89 research outputs found

    Um modelo de crescimento de Paleosuchus trigonatus (Crocodylia: Alligatoridae) do Rio Negro prevê o crescimento de indivíduos do rio Xingu, Brasil

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    Patterns of growth of crocodilians vary geographically within the same species, so models developed in one area may not predict size-age relationships in others. We used recapture data for three females and six males of Paleosuchus trigonatus from the Belo Monte hydroelectric dam area on the Xingu River to validate a growth model developed on a tributary of the Rio Negro. Individuals were recaptured between two and 10 years after marking (2012–2022). The data indicate that the monomolecular (von Bertalanffy by length) model is adequate to model growth of intermediate size animals. Recapture of one female after eight years indicates that the Rio Negro model can be used to model growth with accuracy for individuals from the Xingu River.Os padrões de crescimento dos crocodilianos variam geograficamente dentro da mesma espécie, de modo que os modelos desenvolvidos em uma área não preveem relações tamanho-idade em outras. Usamos dados de recaptura de três fêmeas e seis machos de Paleosuchus trigonatus da área da hidrelétrica de Belo Monte no rio Xingu para validar um modelo de crescimento desenvolvido em um afluente do rio Negro. Os jacarés foram recapturados entre dois e dez anos após a marcação (2012–2022). Os dados indicam que o modelo monomolecular (von Bertalanffy por comprimento) é adequado para modelar o crescimento de animais de tamanho intermediário, e a recaptura de uma fêmea após oito anos indica que o modelo Rio Negro pode ser usado para modelar o crescimento com razoável precisão para indivíduos do Rio Xingu

    A Recent Volcanic Eruption, Holuhraun, in the Central Highlands of Iceland as a Mars analog: The 2018 Field Campaign of FELDSPAR

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    In summer 2018, FELDSPAR conducted an analog sampling expedition to the Holuhraun volcanoin the central highlands of Iceland that erupted from August 2014 to February 2015. Holuhraun hassteep gradients within an otherwise relatively controlled region, and thus served as the primaryMars analog site for the 2018 FELDSPAR field campaign. Samples along gradients of mineralogyas measured via near-IR and visible reflectance spectroscopy, temperature as measured by an IRprobe, and physical location about the fissure (slope incline, directionality, height up the slope,etc.) were analyzed in-field with reflectance spectroscopy and X-ray fluorescence, in the field labfor adenosine trisphosphate (ATP) as an indicator of metabolic activity, and after return to thehome lab for both geochemical and geophysical parameters (moisture content, grain size, X-raydiffraction) and biochemical parameters (DNA content and speciation). This abstract representsthe first report on the 2018 field campaign with initial results and interpretation. This work is part ofField Exploration and Life Detection Sampling for Planetary Analogue Research (FELDSPAR), onFacebook @FELDSPAResearch

    A bridge between worlds: understanding network structure to understand change strategy

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    A number of scholars are exploring district and site relations in organizational change efforts in the larger policy context of No Child Left Behind. These studies suggest the importance of the central office as a support to the work of reform and offer strategies for building relations between district offices and sites in order to implement and sustain change efforts. What is frequently overlooked in these studies is that organizational change efforts are often socially constructed. Therefore, examining the underlying social networks may provide insight into structures that support or constrain efforts at change. This exploratory case study uses social network analysis and interviews to examine the communication and knowledge network structures of central office and site leaders in an ‘in need of improvement’ district facing sanctions under No Child Left Behind. Findings indicate sparse ties among and between school site and central office administrators, as well as a centralized network structure that may constrain the exchange of complex information and ultimately inhibit efforts at change

    Regional heterogeneity and firms’ innovation: the role of regional factors in industrial R&D in India

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    This study makes an early attempt to estimate the magnitude and intensity of manufacturing firms’ R&D by Indian states during the period 1991‒2008 and analyses the role of regional factors on firm-level R&D activities. As there is little research on state-wise R&D performance of firms in India, this study serves an important contribution to the academic and policy realm. It has brought out the fact the total manufacturing R&D investment in India is unevenly distributed regionally with a few states accounting for disproportionate share of it. Regional heterogeneity or inter-state disparities in R&D has increased between the 1990s and the first decade of the twenty-first century. In view of this persistent regional heterogeneity in R&D, the study has developed and estimated an empirical model for a sample of 4545 Indian manufacturing firms with R&D facilities located in single state and that explicitly includes regional factors as probable factors affecting R&D. The three-step Censored Quantitle Regression results confirm that regional factors play an important role in shaping the R&D intensity of the sample of firms. This led us to some useful policy suggestions for regional governments to promote local firms’ R&D activities

    Cranial Pneumatocele

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    Being and becoming in teacher education: student-teachers’ freedom to learn in a College of Education in Ghana

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    This paper focuses on how people learn to become teachers. It draws on the experiences of student-teachers and tutors at a College of Education in the south of Ghana, who engaged with an iterative data-generation process over one academic year. While increasing attention is given to the learning experiences of children in Sub-Saharan Africa, teachers’ learning experiences remain under-explored, under-documented and under-theorised. It makes an original contribution to the study of pre-service teacher education by combining a sociocultural lens on learning and becoming with an analytical framework based on the capability approach. This illustrates how student-teachers’ freedom to learn is facilitated and constrained by structured and social contexts within a pre-service programme. The paper shows how understanding different perspectives on valued ‘beings and doings’ of teaching can help re-interpret and re-imagine processes for ‘becoming’ a teacher, which has practical application at policy and institution level
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