Liquid wastes of tofu have high organic content and become a problem in water pollution. Rotating Biological Contactor (RBC) is efficient method to treat waste with a high organic matter load by utilizing microorganisms to consume organic matter through biofilms. Biofilm will degrade organic matter aerobically. The purpose of the study is to determine the capability of RBC to reduce the organic content of tofu wastewater with different rotations of the disk. Rotation was experimentally varied from 30, 40, 50, 60 RPM and control. Results were considered in percentage decrease from the untreated waste: TSS of 87.56 ± 6.48%, BOD of 99.13 ± 0.21 %, and COD of 98.53 ± 0.08%. To conclude, the optimum rotation is 50 RPM for decreasing BOD and COD, otherwise 40 RPM for reducing TSS. The results effluent RBC on three parameters passed the quality standards legally for the soybean processing company or activity

    Caractérisation d'une collection de tomates issues de différentes régions du Maroc

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    Tomatoes are one of the most important crops in Morocco. National tomato production reached 1 231 250 tons in 2019. The sector generates thousands of jobs and is one of the pillars of the country's economy through exports. Hence, it is judicious to search for new varieties with high commercial potential. This study aimed to characterize a collection of four local tomato genotypes (‘Taliouine’, ‘Zagora’, ‘Oufella’ and ‘Cerise or Cherry tomato’) from accessions collected in different regions of Morocco, compared to two commercial genotypes (‘Campbell 33’ and ‘Rio Grande’). The analyses concerned agronomic and growth criteria, sensory criteria and physical and physicochemical criteria (humidity, pH, Brix and color). The obtained results showed a great variability between the studied genotypes. Some genotypes showed interesting performances like ‘Campbell 33’ (number of leaves per branch), ‘Rio Grande’ (number of fruits per plant), ‘Cerise tomato’ (number of fruiting branches per plant) and ‘Taliouine’ (plant height). The three genotypes with the best taste are ‘Campbell 33’, ‘Cerise tomato’ and ‘Oufella’. They also show a high intensity of red color, high skin firmness and high aroma content. Significant variations were also observed for the different physicochemical criteria. Such results will help to identify relevant criteria that can be used for varietal improvement and can also constitute basic criteria to differentiate between tomato accessions.Les tomates sont l’une des cultures les plus importantes au Maroc. La production nationale de tomates a atteint 1 231 250 tons en 2019. Le secteur gĂ©nĂšre des milliers d’emplois et constitue l’un des piliers de l’économie du pays grĂące aux exportations. Il est donc judicieux de rechercher de nouvelles variĂ©tĂ©s Ă  fort potentiel commercial. Cette Ă©tude avait comme objectif la caractĂ©risation d’une collection de quatre gĂ©notypes de tomates locales issues d'accessions collectĂ©es dans diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions du Maroc (‘Taliouine’, ‘Zagora’, ‘Oufella’ et ‘Tomate cerise’), comparĂ©e Ă  deux gĂ©notypes commerciaux (‘Campbell 33’ et ‘Rio Grande’). Les analyses ont concernĂ© des critĂšres agronomiques et de croissance, des critĂšres sensoriels et des critĂšres physiques et physicochimiques (humiditĂ©, pH, Brix et couleur). Les rĂ©sultats obtenus ont montrĂ© une assez grande variabilitĂ© entre les diffĂ©rents gĂ©notypes Ă©tudiĂ©s. Certains gĂ©notypes ont prĂ©sentĂ© des performances importantes comme ‘Campbell 33’ (nombre de feuilles par branche), ‘Rio Grande’ (nombre de fruits par plante), ‘Tomate cerise’ (nombre de branches fructifĂšres par plante) et ‘Taliouine’ (hauteur de la plante). Les trois gĂ©notypes les mieux apprĂ©ciĂ©s pour leur goĂ»t sont ‘Campbell 33’, ‘Tomate cerise’ et ‘Oufella’. Ces derniers montrent une forte intensitĂ© au niveau de leur couleur rouge, une peau trĂšs ferme et des teneurs Ă©levĂ©s en arĂŽmes. Des variations significatives ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©galement observĂ©es pour les diffĂ©rents critĂšres physicochimiques Ă©tudiĂ©s. De tels rĂ©sultats aideront Ă  identifier les critĂšres importants qui peuvent ĂȘtre utilisĂ©es pour l'amĂ©lioration variĂ©tale et qui peuvent aussi constituer des critĂšres de base pour diffĂ©rencier entre les accessions de tomates

    A treasure from the past: Former sperm whale distribution in Indonesian waters unveiled using distribution models and historical whaling data

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    This study is the first in Indonesia to assess historical sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus ) seasonal distributions by combining historical whaling data with environmental factors associated with sperm whale habitat preferences. As current records of whale occurrence covering the whole of Indonesian waters are incomplete, we used historical whaling data summarized by Charles Haskins Townsend in 1935 to model its potential distribution for each season