323 research outputs found

    Dynamical phases for the evolution of the entanglement between two oscillators coupled to the same environment

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    We study the dynamics of the entanglement between two oscillators that are initially prepared in a general two-mode Gaussian state and evolve while coupled to the same environment. In a previous paper we showed that there are three qualitatively different dynamical phases for the entanglement in the long time limit: sudden death, sudden death and revival and no-sudden death [Paz & Roncaglia, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 220401 (2008)]. Here we generalize and extend those results along several directions: We analyze the fate of entanglement for an environment with a general spectral density providing a complete characterization of the corresponding phase diagrams for ohmic and sub--ohmic environments (we also analyze the super-ohmic case showing that for such environment the expected behavior is rather different). We also generalize previous studies by considering two different models for the interaction between the system and the environment (first we analyze the case when the coupling is through position and then we examine the case where the coupling is symmetric in position and momentum). Finally, we analyze (both numerically and analytically) the case of non-resonant oscillators. In that case we show that the final entanglement is independent of the initial state and may be non-zero at very low temperatures. We provide a natural interpretation of our results in terms of a simple quantum optics model.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Sum rules for charmed baryon masses

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    The measured masses of the three charge states of the charmed Σc\Sigma_c baryon are found to be in disagreement with a sum rule based on the quark model, but relying on no detailed assumptions about the form of the interaction. This poses a significant problem for the charmed baryon sector of the quark model. Other relations among charmed baryon masses are also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, latex, no figure

    Analytic Relations between Localizable Entanglement and String Correlations in Spin Systems

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    We study the relation between the recently defined localizable entanglement and generalized correlations in quantum spin systems. Differently from the current belief, the localizable entanglement is always given by the average of a generalized string. Using symmetry arguments we show that in most spin 1/2 and spin 1 systems the localizable entanglement reduces to the spin-spin or string correlations, respectively. We prove that a general class of spin 1 systems, which includes the Heisenberg model, can be used as perfect quantum channel. These conclusions are obtained in analytic form and confirm some results found previously on numerical grounds.Comment: 5 pages, RevTeX

    Quantum correlation dynamics in photosynthetic processes assisted by molecular vibrations

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    During the long course of evolution, nature has learnt how to exploit quantum effects. In fact, recent experiments reveal the existence of quantum processes whose coherence extends over unexpectedly long time and space ranges. In particular, photosynthetic processes in light-harvesting complexes display a typical oscillatory dynamics ascribed to quantum coherence. Here, we consider the simple model where a dimer made of two chromophores is strongly coupled with a quasi-resonant vibrational mode. We observe the occurrence of wide oscillations of genuine quantum correlations, between electronic excitations and the environment, represented by vibrational bosonic modes. Such a quantum dynamics has been unveiled through the calculation of the negativity of entanglement and the discord, indicators widely used in quantum information for quantifying the resources needed to realize quantum technologies. We also discuss the possibility of approximating additional weakly-coupled off-resonant vibrational modes, simulating the disturbances induced by the rest of the environment, by a single vibrational mode. Within this approximation, one can show that the off-resonant bath behaves like a classical source of noise

    Spin Chains in an External Magnetic Field. Closure of the Haldane Gap and Effective Field Theories

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    We investigate both numerically and analytically the behaviour of a spin-1 antiferromagnetic (AFM) isotropic Heisenberg chain in an external magnetic field. Extensive DMRG studies of chains up to N=80 sites extend previous analyses and exhibit the well known phenomenon of the closure of the Haldane gap at a lower critical field H_c1. We obtain an estimate of the gap below H_c1. Above the lower critical field, when the correlation functions exhibit algebraic decay, we obtain the critical exponent as a function of the net magnetization as well as the magnetization curve up to the saturation (upper critical) field H_c2. We argue that, despite the fact that the SO(3) symmetry of the model is explicitly broken by the field, the Haldane phase of the model is still well described by an SO(3) nonlinear sigma-model. A mean-field theory is developed for the latter and its predictions are compared with those of the numerical analysis and with the existing literature.Comment: 11 pages, 4 eps figure

    How hidden orders generate gaps in one-dimensional fermionic systems

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    We demonstrate that hidden long range order is always present in the gapped phases of interacting fermionic systems on one dimensional lattices. It is captured by correlation functions of appropriate nonlocal charge and/or spin operators, which remain asymptotically finite. The corresponding microscopic orders are classified. The results are confirmed by DMRG numerical simulation of the phase diagram of the extended Hubbard model, and of a Haldane insulator phas

    Qubit Teleportation and Transfer across Antiferromagnetic Spin Chains

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    We explore the capability of spin-1/2 chains to act as quantum channels for both teleportation and transfer of qubits. Exploiting the emergence of long-distance entanglement in low-dimensional systems [Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 247206 (2006)], here we show how to obtain high communication fidelities between distant parties. An investigation of protocols of teleportation and state transfer is presented, in the realistic situation where temperature is included. Basing our setup on antiferromagnetic rotationally invariant systems, both protocols are represented by pure depolarizing channels. We propose a scheme where channel fidelity close to one can be achieved on very long chains at moderately small temperature.Comment: 5 pages, 4 .eps figure

    Charmed Baryons with J=3/2J = 3/2

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    The width of a recently discovered excited charmed-strange baryon, a candidate for a state Ξc∗\Xi_c^* with spin 3/2, is calculated. In the absence of configuration mixing between the ground-state (spin-1/2) charmed-strange baryon Ξc(a)\Xi_c^{(a)} and the spin-1/2 state Ξc(s)\Xi_c^{(s)} lying about 95 MeV above it, one finds Γ~(Ξc∗→Ξc(a)π)=(3/4)Γ~(Ξ∗→Ξπ)\tilde \Gamma(\Xi^*_c \to \Xi_c^{(a)} \pi) = (3/4) \tilde \Gamma(\Xi^* \to \Xi \pi) and Γ~(Ξc∗→Ξc(s)π)=(1/4)Γ~(Ξ∗→Ξπ)\tilde \Gamma(\Xi^*_c \to \Xi_c^{(s)} \pi) = (1/4) \tilde \Gamma(\Xi^* \to \Xi \pi), where the tilde denotes the partial width with kinematic factors removed. Assuming a kinematic factor for P-wave decay of pcm3p_{\rm cm}^3, one predicts Γ(Ξc∗→Ξc(a)π)=2.3\Gamma(\Xi^*_c \to \Xi_c^{(a)} \pi) = 2.3 MeV, while the Ξc∗→Ξc(s)π\Xi^*_c \to \Xi_c^{(s)} \pi channel is closed. Some suggestions are given for detecting the Σc∗\Sigma_c^*, the spin-3/2 charmed nonstrange baryon, and the Ωc∗\Omega_c^*, the spin-3/2 charmed doubly-strange baryon.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 2 uuencoded figures sent separatel
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