19 research outputs found

    Maculinea nausithous exploits Myrmica scabrinodis in Transylvania: unusual host ant species of a myrmecophilous butterfly in an isolated region (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae; Hymenoptera: Formicidae)

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    Isolated populations of the myrmecophilous Dusky Large Blue butterfly (Maculinea nausithous) occur in Transylvania (Romania). The hitherto unknown host ant specificity of these populations was investigated at two sites, where Myrmica scabrinodis was the only potential host ant found. A total of 107 M. scabrinodis nests were opened in early summer to check for the presence of M. nausithous larvae, and two of them contained overwintered larvae. Our observations suggest that, like the habitat, the host ant of these isolated populations essentially differs from other central European M. nausithous populations studied, which use exclusively Myrmica rubra

    Can the growing of transgenic maize threaten protected Lepidoptera in Europe?

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    This material was first presented at the ICCB-ECCB conference in Montpellier, France, 2015.We evaluated whether protected European butterflies can potentially be at risk if transgenic maize is extensively grown in Central Europe. We explored potential consequences of both insect resistant (IR) and herbicide resistant (HR) transgenic maize. IR maize can produce pollen that is toxic to lepidopteran larvae, and this puts butterfly species at possible risk if the presence of young larvae coincides with maize flowering, during which large quantities of maize pollen can be deposited on vegetation. By considering the timing of maize flowering in Europe and the phenology of the protected Lepidoptera species, we found that 31 species had at least one generation where 50% of the larval stage overlapped with maize flowering, and 69 species for which first instar larvae were present during maize pollen shedding. HR maize allows high concentration herbicide treatments on fields without seasonal limitation, which can drastically reduce weed densities. In cases where such weed species are host plants for protected butterflies, reduced host plant/food availability can result, causing population decreases. By using published information, we first identified the important weed species in major maize-growing European countries. Subsequently, we checked whether the host plants of protected Lepidoptera included species that are common maize weeds. We identified 140 protected species having food plants that are common weeds in one or more of the major European maize-growing countries. If HR maize is grown in Europe, there is a potential hazard that their food plants will seriously decline, causing a subsequent decline of these protected species.This is a scientific output of the AMIGA Project, supported by the EC (grant agreement no. 289706).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio