1,912 research outputs found

    Capillary electrophoresis (CE): a powerful tool to characterize humic acid (HA)

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    The present study evaluates the possibility of eliminating the purification steps involved in the characterization of HA by capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE). The HAs of various sources were analyzed, showing different electropherograms by CZE, which depend on the charge and size of HA. The data suggest that the purification of the sample is not necessary to characterize HAs. Based on the results, CZE showed to be a promising tool to characterize HA of different origins without the purification step of the sample.Neste estudo, avaliou-se a possibilidade de eliminação das etapas de purificação envolvidas na caracterização de HA. HA de diferentes fontes foram analisados por CZE apresentando diferentes eletroferogramas. Essas diferenças observadas mostram que a caracterização do HA por CZE depende da carga e do tamanho do HA. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho sugerem que não é necessária a purificação da amostra para a caracterização de HA por CZE. Baseados nos resultados, a CZE mostrou-se uma ferramenta promissora para caracterização de HA de diferentes origens sem a etapa de purificação da amostra.CNPqFAPES

    Main competencies to manage complex defence projects

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    This research adds a comprehensive way of assessing competencies, contrasting with the usual reductionist approach that uses off-the-shelf instruments. The study reveals 27 competencies to manage complex projects based upon a comprehensive analysis of 22 interviews with senior practitioners associated with the most strategic projects from the Brazilian Army. These competencies were divided into 10 groups, namely influencing, communication, team working, cognitive, management, contextual skills, professionalism, project management knowledge, and personal skills and attributes. Surprisingly, both emotional skills and social competencies were not prominent. The results contribute to advance our knowledge by revealing that practitioners involved in complex defence projects value more technical and individual competencies. This study analyses competencies across several complex projects in the defence sector, providing insights to practitioners and expanding the academic debate focused on other industries and single cases. Organisations might use the competencies to recruit, select, and develop human resources involved in complex defence initiatives

    Geração e acumulo de mutantes com poucos poliedros após passagem serial do baculovirus anticarsia (AgMNPV) em cultura de células.

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    Análise da recente alta internacional dos preços das commodities alimentares: previsão e mudança estrutural.

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo analisar a alta observada entre 2007 e 2011 nos preços das commodities de alimentação em âmbito internacional, tendo como motivação os efeitos prejudiciais que a elevação dos preços desse tipo de produto causa à segurança alimentar mundial. Por meio do método de Box e Jenkins (1976), busca-se estudar o comportamento dos preços nos meses que completam o ano de 2011 e, utilizando-se a análise de quebra estrutural, procura-se comprovar a quebra estrutural no período de maior alta. O estudo permite verificar que existe uma tendência de alta nos preços dos alimentos e de mudança estrutural na base de formação deles, evidenciando a necessidade de políticas públicas, em âmbito internacional, que assistam ao problema

    Proposta metodológica para avaliação da efetividade das políticas sociais para agricultores familiares do Estado de Goiás.

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    O objetivo principal desse artigo é realizar uma revisão bibliográfica e uma proposta metodológica para avaliar as efetividades sociais das políticas públicas para os agricultores familiares do estado de Goiás. Os programas escolhidos pelas suas representatividades sociais e econômicas para o campo e especificamente para a agricultura familiar, sujeito deste trabalho, são o Programa Nacional da Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), o Programas de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA) da Agricultura Familiar. Também será abordado o Programa Bolsa Família, que não se trata da temática da segurança alimentar, mas que é um programa social de grande inserção no meio rural, especificamente para os agricultores familiares, e com a hipótese que tem efeitos significativos em elementos de segurança alimentar dos agricultores familiares do território em questão

    Dirac-Surface-State-Dominated Spin to Charge Current Conversion in the Topological Insulator (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 Films at Room Temperature

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    We report the spin to charge current conversation in an intrinsic topological insulator (TI) (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 film at room temperature. The spin currents are generated in a thin layer of permalloy (Py) by two different processes, spin pumping (SPE) and spin Seebeck effects (SSE). In the first we use microwave-driven ferromagnetic resonance of the Py film to generate a SPE spin current that is injected into the TI (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 layer in direct contact with Py. In the second we use the SSE in the longitudinal configuration in Py without contamination by the Nernst effect made possible with a thin NiO layer between the Py and (Bi0.22Sb0.78)2Te3(Bi_{0.22}Sb_{0.78})_2Te_3 layers. The spin-to-charge current conversion is attributed to the inverse Edelstein effect (IEE) made possible by the spin-momentum locking in the electron Fermi contours due to the Rashba field. The measurements by the two techniques yield very similar values for the IEE parameter, which are larger than the reported values in the previous studies on topological insulators.Comment: 18 pages and 7 figure

    Biochar of sawdust origin in passion fruit seedling production.

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    Great part of solid waste are deposited inappropriately near cities or in rural areas, contributing to negative environmental impacts. There are numerous forms of waste processing, one of them is pyrolysis to produce biochar and subsequent use in agricultural systems. The objective of this study was to evaluate different substrates with activated biochar (AB) and biochar (B) in substrate and its effect on the growth of passion fruit seedlings. The test was conducted in a nursery, located in Sinop/MT, May to July 2013, designed in four blocks with ten treatments: commercial substrate (CS), composed by pine bark and vermiculite 4:1; nursery substrate (NS) composed by carbonized rice husk and coconut fiber 1:1; and the eigth treatments represented were B and AB additions of 25; 50; 75; and 100% in CS, (B25, B50, B75, B100, AB25, AB50, AB75 and AB100, respectively). After 60 days sowing the stem diameter, plant height, leaf number was evaluated and at the end of the experiment the fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots, and Dickson Quality Index (DQI) were assessed. AB at concentrations of 25, 50 and 75% combined with commercial substrate showed increases in parameters fresh and dry biomass weight, height, stem diameter and number of leaves. The dose of 25% AB is presented as the best dose to be adopted in commercial crops. The sawdust processed into AB is an alternative in the production of passion fruit system and the reintegration of this raw material to the productive sector
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