3,998 research outputs found

    Phenolic and Flavonoid Content in Hericium Erinaceus, Ganoderma Lucidum and Agrocybe Aegerita under Selenium Addition

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    The phenolic and flavonoid contents and composition and the antioxidant ability in Hericium erinaceus, Ganoderma lucidum, and Agrocybe aegerita under selenium (Se) addition to growth medium were studied. The contents of total Se in fruiting bodies of controls (0 mM of Se) were 4.58 (A. aegerita), 8.53 (G. lucidum), and 14.29 (H. erinaceus) mg kg–1 dry weight (DW), and was significantly increased by Se enrichment of substrate. The total phenolics in fruiting bodies of controls of H. erinaceus, G. lucidum, and A. aegerita were significantly lower (17.10, 28.11, and 16.05 mg of gallic acid equivalent (GAE)/g of extract, respectively) than for Se-rich mushrooms (26.29, 40.29, and 20.07 mg GAE/g of extract, respectively). Total flavonoid content for H. erinaceus, G. lucidum, and A. aegerita increased after Se supplementation from 368.6 to 445.6, 469.9 to 627.7, and 318.1 to 393.9 μg g–1 of extract, respectively. The results show that the mushrooms have superior antioxidant properties after Se addition, because the scavenging ability on 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radicals was improved

    Investigation of sandwich material surface created by abrasive water jet (AWJ) via vibration emission

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    The paper presents research a of abrasive waterjet cutting of heterogeneous “sandwich“ material with different Young modulus of elasticity of the cutted surface geometry by means of vibration emission. In order to confirm hypothetical assumptions about direct relation between vibration emission and surface quality an experiment in heterogeneous material consisting of stainless steel (DIN 1.4006 / AISI 410) and alloy AlCuMg2 has been provided

    Patient Advocacy in Plastic Surgery: An Underutilized Tool

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    Summary: Healthcare advocacy is an important tool in the plastic surgeon’s arsenal that stands the potential to improve both patient care and the profession. However, many physicians underestimate the importance and influence that healthcare advocacy has on the profession and feel that they lack the leverage and knowledge to advocate on behalf of themselves, their practices, their patients, and their profession, all of which are untrue. Plastic surgeons are uniquely positioned to advocate based on their clinical acumen, personal experiences with patient care, and their position in the healthcare ecosystem value chain. This article aims to equip plastic surgeons with a general framework of knowledge regarding policy and advocacy. Additionally, the article outlines and discusses recent advocacy efforts related to plastic surgery, and efforts that are on the horizon to provide some context to the relevance of advocacy related to plastic surgery. Finally, we aim to empower plastic surgeons to step into the policy advocacy arena for the betterment of our patients and the professional practice of plastic surgery. (Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2019;7:e2207; doi: 10.1097/GOX.0000000000002207; Published online 3 May 2019.


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    The human leptospirosis in different landscape zones of Carpathian area was study. Serological verification by ELISA had been carried out and 82 cases of leptospirosis were defined during one-year investigation. Human leptospirosis had detected in all sites: 19 cases in mountain area, 25 – plain and 38 in mixed relief zones. The percentage of leptospirosis in the structure of infectious diseases was on average in plain zone (22.7±2.4) %, mountainous (18.8±2.1) %, and mixed zone – (39.2±2.5) %. The incidence case rate was high in all areas: 11.0–15.2 per 100 thousand population (plain), 6.2–39.7 per 100 thousand population (mountains), 9.7–26.8 per 100 thousand population (mixed relief). The majority of patients – (72.7±2.5) % lived in rural areas. The proportion of male patients was higher – (65.8±4.8) % than the female only in mixed relief area. The patients were from all age groups of the population, but the adult (73.1±2.5) % had been prevailed. A number of occupational risk factors were identified that could potentiate the risk of exposure. Predominantly leptospirosis had been manifested by mild and moderate disease with polymorphic clinical course. The clinical forms of leptospirosis with hyperthermia and defeat of the respiratory tract (41.5±5.4) % had been prevailed in all zones. Typically the classic version of the clinical manifestation and hepatitis syndrome – (14.6±3.9) % had been presented.Метою роботи було виявлення особливостей лептоспірозу в госпіталізованих пацієнтів з лабораторно верифікованим діагнозом, вивчення проявів і тенденцій епідемічного процесу при лептоспірозі на територіях карпатського регіону з рівнинним, гірським та змішаним рельєфом (по два адміністративних райони в кожній зоні). Матеріали і методи. У кожній географічній зоні було обрано по два адміністративних райони, де впродовж календарного року обстежили 312 госпіталізованих в інфекційні стаціонари хворих із симптомами, що не виключали ймовірності цього захворювання. Верифікацію діагнозів здійснювали в ІФА шляхом детекції IgM до лептоспір, що дозволило виявити 82 хворих на лептоспіроз, з яких 25 – жителі рівнинної території, 19 – гірської, 38 – змішаного рельєфу. Результати досліджень. Частка лептоспірозу в структурі інфекційних захворювань у середньому становила у районах рівнинної зони – (22,7±2,4) %, гірської – (18,8±2,1) %, змішаного рельєфу – (39,2±2,5) %. Інтенсивний показник захворюваності (ІПЗ) був високим у всіх зонах: 11,0-15,2 (рівнина), 6,2-39,7 (гори), 9,7-26,8 (змішаного рельєфу). Більшість пацієнтів із верифікованим лептоспірозом – (72,7±2,5) % проживала у сільській місцевості. Лише в районах змішаного рельєфу частка хворих чоловіків була більшою – (65,8±4,8) %, ніж жінок, в інших ландшафтних зонах не виявлено статистично достовірної різниці за статевою ознакою. Хворі були з усіх вікових груп, але переважали дорослі працездатні особи – (73,1±2,5) %. Найвища частка лептоспірозу серед усіх професійно-побутових груп на досліджуваних територіях виявлена у категорії непрацюючих – (18,4±3,9)-(31,6±4,5) %, незначну частку становили пенсіонери – (2,6±0,8) % випадку. Виявлено цілу низку професійно-побутових чинників ризику, що могли потенціювати ризик зараження людей лептоспірами. Лептоспіроз маніфестував переважно легкими та середньо-тяжкими формами захворювання з поліморфним перебігом. На всіх територіях переважали форми лептоспірозу з гіпертермічним станом і ураженням дихального тракту – (41,5±5,4) %. Характерними були класичний варіант клінічної маніфестації та синдром гепатиту – по (14,6±3,9) %. Висновок. Лептоспіроз є крайовою патологією в Карпатському регіоні та поширеним захворюванням у всіх ландшафтних зонах, про що свідчить висока частка цієї нозології в структурі інфекційних хвороб та показники ІПЗ сукупного населення. Гіперендемічними територіями були райони гірської зони та змішаного рельєфу. Групами ризику щодо захворювання на лептоспіроз виявилися жителі сільської території, переважно доросле працездатне населення. Виявлено широкий спектр обставин, що потенційно могли сприяти ймовірності зараження людей лептоспірами

