282 research outputs found

    Disjoint edges in topological graphs and the tangled-thrackle conjecture

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    It is shown that for a constant tNt\in \mathbb{N}, every simple topological graph on nn vertices has O(n)O(n) edges if it has no two sets of tt edges such that every edge in one set is disjoint from all edges of the other set (i.e., the complement of the intersection graph of the edges is Kt,tK_{t,t}-free). As an application, we settle the \emph{tangled-thrackle} conjecture formulated by Pach, Radoi\v{c}i\'c, and T\'oth: Every nn-vertex graph drawn in the plane such that every pair of edges have precisely one point in common, where this point is either a common endpoint, a crossing, or a point of tangency, has at most O(n)O(n) edges

    The Szemeredi-Trotter Theorem in the Complex Plane

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    It is shown that nn points and ee lines in the complex Euclidean plane C2{\mathbb C}^2 determine O(n2/3e2/3+n+e)O(n^{2/3}e^{2/3}+n+e) point-line incidences. This bound is the best possible, and it generalizes the celebrated theorem by Szemer\'edi and Trotter about point-line incidences in the real Euclidean plane R2{\mathbb R}^2.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Combinatoric

    The step Sidorenko property and non-norming edge-transitive graphs

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    Sidorenko's Conjecture asserts that every bipartite graph H has the Sidorenko property, i.e., a quasirandom graph minimizes the density of H among all graphs with the same edge density. We study a stronger property, which requires that a quasirandom multipartite graph minimizes the density of H among all graphs with the same edge densities between its parts; this property is called the step Sidorenko property. We show that many bipartite graphs fail to have the step Sidorenko property and use our results to show the existence of a bipartite edge-transitive graph that is not weakly norming; this answers a question of Hatami [Israel J. Math. 175 (2010), 125-150]

    Guest Editors’ Foreword

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    Grid-Obstacle Representations with Connections to Staircase Guarding

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    In this paper, we study grid-obstacle representations of graphs where we assign grid-points to vertices and define obstacles such that an edge exists if and only if an xyxy-monotone grid path connects the two endpoints without hitting an obstacle or another vertex. It was previously argued that all planar graphs have a grid-obstacle representation in 2D, and all graphs have a grid-obstacle representation in 3D. In this paper, we show that such constructions are possible with significantly smaller grid-size than previously achieved. Then we study the variant where vertices are not blocking, and show that then grid-obstacle representations exist for bipartite graphs. The latter has applications in so-called staircase guarding of orthogonal polygons; using our grid-obstacle representations, we show that staircase guarding is \textsc{NP}-hard in 2D.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Triangle-Free Penny Graphs: Degeneracy, Choosability, and Edge Count

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    We show that triangle-free penny graphs have degeneracy at most two, list coloring number (choosability) at most three, diameter D=Ω(n)D=\Omega(\sqrt n), and at most min(2nΩ(n),2nD2)\min\bigl(2n-\Omega(\sqrt n),2n-D-2\bigr) edges.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. To appear at the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    Combinatorial Bounds for Conflict-free Coloring on Open Neighborhoods

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    In an undirected graph GG, a conflict-free coloring with respect to open neighborhoods (denoted by CFON coloring) is an assignment of colors to the vertices such that every vertex has a uniquely colored vertex in its open neighborhood. The minimum number of colors required for a CFON coloring of GG is the CFON chromatic number of GG, denoted by χON(G)\chi_{ON}(G). The decision problem that asks whether χON(G)k\chi_{ON}(G) \leq k is NP-complete. We obtain the following results: * Bodlaender, Kolay and Pieterse [WADS 2019] showed the upper bound χON(G)fvs(G)+3\chi_{ON}(G)\leq {\sf fvs}(G)+3, where fvs(G){\sf fvs}(G) denotes the size of a minimum feedback vertex set of GG. We show the improved bound of χON(G)fvs(G)+2\chi_{ON}(G)\leq {\sf fvs}(G)+2, which is tight, thereby answering an open question in the above paper. * We study the relation between χON(G)\chi_{ON}(G) and the pathwidth of the graph GG, denoted pw(G){\sf pw}(G). The above paper from WADS 2019 showed the upper bound χON(G)2tw(G)+1\chi_{ON}(G) \leq 2{\sf tw}(G)+1 where tw(G){\sf tw}(G) stands for the treewidth of GG. This implies an upper bound of χON(G)2pw(G)+1\chi_{ON}(G) \leq 2{\sf pw}(G)+1. We show an improved bound of χON(G)53(pw(G)+1)\chi_{ON}(G) \leq \lfloor \frac{5}{3}({\sf pw}(G)+1) \rfloor. * We prove new bounds for χON(G)\chi_{ON}(G) with respect to the structural parameters neighborhood diversity and distance to cluster, improving existing results. * We also study the partial coloring variant of the CFON coloring problem, which allows vertices to be left uncolored. Let χON(G)\chi^*_{ON}(G) denote the minimum number of colors required to color GG as per this variant. Abel et. al. [SIDMA 2018] showed that χON(G)8\chi^*_{ON}(G) \leq 8 when GG is planar. They asked if fewer colors would suffice for planar graphs. We answer this question by showing that χON(G)5\chi^*_{ON}(G) \leq 5 for all planar GG. All our bounds are a result of constructive algorithmic procedures.Comment: 30 page

    Optimal Packings of Superballs

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    Dense hard-particle packings are intimately related to the structure of low-temperature phases of matter and are useful models of heterogeneous materials and granular media. Most studies of the densest packings in three dimensions have considered spherical shapes, and it is only more recently that nonspherical shapes (e.g., ellipsoids) have been investigated. Superballs (whose shapes are defined by |x1|^2p + |x2|^2p + |x3|^2p <= 1) provide a versatile family of convex particles (p >= 0.5) with both cubic- and octahedral-like shapes as well as concave particles (0 < p < 0.5) with octahedral-like shapes. In this paper, we provide analytical constructions for the densest known superball packings for all convex and concave cases. The candidate maximally dense packings are certain families of Bravais lattice packings. The maximal packing density as a function of p is nonanalytic at the sphere-point (p = 1) and increases dramatically as p moves away from unity. The packing characteristics determined by the broken rotational symmetry of superballs are similar to but richer than their two-dimensional "superdisk" counterparts, and are distinctly different from that of ellipsoid packings. Our candidate optimal superball packings provide a starting point to quantify the equilibrium phase behavior of superball systems, which should deepen our understanding of the statistical thermodynamics of nonspherical-particle systems.Comment: 28 pages, 16 figure