1,135 research outputs found

    Obtaining highly-excited eigenstates of many-body localized Hamiltonians by the density matrix renormalization group

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    The eigenstates of many-body localized (MBL) Hamiltonians exhibit low entanglement. We adapt the highly successful density-matrix renormalization group method, which is usually used to find modestly entangled ground states of local Hamiltonians, to find individual highly excited eigenstates of many body localized Hamiltonians. The adaptation builds on the distinctive spatial structure of such eigenstates. We benchmark our method against the well studied random field Heisenberg model in one dimension. At moderate to large disorder, we find that the method successfully obtains excited eigenstates with high accuracy, thereby enabling a study of MBL systems at much larger system sizes than those accessible to exact-diagonalization methods.Comment: Published version. Slightly expanded discussion; supplement adde

    Strongly correlated fermions on a kagome lattice

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    We study a model of strongly correlated spinless fermions on a kagome lattice at 1/3 filling, with interactions described by an extended Hubbard Hamiltonian. An effective Hamiltonian in the desired strong correlation regime is derived, from which the spectral functions are calculated by means of exact diagonalization techniques. We present our numerical results with a view to discussion of possible signatures of confinement/deconfinement of fractional charges.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Correlated Fermions on a Checkerboard Lattice

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    A model of strongly correlated spinless fermions hopping on a checkerboard lattice is mapped onto a quantum fully-packed loop model. We identify a large number of fluctuationless states specific to the fermionic case. We also show that for a class of fluctuating states, the fermionic sign problem can be gauged away. This claim is supported by numerically evaluating the energies of the low-lying states. Furthermore, we analyze in detail the excitations at the Rokhsar-Kivelson point of this model thereby using the relation to the height model and the single-mode approximation.Comment: 4 Pages, 3 Figures; v4: updated version published in Phys. Rev. Lett.; one reference adde

    Dynamics after a sweep through a quantum critical point

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    The coherent quantum evolution of a one-dimensional many-particle system after sweeping the Hamiltonian through a critical point is studied using a generalized quantum Ising model containing both integrable and non-integrable regimes. It is known from previous work that universal power laws appear in such quantities as the mean number of excitations created by the sweep. Several other phenomena are found that are not reflected by such averages: there are two scaling regimes of the entanglement entropy and a relaxation that is power-law rather than exponential. The final state of evolution after the quench is not well characterized by any effective temperature, and the Loschmidt echo converges algebraically to a constant for long times, with cusplike singularities in the integrable case that are dynamically broadened by nonintegrable perturbations.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Real-time dynamics in the one-dimensional Hubbard model

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    We consider single-particle properties in the one-dimensional repulsive Hubbard model at commensurate fillings in the metallic phase. We determine the real-time evolution of the retarded Green's function by matrix-product state methods. We find that at sufficiently late times the numerical results are in good agreement with predictions of nonlinear Luttinger liquid theory. We argue that combining the two methods provides a way of determining the single-particle spectral function with very high frequency resolution.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures. Minor edits from v1. Version as publishe

    Detection of Symmetry Protected Topological Phases in 1D

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    A topological phase is a phase of matter which cannot be characterized by a local order parameter. It has been shown that gapped phases in 1D systems can be completely characterized using tools related to projective representations of the symmetry groups. We show how to determine the matrices of these representations in a simple way in order to distinguish between different phases directly. From these matrices we also point out how to derive several different types of non-local order parameters for time reversal, inversion symmetry and Z2×Z2Z_2 \times Z_2 symmetry, as well as some more general cases (some of which have been obtained before by other methods). Using these concepts, the ordinary string order for the Haldane phase can be related to a selection rule that changes at the critical point. We furthermore point out an example of a more complicated internal symmetry for which the ordinary string order cannot be applied.Comment: 12 pages, 9 Figure

    On confined fractional charges: a simple model

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    We address the question whether features known from quantum chromodynamics (QCD) can possibly also show up in solid-state physics. It is shown that spinless fermions of charge ee on a checkerboard lattice with nearest-neighbor repulsion provide for a simple model of confined fractional charges. After defining a proper vacuum the system supports excitations with charges ±e/2\pm e/2 attached to the ends of strings. There is a constant confining force acting between the fractional charges. It results from a reduction of vacuum fluctuations and a polarization of the vacuum in the vicinity of the connecting strings.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Entanglement Transitions in Unitary Circuit Games

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    Repeated projective measurements in unitary circuits can lead to an entanglement phase transition as the measurement rate is tuned. In this work, we consider a different setting in which the projective measurements are replaced by dynamically chosen unitary gates that minimize the entanglement. This can be seen as a one-dimensional unitary circuit game in which two players get to place unitary gates on randomly assigned bonds at different rates: The "entangler" applies a random local unitary gate with the aim of generating extensive (volume law) entanglement. The "disentangler," based on limited knowledge about the state, chooses a unitary gate to reduce the entanglement entropy on the assigned bond with the goal of limiting to only finite (area law) entanglement. In order to elucidate the resulting entanglement dynamics, we consider three different scenarios: (i) a classical discrete height model, (ii) a Clifford circuit, and (iii) a general U(4)U(4) unitary circuit. We find that both the classical and Clifford circuit models exhibit phase transitions as a function of the rate that the disentangler places a gate, which have similar properties that can be understood through a connection to the stochastic Fredkin chain. In contrast, the "entangler" always wins when using Haar random unitary gates and we observe extensive, volume law entanglement for all non-zero rates of entangling.Comment: 18 pages, 12 figure
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