30 research outputs found

    Software vs. Hardware Shared Memory Implementation: A Case Study

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    We compare the performance of software-supported shared memory on a general-purpose network to hardware-supported shared memory on a dedicated interconnect. Up to eight processors, our results are based on the execution of a set of application programs on a SGI 4D/480 multiprocessor and on TreadMarks, a distributed shared memory system that runs on a Fore ATM LAN of DECstation-5000/240s. Since the DEC-station and the 4D/480 use the same processor, primary cache, and compiler, the shared-memory implementation is the principal difference between the systems. Our results show that TreadMarks performs comparably to the 4D/480 for applications with moderate amounts of synchronization, but the difference in performance grows as the synchronization frequency increases. For applications that require a large amount of memory bandwidth, TreadMarks can perform better than the SGI 4D/480. Beyond eight processors, our results are based on execution-driven simulation. Specifically, we compare a software implementation on a general-purpose network of uniprocessor nodes, a hardware implementation using a directory-based protocol on a dedicated interconnect, and a combined implementation using software to provide shared memory between multiprocessor nodes with hardware implementing shared memory within a node. For the modest size of the problems that we can simulate, the hardware implementation scales well and the software implementation scales poorly. The combined approach delivers performance close to that of the hardware implementation for applications with small to moderate synchronization rates and good locality. Reductions in communication overhead improve the performance of the software and the combined approach, but synchronization remains a bottleneck

    Performance Debugging Shared Memory Parallel Programs Using Run--Time Dependence Analysis

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    We describe a new approach to performance debugging that focuses on automatically identifying computation transformations to reduce synchronization and communication. By grouping writes together into equivalence classes, we are able to tractably collect information from long--running programs. Our performance debugger analyzes this information and suggests computation transformations in terms of the source code. We present the transformations suggested by the debugger on a suite of four applications. For BarnesHut and Shallow, implementing the debugger suggestions improved the performance by a factor of 1.32 and 34 times respectively on an 8--processor IBM SP2. For Ocean, our debugger identified excess synchronization that did not have a significant impact on performance. ILINK, a genetic linkage analysis program widely used by geneticists, is already well optimized. We use it only to demonstrate the feasibility of our approach to long--running applications. We also give details on how..

    Optimally Synchronizing DOACROSS Loops on Shared Memory Multiprocessors

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    We present two algorithms to minimize the amount of synchronization added when parallelizing a loop with loop--carried dependences. In contrast to existing schemes, our algorithms add lesser synchronization, while preserving the parallelism that can be extracted from the loop. Our first algorithm uses an interval graph representation of the dependence "overlap" to find a synchronization placement in time almost linear in the number of dependences. Although this solution may be suboptimal, it is still better than that obtained using existing methods, which first eliminate redundant dependences and then synchronize the remaining ones. Determining the optimal synchronization is an NP--complete problem. Our second algorithm therefore uses integer programming to determine the optimal solution. We first use a polynomial--time algorithm to find a minimal search space that must contain the optimal solution. Then, we formulate the problem of choosing the minimal synchronization from the search ..

    Combining Compile-Time and Run-Time Support for Efficient Software Distributed Shared Memory

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    We describe an integrated compile-time and run-time system for efficient shared memory parallel computing on distributed memory machines. The combined system presents the user with a shared memory programming model, with its well-known benefits in terms of ease of use. The run-time system implements a consistent shared memory abstraction using memory access detection and automatic data caching. The compiler improves the efficiency of the shared memory implementation by directing the runtime system to exploit the message passing capabilities of the underlying hardware. To do so, the compiler analyzes shared memory accesses, and transforms the code to insert calls to the run-time system that provide it with the access information computed by the compiler. The run-time system is augmented with the appropriate entry points to use this information to implement bulk data transfer and to reduce the overhead of run-time consistency maintenance. In those cases where the compiler analysis succee..

    Compiler and Software Distributed Shared Memory Support for Irregular Applications

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    We investigate the use of a software distributed shared memory (DSM) layer to support irregular computations on distributed memory machines. Software DSM supports irregular computation through demand fetching of data in response to memory access faults. With the addition of a very limited form of compiler support, namely the identification of the section of the indirection array accessed by each processor, many of these on-demand page fetches can be aggregated into a single message, and prefetched prior to the access fault. We have measured the performance of this approach for two irregular applications, moldyn and nbf, using the TreadMarks DSM system on an 8-processor IBM SP2. We find that it has similar performance to the inspector-executor method supported by the CHAOS run-time library, while requiring much simpler compile-time support. For moldyn, it is up to 23% faster than CHAOS, depending on the input problem's characteristics; and for nbf, it is no worse than 14% slower. If we ..

    Software Versus Hardware Shared-Memory Implementation: A Case Study

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    We compare the performance of software-supported shared memory on a general-purpose network to hardware-supported shared memory on a dedicated interconnect. Up to eight processors, our results are based on the execution of a set of application programs on a SGI 4D/480 multiprocessor and on TreadMarks, a distributed shared memory system that runs on a Fore ATM LAN of DECstation-5000/240s. Since the DECstation and the 4D/480 use the same processor, primary cache, and compiler, the shared-memory implementation is the principal di erence between the systems. Our results show that TreadMarks performs comparably to the 4D/480 for applications with moderate amounts of synchronization, but the di erence in performance grows as the synchronization frequency increases. For applications that require a large amount of memory bandwidth, TreadMarks can perform better than the SGI 4D/480. Beyond eight processors, our results are based on execution-driven simulation. Speci cally, we compare a software implementation on a general-purpose network of uniprocessor nodes, a hardware implementation using a directory-based protocol on a dedicated interconnect, and a combined implementation using software to provide shared memory between multiprocessor nodes with hardware implementing shared memory within a node. For the modest size of the problems that we can simulate, the hardware implementation scales well and the software implementation scales poorly. The combined approach delivers performance close to that of the hardware implementation for applications with small to moderate synchronization rates and good locality. Reductions in communi

    Combining Compile-Time and Run-Time Support for Efficient Software Distributed Shared Memory

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    We describe an integrated compile-time and run-time system for efficient shared memory parallel computing on distributed memory machines. The combined system presents the user with a shared memory programming model, with its well-known benefits in terms of ease of use. The run-time system implements a consistent shared memory abstraction using memory access detection and automatic data caching. The compiler improves the effi ciency of the shared memory implementation by directing the runtime system to exploit the message passing capabilities of the underlying hardware. To do so, the compiler analyzes shared memory accesses, and transforms the code to insert calls to the run-time system that provide it with the access information computed by the compiler. The run-time system is augmented with the appropriate entry points to use this information to implement bulk data transfer and to reduce the overhead of run-time consistency maintenance. In those cases where the compiler analysis succeeds for the entire program, we demonstrate that the combined system achieves performance comparable to that produced by compilers that directly target message passing. If the compiler analysis is successful only for parts of the program, for instance, because of irregular accesses to some of the arrays, the resulting optimizations can be applied to those parts for which the analysis succeeds. If the compiler analysis fails entirely, we rely on the run-time's maintenance of shared memory, and thereby avoid the complexity and the limitations of compilers that directly target message passing. The result is a single system that combines efficient support for both regular and irregular memory access patterns