    Multifractals of Normalized First Passage Time in Sierpinski Gasket

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    The multifractal behavior of the normalized first passage time is investigated on the two dimensional Sierpinski gasket with both absorbing and reflecting barriers. The normalized first passage time for Sinai model and the logistic model to arrive at the absorbing barrier after starting from an arbitrary site, especially obtained by the calculation via the Monte Carlo simulation, is discussed numerically. The generalized dimension and the spectrum are also estimated from the distribution of the normalized first passage time, and compared with the results on the finitely square lattice.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, with 3 figures and 1 table. to be published in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. Vol.67(1998

    Inherent Plasticity of Brown Adipogenesis in White Fat of Mice Allows for Recovery from Effects of Post-Natal Malnutrition

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    Interscapular brown adipose tissue (iBAT) is formed during fetal development and stable for the life span of the mouse. In addition, brown adipocytes also appear in white fat depots (wBAT) between 10 and 21 days of age in mice maintained at a room temperature of 23°C. However, this expression is transient. By 60 days of age the brown adipocytes have disappeared, but they can re-emerge if the adult mouse is exposed to the cold (5°C) or treated with β3-adrenergic agonists. Since the number of brown adipocytes that can be induced in white fat influences the capacity of the mouse to resist the obese state, we determined the effects of the nutritional conditions on post-natal development (birth to 21 days) of wBAT and its long-term effects on diet-induced obesity (DIO). Under-nutrition caused essentially complete suppression of wBAT in inguinal fat at 21 days of age, as indicated by expression of Ucp1 and genes of mitochondrial structure and function based upon microarray and qRT-PCR analysis, whereas over-nutrition had no discernible effects on wBAT induction. Surprisingly, the suppression of wBAT at 21 days of age did not affect DIO in adult mice maintained at 23°C, nor did it affect the reduction in obesity or cold tolerance when DIO mice were exposed to the cold at 5°C for one week. Gene expression analysis indicated that mice raised under conditions that suppressed wBAT at 21 days of age were able to normally induce wBAT as adults. Therefore, neither severe hypoleptinemia nor hypoinsulinemia during suckling permanently impaired brown adipogenesis in white fat. In addition, energy balance studies of DIO mice exposed to cold indicates that mice with reduced adipose stores preferentially increased food intake, whereas those with larger adipose tissue depots preferred to utilize energy from their adipose stores

    The +4G Site in Kozak Consensus Is Not Related to the Efficiency of Translation Initiation

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    The optimal context for translation initiation in mammalian species is GCCRCCaugG (where R = purine and “aug” is the initiation codon), with the -3R and +4G being particularly important. The presence of +4G has been interpreted as necessary for efficient translation initiation. Accumulated experimental and bioinformatic evidence has suggested an alternative explanation based on amino acid constraint on the second codon, i.e., amino acid Ala or Gly are needed as the second amino acid in the nascent peptide for the cleavage of the initiator Met, and the consequent overuse of Ala and Gly codons (GCN and GGN) leads to the +4G consensus. I performed a critical test of these alternative hypotheses on +4G based on 34169 human protein-coding genes and published gene expression data. The result shows that the prevalence of +4G is not related to translation initiation. Among the five G-starting codons, only alanine codons (GCN), and glycine codons (GGN) to a much smaller extent, are overrepresented at the second codon, whereas the other three codons are not overrepresented. While highly expressed genes have more +4G than lowly expressed genes, the difference is caused by GCN and GGN codons at the second codon. These results are inconsistent with +4G being needed for efficient translation initiation, but consistent with the proposal of amino acid constraint hypothesis