337 research outputs found

    Managing migration: the Brazilian case

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    The objective of this paper is to present the Brazilian migration experience and its relationship with migration management. The article is divided into three parts. First, it reviews some basic facts regarding Brazilian immigration and emigration processes. Second, it focuses on some policy and legal issues related to migration. Finally, it addresses five issues regarding migration management in Brazil.international migration, immigration, emigration, migration management, migration policies, migration laws, Brazil

    Pobreza, migrações e pandemias

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    The objective of this paper is to combine three topics - international migration, poverty, and pandemics - in the context of public policy formulation at the national level. I revise the literature and put together historical evidence. First of all, I discuss international migration; second, I emphasize the role of geography, development, and poverty; and finally I argue about pandemics. The three topics are brought together at the concluding remarks. Regarding international migration, I point to the importance of internal regulation of the Brazilian emigration process and bilateral agreements. In the case of poverty, the regional perspective points to the limits of external help, the role of good institutions, and the importance of investments in health. In terms of pandemics, international cooperation helps prevent and battle epidemics.migration; poverty; pandemics

    Demographic Change and the Structure of Wages: A Demand-Theoretic Analysis for Brazil

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    With rapidly declining fertility and increased longevity the age structure of the labor force in developing countries has changed rapidly. Changing relative supply of workers by age group, and by educational attainment, can have profound effects on labor costs. Their impacts on earnings have been heavily studied in the United States but have received little attention in Asia and Latin America, where supply shocks are at least as large and have often proceeded less evenly across the economy. We use data on 502 local Brazilian labor markets from Censuses 1970-2000 to examine the extent of substitution among demographic groups as relative supply has changed. The results suggest that age-education groups are imperfect substitutes, so that larger age-education cohorts see depressed wage rates, particularly among more-educated groups. The extent of substitution has increased over time, so that the decreasing size of the least-skilled labor force today is barely raising its remaining members' wages.

    A escolarização das pessoas com deficiência no Brasil: atendimento, atraso e progressão no ensino fundamental segundo o Censo 2000

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo evidenciar a implicação das deficiências sobre o atendimento, o atraso e a progressão escolar no ensino fundamental. Para tal, é utilizada a modelagem estatística logística binária. Após apresentação dos diferentes conceitos de deficiência, por meio do Censo 2000, transcorre- -se a análise dos quesitos pretendidos. A progressão escolar é pesquisada por meio da medida nomeada probabilidade de progressão por série (PPS), dos três pontos de maior relevância no desenvolvimento do ensino fundamental. Os resultados indicam grande disparidade entre as deficiências na determinação dos elementos investigados. Em geral, todas as condições se mostram como fatores que desfavorecem o desenvolvimento na carreira escolar. Porém, a implicação das deficiências sobre as PPS se reduz com o avanço no ensino fundamental, sendo também menos significativa a cada etapa sequente. Entre os quesitos analisados, o atraso escolar demonstrou sofrer relevante variação, devido ao controle por fatores de natureza socioeconômica. No mais, este trabalho contém resultados e aponta contributos para o desenvolvimento científico dessa área de estudo

    Caracterização tecnológica de snack obtido de farinha mista de feijão e arroz.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar as propriedades funcionais tecnológicas de snack obtido de farinhas de bandinha de feijão e quirera de arroz, através das análises de índice de expansão, índice de absorção de água, índice de solubilidade em água, densidade aparente, atividade de água e textura. O produto foi elaborado com farinha mista de feijão e arroz, nas proporções de 70% de farinha de quirera de arroz e 30% de farinha de bandinha de feijão. A formulação testada foi processada em extrusora monorosca, da marca INBRAMAQ, modelo Labor PQ30 (Ribeirão Preto, Brasil), de configuração e parafuso intercambiáveis apropriada para produção de produtos expandidos. Os parâmetros de extrusão foram fixos, utilizando-se três zonas de extrusão com temperaturas de 40°C (1º zona), 60°C (2º zona) e 85°C (3º zona); a umidade da mistura no processamento foi de 14%; a velocidade do parafuso foi de 177 rpm; taxa de alimentação de 290g/minuto e matriz circular de 3,85mm. A formulação processada foi coletada manualmente, submetida à secagem em estufa com circulação de ar e a seguir armazenada em saco de polietileno até o momento das análises. O extrudado obtido apresentou valores relativamente baixos de índice de absorção de água (5,60g gel/g matéria seca) e altos de índice de solubilidade em água (48,13%). O índice de expansão do snack foi de 7,75, densidade aparente de 0,17 e textura de 462,39g. Para a análise de atividade de água obteve-se resultado de 0,33, considerado como um nível seguro para garantir a estabilidade microbiológica do produto final. O emprego de bandinha de feijão e quirera de arroz é uma alternativa para a elaboração de snack extrudado, obtendo-se um produto final com boas características tecnológicas

    Quasi-elastic processes of the 48Ca + 120Sn system and the 48Ca nuclear matter density

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    We present the results of a high-precision quasi-elastic excitation function measurement for the 48Ca + 120Sn system at θLAB = 160 at near-barrier energies in steps of 1.0 MeV. The corresponding quasi-elastic barrier distribution is derived. A large-scale coupled-channel calculation was performed to investigate the role of several reaction channels in the reaction mechanism. An excellent agreement between theory and data was obtained for the barrier distribution. The first quadrupole vibrations of the 48Ca and 120Sn, the 2n, and the 4He transfers have a strong influence on the reaction mechanism and are responsible for the good agreement achieved. The 1n transfer has a minor importance in the result when compared with the 2n transfer, which suggests that the pairing correlation might play an important role in the 2n-neutron transfer process. However, if the octupole vibration of the projectile is included in the coupling scheme, the agreement with the data gets worse. The comparison of the coupled-channel calculations with experimental data leads to the conclusion that the nuclear matter diffuseness of the 48Ca nucleus is 0.56 fm in agreement with most of the double-magic nuclei.European Community 26201

    Fast visible imaging of ELM-wall interactions on JET

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    We present and discuss recent measurements of the fast imaging diagnostic in JET. We focus on wide angle observations of few large ELM events (Delta W-ELM similar to 700 kJ) in plasmas with high current, magnetic field and stored energy (similar to 3 T, 3 MA, 8 MJ). Measurements were taken at recording speeds around 30 kHz. The ELM-wall interaction shows a filamentary structure that appears together with the radiation increase in the divertor, implying similar times of flight for ELM radial and parallel transport in the SOL, tau(11) - tau(r), within a time resolution of 30 mu s. Two high and low triangularity cases are compared. For high triangularity the ELM-wall interaction is seen to start in the upper dump plate reaching the outer limiters some 70 mu s later. In the low triangularity cases interaction generally starts in the outer wall but clear evidence of radiation increase in the upper dump plate is seen shortly after (30 Its) or together with the first filament impact on the outer limiters. A poloidal drift of the filament strike point on the limiters is sometimes visible which allows an estimation of the perpendicular filament velocity (similar to 1 km/s). (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved