29 research outputs found

    Dihaploid Coffea arabica genome sequencing and assembly.

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    Coffea arabica which accounts for 70% of world coffee production is an allotetraploid with a genome size of approximately 1.3 Gb and is derived from the hybridization of C. canephora (710 Mb) and C. eugenioides (670 Mb). To elucidate the evolutionary history of C. arabica, and generate critical information for breeding programs, a sequencing project is underway to finalize a reference genome using a dihaploid line and a set of Menu Abstract: Dihaploid Coffea arabica Genome Sequencing and Assembly (Plant and Animal Genome XXIII Conference) https://pag.confex.com/pag/xxiii/webprogram/Paper16983.html [25/02/2015 15:00:12] 30 C. arabica accessions

    High resolution synteny maps allowing direct comparisons between the coffee and tomato genomes

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    Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) and coffee (Coffea canephora) belong to the sister families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, respectively. We report herein the mapping of a common set of 257 Conserved Ortholog Set II genes in the genomes of both species. The mapped markers are well distributed across both genomes allowing the first syntenic comparison between species from these two families. The majority (75%) of the synteny blocks are short (<4 cM); however, some extend up to 50 cM. In an effort to further characterize the synteny between these two genomes, we took advantage of the available sequence for the tomato genome to show that tomato chromosome 7 is syntenic to half of the two coffee linkage groups E and F with the putative break point in tomato localized to the boundary of the heterochromatin and euchromatin on the long arm. In addition to the new insight on genome conservation and evolution between the plant families Solanaceae and Rubiaceae, the comparative maps presented herein provide a translational tool by which coffee researchers may take benefit of DNA sequence and genetic information from tomato and vice versa. It is thus expected that these comparative genome information will help to facilitate and expedite genetic and genomic research in coffee

    Selective AKR1C3 inhibitors do not recapitulate the anti-leukaemic activities of the pan-AKR1C inhibitor medroxyprogesterone acetate

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    Background: We and others have identified the aldo-keto reductase AKR1C3 as a potential drug target in prostate cancer, breast cancer and leukaemia. As a consequence, significant effort is being invested in the development of AKR1C3-selective inhibitors. Methods: We report the screening of an in-house drug library to identify known drugs that selectively inhibit AKR1C3 over the closely related isoforms AKR1C1, 1C2 and 1C4. This screen initially identified tetracycline as a potential AKR1C3-selective inhibitor. However, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance studies identified that the active agent was a novel breakdown product (4-methyl(de-dimethylamine)-tetracycline (4-MDDT)). Results: We demonstrate that, although 4-MDDT enters AML cells and inhibits their AKR1C3 activity, it does not recapitulate the anti-leukaemic actions of the pan-AKR1C inhibitor medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA). Screens of the NCI diversity set and an independently curated small-molecule library identified several additional AKR1C3-selective inhibitors, none of which had the expected anti-leukaemic activity. However, a pan AKR1C, also identified in the NCI diversity set faithfully recapitulated the actions of MPA. Conclusions: In summary, we have identified a novel tetracycline-derived product that provides an excellent lead structure with proven drug-like qualities for the development of AKR1C3 inhibitors. However, our findings suggest that, at least in leukaemia, selective inhibition of AKR1C3 is insufficient to elicit an anticancer effect and that multiple AKR1C inhibition may be required

    Characterization, high-resolution mapping and differential expression of three homologous PAL genes in Coffea canephora Pierre (Rubiaceae)

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    Phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) is the first entry enzyme of the phenylpropanoid pathway producing phenolics, widespread constituents of plant foods and beverages, including chlorogenic acids, polyphenols found at remarkably high levels in the coffee bean and long recognized as powerful antioxidants. To date, whereas PAL is generally encoded by a small gene family, only one gene has been characterized in Coffea canephora (CcPAL1), an economically important species of cultivated coffee. In this study, a molecular- and bioinformatic-based search for CcPAL1 paralogues resulted successfully in identifying two additional genes, CcPAL2 and CcPAL3, presenting similar genomic structures and encoding proteins with close sequences. Genetic mapping helped position each gene in three different coffee linkage groups, CcPAL2 in particular, located in a coffee genome linkage group (F) which is syntenic to a region of Tomato Chromosome 9 containing a PAL gene. These results, combined with a phylogenetic study, strongly suggest that CcPAL2 may be the ancestral gene of C. canephora. A quantitative gene expression analysis was also conducted in coffee tissues, showing that all genes are transcriptionally active, but they present distinct expression levels and patterns. We discovered that CcPAL2 transcripts appeared predominantly in flower, fruit pericarp and vegetative/lignifying tissues like roots and branches, whereas CcPAL1 and CcPAL3 were highly expressed in immature fruit. This is the first comprehensive study dedicated to PAL gene family characterization in coffee, allowing us to advance functional studies which are indispensable to learning to decipher what role this family plays in channeling the metabolism of coffee phenylpropanoids