662 research outputs found

    Strong attachment as an adaptation of flightless weevils on windy oceanic islands

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    Enhanced attachment ability is common in plants on islands to avoid potential fatal passive dispersal. However, whether island insects also have increased attachment ability remains unclear. Here we measured the attachment of a flightless weevil, Pachyrhynchus sarcitis kotoensis, from tropical islands, and compared it with documented arthropods from the mainland. We examined the morphology and material gradient of its attachment devices to identify the specific adaptive modifications for attachment. We find that the weevil has much stronger attachment force and higher safety factor than previously studied arthropods, regardless of body size and substrate roughness. This probably results from the specific flexible bases of the adhesive setae on the third footpad of the legs. This softer material on the setal base has not been reported hitherto and we suggest that it acts as a flexible hinge to form intimate contact to substrate more effectively. By contrast, no morphological difference in tarsomeres and setae between the weevil and other beetles is observed. Our results show the remarkably strong attachment of an island insect and highlights the potential adaptive benefits of strong attachment in windy island environment. The unique soft bases of the adhesive hairs may inspire the development of strong biomimetic adhesives

    Coordinated operation of electric vehicle charging and wind power generation as a virtual power plant: A multi-stage risk constrained approach

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd As the number of electric vehicles (EVs) is steadily increasing, their aggregation can offer significant storage to improve the electric system operation in many aspects. To this end, a comprehensive stochastic optimization framework is proposed in this paper for the joint operation of a fleet of EVs with a wind power producer (WPP) in a three-settlement pool-based market. An aggregator procures enough energy for the EVs based on their daily driving patterns, and schedules the stored energy to counterbalance WPP fluctuations. Different sources of uncertainty including the market prices and WPP generation are modeled through proper scenarios, and the risk is hedged by adding a risk measure to the formulation. To obtain more accurate results, the battery degradation costs are also included in the problem formulation. A detailed case study is presented based on the Iberian electricity market data as well as the technical information of three different types of EVs. The proposed approach is benchmarked against the disjoint operation of EVs and WPP. Numerical simulations demonstrate that the proposed strategy can effectively benefit EV owners and WPP by reducing the energy costs and increasing the profits

    A review on economic and technical operation of active distribution systems

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Along with the advent of restructuring in power systems, considerable integration of renewable energy resources has motivated the transition of traditional distribution networks (DNs) toward new active ones. In the meanwhile, rapid technology advances have provided great potentials for future bulk utilization of generation units as well as the energy storage (ES) systems in the distribution section. This paper aims to present a comprehensive review of recent advancements in the operation of active distribution systems (ADSs) from the viewpoint of operational time-hierarchy. To be more specific, this time-hierarchy consists of two stages, and at the first stage of this time-hierarchy, four major economic factors, by which the operation of traditional passive DNs is evolved to new active DNs, are described. Then the second stage of the time-hierarchy refers to technical management and power quality correction of ADSs in terms of static, dynamic and transient periods. In the end, some required modeling and control developments for the optimal operation of ADSs are discussed. As opposed to previous review papers, potential applications of devices in the ADS are investigated considering their operational time-intervals. Since some of the compensating devices, storage units and generating sources may have different applications regarding the time scale of their utilization, this paper considers real scenario system operations in which components of the network are firstly scheduled for the specified period ahead; then their deviations of operating status from reference points are modified during three time-intervals covering static, dynamic and transient periods

    Assessing mental health literacy: What medical sciences students' know about depression

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    Background: Mental health literacy is an individual's knowledge and belief about mental disorders which aid their recognition, management and prevention. The aim of this study was to investigate mental health literacy among students of Tehran University of Medical Sciences. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data were collected by the anonymous self-administered questionnaires and finally 324 students participated in the study. Random cluster sampling was used. Questions were in different areas of the mental health literacy for depression include recognition of disorder, intended actions to seek help and perceived barriers, beliefs about interventions, prevention, stigmatization and impact of media. T-test was used for statistical analysis. Results: The mean (±SD) age was 23.5±2.8. The participants were 188 (58.1) females and 136 (41.9) males. In response to the recognition of the disorder 115 (35.6) students mentioned the correct answer. In help-seeking area, 208 (64.3) gave positive answer. The majority of affected students sought for help from their friends and parents. Stigma was the greatest barrier for seeking help. Television and Internet were the most common sources of information related to mental health. Conclusion: Generally students' mental health literacy on depression was low in some areas. Appropriate educational programs specifically for reducing mental disorders stigma seems necessary. Organizing networks of co-helper students for mental health could be considered

