2,984 research outputs found

    Entanglement entropy and macroscopic quantum states with dipolar bosons in a triple-well potential

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    We study interacting dipolar atomic bosons in a triple-well potential within a ring geometry. This system is shown to be equivalent to a three-site Bose-Hubbard model. We analyze the ground state of dipolar bosons by varying the effective on-site interaction. This analysis is performed both numerically and analytically by using suitable coherent-state representations of the ground state. The latter exhibits a variety of forms ranging from the su(3) coherent state in the delocalization regime to a macroscopic cat-like state with fully localized populations, passing for a coexistence regime where the ground state displays a mixed character. We characterize the quantum correlations of the ground state from the bi-partition perspective. We calculate both numerically and analytically (within the previous coherent-state representation) the single-site entanglement entropy which, among various interesting properties, exhibits a maximum value in correspondence to the transition from the cat-like to the coexistence regime. In the latter case, we show that the ground-state mixed form corresponds, semiclassically, to an energy exhibiting two almost-degenerate minima.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Spectral Statistics of the Triaxial Rigid Rotator: Semiclassical Origin of their Pathological Behavior

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    In this paper we investigate the local and global spectral properties of the triaxial rigid rotator. We demonstrate that, for a fixed value of the total angular momentum, the energy spectrum can be divided into two sets of energy levels, whose classical analog are librational and rotational motions. By using diagonalization, semiclassical and algebric methods, we show that the energy levels follow the anomalous spectral statistics of the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator.Comment: 14 pages with 5 figures, to be published in Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Colloidal hard-rod fluids near geometrically structured substrates

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    Density functional theory is used to study colloidal hard-rod fluids near an individual right-angled wedge or edge as well as near a hard wall which is periodically patterned with rectangular barriers. The Zwanzig model, in which the orientations of the rods are restricted to three orthogonal orientations but their positions can vary continuously, is analyzed by numerical minimization of the grand potential. Density and orientational order profiles, excess adsorptions, as well as surface and line tensions are determined. The calculations exhibit an enrichment [depletion] of rods lying parallel and close to the corner of the wedge [edge]. For the fluid near the geometrically patterned wall, complete wetting of the wall -- isotropic liquid interface by a nematic film occurs as a two-stage process in which first the nematic phase fills the space between the barriers until an almost planar isotropic -- nematic liquid interface has formed separating the higher-density nematic fluid in the space between the barriers from the lower-density isotropic bulk fluid. In the second stage a nematic film of diverging film thickness develops upon approaching bulk isotropic -- nematic coexistence.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figure

    Spatial Distribution of Leprosy in the Amazon Region of Brazil

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    To detect areas with increased case-detection rates, we used spatial scan statistics to identify 5 of 10 clusters of leprosy in the Amazon region of Brazil. Despite increasing economic development, population growth, and road infrastructure, leprosy is endemic to this region, which is a source of case exportation to other parts of Brazil

    A chargeless complex vector matter field in supersymmetric scenario

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    In this paper we construct and study a formulation of a chargeless complex vector matter field in a supersymmetric framework. To this aim we combine two no-chiral scalar superfields in order to take the vector component field to build the chargeless complex vector superpartner where the respective field strength transforms as matter fields by a global U(1)U(1) gauge symmetry. To the aim to deal with consistent terms without breaking the global U(1)U(1) symmetry it imposes a choice to the complex combination revealing a kind of symmetry between the choices and eliminate the extra degrees of freedom consistently with the supersymmetry. As the usual case the mass supersymmetric sector contributes as a complement to dynamics of the model. We obtain the equations of motion of the Proca's type field, for the chiral spinor fields and for the scalar field on the mass-shell which show the same mass as expected. This work establishes the firsts steps to extend the analysis of charged massive vector field in a supersymmetric scenario.Comment: 8 page

    Measuring the Spins of Stellar Black Holes: A Progress Report

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    We use the Novikov-Thorne thin disk model to fit the thermal continuum X-ray spectra of black hole X-ray binaries, and thereby extract the dimensionless spin parameter a* = a/M of the black hole as a parameter of the fit. We summarize the results obtained to date for six systems and describe work in progress on additional systems. We also describe recent methodological advances, our current efforts to make our analysis software fully available to others, and our theoretical efforts to validate the Novikov-Thorne model.Comment: 6 pages, conference proceedings, X-ray Astronomy 2009: Present Status, Multi-Wavelength Approach and Future Perspectives, AIP, eds. A. Comastri et al.; list of authors revise