1,948 research outputs found

    A relativistic parton cascade with radiation

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    We consider the evolution of a parton system which is formed at the central rapidity region just after an ultrarelativistic heavy ion collision. The evolution of the system, which is composed of gluons, quarks and antiquarks, is described by a relativistic Boltzmann equations with collision terms including radiation and retardation effects. The equations are solved by the test particle method using Monte-Carlo sampling. Our simulations do not show any evidence of kinetic equilibration, unless the cross sections are artificially increased to unrealistically large values.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    On the Stereochemistry of the Cations in the Doping Block of Superconducting Copper-Oxides

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    Metal-oxygen complexes containing Cu,- Tl-, Hg-, Bi- and Pb-cations are electronically active in superconducting copper-oxides by stabilizing single phases with enhanced TcT_c, whereas other metal-oxygen complexes deteriorate copper-oxide superconductivity. Cu, Tl, Hg, Bi, Pb in their actual oxidation states are closed shell d10d^{10} or inert s2s^2 pair ions. Their electronic configurations have a strong tendency to polarize the oxygen environment. The closed shell dd ions with low lying nd10nd9(n+1)snd^{10}\leftrightarrow nd^9(n+1)s excitations form linear complexes through dz2sd_{z^2}-s hybridization polarizing the apical oxygens. Comparatively low nd9(n+1)snd^9(n+1)s excitation energies distinguish Cu1+,3+,Tl3+,Hg2+\rm Cu^{1+,3+}, Tl^{3+}, Hg^{2+} from other closed shell d10d^{10} ions deteriorating copper-oxide superconductivity, {\it e.g.} Zn2+\rm Zn^{2+}.Comment: 5 pages, uses REVTEX. To be published in: J. Superconductivity, Proc. Int. Workshop on "Phase Separation, Electronic Inhomogenities and Related Mechanisms for High T_c Superconductors", Erice (Sicily) 9-15 July 199

    Sex chromosome positions in human interphase nuclei as studied by in situ hybridization with chromosome specific DNA probes

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    Two cloned repetitive DNA probes, pXBR and CY1, which bind preferentially to specific regions of the human X and Y chromosome, respectively, were used to study the distribution of the sex chromosomes in human lymphocyte nuclei by in situ hybridization experiments. Our data indicate a large variability of the distances between the sex chromosomes in male and female interphase nuclei. However, the mean distance observed between the X and Y chromosome was significantly smaller than the mean distance observed between the two X-chromosomes. The distribution of distances determined experimentally is compared with three model distributions of distances, and the question of a non-random distribution of sex chromosomes is discussed. Mathematical details of these model distributions are provided in an Appendix to this paper. In the case of a human translocation chromosome (XqterXp22.2::Yq11Y qter) contained in the Chinese hamster x human hybrid cell line 445 x 393, the binding sites of pXBR and CY1 were found close to each other in most interphase nuclei. These data demonstrate the potential use of chromosome-specific repetitive DNA probes to study the problem of interphase chromosome topography

    Chromosome assignment of two cloned DNA probes hybridizing predominantly to human sex chromosomes

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    In situ hybridization experiments were carried out with two clones, YACG 35 and 2.8, which had been selected from two genomic libraries strongly enriched for the human Y chromosome. Besides the human Y chromosome, both sequences strongly hybridized to the human X chromosome, with few minor binding sites on autosomes. In particular, on the X chromosome DNA from clone YACG 35 hybridized to the centromeric region and the distal part of the short arm (Xp2.2). On the Y chromosome, the sequence was assigned to one site situated in the border region between Yq1.1 and Yq1.2. DNA from clone 2.8 also hybridized to the centromeric region of the X and the distal part of the short arm (Xq2.2). On the Y, however, two binding sites were observed (Yp1.1 and Yq1.2). The findings indicate that sex chromosomal sequences may be localized in homologous regions (as suggested from meiotic pairing) but also at ectopic sites

    Localization Properties of Two Interacting Electrons in a Disordered Quasi One-Dimensional Potential

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    We study the transport properties of two electrons in a quasi one-dimensional disordered wire. The electrons are subject to both, a disorder potential and a short range two-body interaction. Using the approach developed by Iida et al. [ Ann. Phys. (N.Y.) 200 (1990) 219 ], the supersymmetry technique, and a suitable truncation of Hilbert space, we work out the two-point correlation function in the framework of a non-linear sigma model. We study the loop corrections to arbitrary order. We obtain a remarkably simple and physically transparent expression for the change of the localization length caused by the two-body interaction.Comment: 10 page

    Review of the k-Body Embedded Ensembles of Gaussian Random Matrices

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    The embedded ensembles were introduced by Mon and French as physically more plausible stochastic models of many--body systems governed by one--and two--body interactions than provided by standard random--matrix theory. We review several approaches aimed at determining the spectral density, the spectral fluctuation properties, and the ergodic properties of these ensembles: moments methods, numerical simulations, the replica trick, the eigenvector decomposition of the matrix of second moments and supersymmetry, the binary correlation approximation, and the study of correlations between matrix elements.Comment: Final version. 29 pages, 4 ps figures, uses iopart.st

    Finite-size behaviour of the microcanonical specific heat

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    For models which exhibit a continuous phase transition in the thermodynamic limit a numerical study of small systems reveals a non-monotonic behaviour of the microcanonical specific heat as a function of the system size. This is in contrast to a treatment in the canonical ensemble where the maximum of the specific heat increases monotonically with the size of the system. A phenomenological theory is developed which permits to describe this peculiar behaviour of the microcanonical specific heat and allows in principle the determination of microcanonical critical exponents.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, submitted to J. Phys.

    Organization of Multinational Activities and Ownership Structure

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    We develop a model in which multinational investors decide about the modes of organization, the locations of production, and the markets to be served. Foreign investments are driven by market-seeking and cost-reducing motives. We further assume that investors face costs of control that vary among sectors and increase in distance. The results show that (i) production intensive sectors are more likely to operate a foreign business independent of the investment motive, (ii) that distance may have a non-monotonous effect on the likelihood of horizontal investments, and (iii) that globalization, if understood as reducing distance, leads to more integration

    The BioGRID Interaction Database: 2011 update

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    The Biological General Repository for Interaction Datasets (BioGRID) is a public database that archives and disseminates genetic and protein interaction data from model organisms and humans (http://www.thebiogrid.org). BioGRID currently holds 347 966 interactions (170 162 genetic, 177 804 protein) curated from both high-throughput data sets and individual focused studies, as derived from over 23 000 publications in the primary literature. Complete coverage of the entire literature is maintained for budding yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) and thale cress (Arabidopsis thaliana), and efforts to expand curation across multiple metazoan species are underway. The BioGRID houses 48 831 human protein interactions that have been curated from 10 247 publications. Current curation drives are focused on particular areas of biology to enable insights into conserved networks and pathways that are relevant to human health. The BioGRID 3.0 web interface contains new search and display features that enable rapid queries across multiple data types and sources. An automated Interaction Management System (IMS) is used to prioritize, coordinate and track curation across international sites and projects. BioGRID provides interaction data to several model organism databases, resources such as Entrez-Gene and other interaction meta-databases. The entire BioGRID 3.0 data collection may be downloaded in multiple file formats, including PSI MI XML. Source code for BioGRID 3.0 is freely available without any restrictions