    A pattern recognition methodology for analyzing residential customers load data and targeting demand response applications

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. The availability of smart meter data allows defining innovative applications such as demand response (DR) programs for households. However, the dimensionality of data imposes challenges for the data mining of load patterns. In addition, the inherent variability of residential consumption patterns is a major problem for deciding on the characteristic consumption patterns and implementing proper DR settlements. In this regard, this paper utilizes a data size reduction and clustering methodology to analyze residential consumption behavior. Firstly, the distinctive time periods of household activity during the day are identified. Then, using these time periods, a modified symbolic aggregate approximation (SAX) technique is utilized to transform the load patterns into symbolic representations. In the next step, by applying a clustering method, the major consumption patterns are extracted and analyzed. Finally, the customers are ranked based on their stability over time. The proposed approach is applied on a large dataset of residential customers’ smart meter data and can achieve three main goals: 1) it reduces the dimensionality of data by utilizing the data size reduction, 2) it alleviates the problems associated with the clustering of residential customers, 3) its results are in accordance with the needs of systems operators or demand response aggregators and can be used for demand response targeting. The paper also provides a thorough analysis of different aspects of residential electricity consumption and various approaches to the clustering of households which can inform industry and research activity to optimize smart meter operational use

    Phylogenetic relationships of Iranian Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) based on deduced amino acid sequences of genome segment A and B cDNA

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    Infectious Pancreatic Necrosis Virus (IPNV) is the causal agent of a highly contagious disease that affects many species of fish and shellfish. This virus causes economically important diseases of farmed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, in Iran which is often associated with the transmission of pathogens from European resources. In this study, moribund rainbow trout fry were collected during an outbreak of IPNV in three different fish farms in one northern province (Mazandaran), and two west provinces (Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, and Kohgiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad) of Iran. We investigated full genome sequence of Iranian IPNV and compared it with previously identified IPNV sequences. The sequences of different structural and non-structural protein genes were compared with other aquatic birnaviruses sequenced to date. Our results showed that the Iranian isolate fall within genogroup 5, serotype A2 strain SP, having 99 % identity with the strain 1146 from Spain. These results suggest that the Iranian isolate may have originated from Europe

    Microbiota functional activity biosensors for characterizing nutrient metabolism in vivo

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    Methods for measuring gut microbiota biochemical activities in vivo are needed to characterize its functional states in health and disease. To illustrate one approach, an arabinan-containing polysaccharide was isolated from pea fiber, its structure defined, and forward genetic and proteomic analyses used to compare its effects, versus unfractionated pea fiber and sugar beet arabinan, on a human gut bacterial strain consortium in gnotobiotic mice. We produced \u27Microbiota Functional Activity Biosensors\u27 (MFABs) consisting of glycans covalently linked to the surface of fluorescent paramagnetic microscopic glass beads. Three MFABs, each containing a unique glycan/fluorophore combination, were simultaneously orally gavaged into gnotobiotic mice, recovered from their intestines, and analyzed to directly quantify bacterial metabolism of structurally distinct arabinans in different human diet contexts. Colocalizing pea-fiber arabinan and another polysaccharide (glucomannan) on the bead surface enhanced in vivo degradation of glucomannan. MFABs represent a potentially versatile platform for developing new prebiotics and more nutritious foods

    Antibacterial potential of Saussurea obvallata petroleum ether extract: A spiritually revered medicinal plant

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    Uttarakhand Himalayan region holds Asteraceae or Compositae as the largest family of flowering, medicinal and aromatic plants. Species belonging to this family rises from low altitude to the alpine region. Among Asteraceae, Saussurea obvallata (DC.) Edgew. is widely used in several indigenous systems of medicine. Flowers, leaves and rhizomes of S. obvallata are used for several traditional, religious, therapeutic and ornamental purposes. Aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition and antibacterial efficacy of petroleum ether extract (PEE) of S. obvallata. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis was used for identifying phytochemicals present in the plant extract. Furthermore, the PEE was assessed for in-vitro antibacterial activity against selected Gram positive and negative strains. Structure of squalene and \u3b1-linolenic acid methyl ester were identified in PEE by GC-MS analysis, by comparing the results obtained with NIST library and literature reports. PEE exhibited significant activity against Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis with IC50 value of 87.2 \ub1 1.6, 98.4 \ub1 1.1 and 90.2 \ub1 1.8 \u3bcg/ml, respectively. These results showed that squalene and a-linolenic acid derivative identified in S. obvallata may be responsible for the observed antibacterial activity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report focused on the chemical composition and antibacterial activity of S. obvallata