225 research outputs found

    Assessing the FACTS: A Mnemonic for Teaching and Learning the Rapid Assessment of Rigor in Qualitative Research Studies

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    Teaching and learning research appraisal strategies is a challenge in undergraduate education and for practitioners alike. The appraisal of rigor in qualitative research papers is particularly complex and sophisticated work for many undergraduate research students and practitioners who want to develop their critical reading skills. The mnemonic strategy (The FACTS) explained in this paper is one pedagogical strategy for establishing a simplified approach to teaching and learning the appraisal of rigor in qualitative research. While not a comprehensive tool, the FACTS are a useful introduction to the complex challenge of qualitative research appraisal

    Geochemical Implication of some Chemical Fossils as Indicators of Petroleum Source Rocks

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    Chemical fossils (biomarkers) are molecules in crude oils, source rocks and sediments whose carbon structures or skeletons can be traced back to living organisms. Three of such diagnostic fossils have been typically reviewed with respect to maturation changes, precursor-product relationship, utility for source rock/crude oil, crude oil/crude oil correlations and role in basin development. Fingerprints (composition and distribution) of hopanes, oleananes and steranes have been highlighted. Defunctionalization and breakage of double bonds which occur during diagenesis as well as stereochemical changes which occur during catagenesis have also been highlighted. Napthenic hydrocarbons, such as steranes (C27 - C29) and triterpanes (C29 - C32), are useful in geochemical correlations because of their unique compound distributions and the fact that they are not seriously affected by migration, thermal alteration and biodegradation. Although individual biomarkers are in concentrations of only 10 to 200 ppm in crude oils, they can be accurately measured in spite of their unusual complexity and variety which find use in source rock correlation and maturation studies. Correlations using chemical fossil technology can be applied in real cases by recognizing the source chromatogram (GC) or fragmentogram of the hydrocarbon molecules in the oils to know whether they have the same biomarkers or similar geohistory of origin and migration. Therefore, genetically related oils are differentiated from unrelated oils on the assumption that the same source material and environment of deposition produce the same oil. Thus, a chemical fossil compound in a particular source rock would be expected to appear in the oils it generated. @JASE

    Biodiversity Conservation Effort and Livelihoods in Parts of Ilaje Riparian Community in Ondo State, Nigeria

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    Biodiversity constitute the resource base of human survival and economic well-being of immediate and future generations. It can be described as the diversity of life forms on Earth, variety of all living things, the places they inhabit, and the ecological interaction between them. This concept has been examined by several scientist and conservationist and with several studies on coastal ecosystem, its biodiversity scenarios, conservation priorities and sustainable livelihood been reported in parts of Niger Delta. However, this study is of high significance hence neither of these studies nor similar research on biodiversity conservation in coastal environment has been carried out in parts of Ilaje in Ondo State. The aim of the study was to evaluate the coastal biodiversity scenarios, livelihood and conservation efforts in Ileja. The gradient – directed transect sampling and Wetland Ecosystem Dynamic Plot (WEDP) method, Participatory Rapid Appraisal (PRA) and direct observational and ground-truthing by hand-held geographic positioning system (GPS - Garmin Dakota 10 model) for data collection were adapted. Data analysis was by descriptive analytical tools (frequency count, percentages and charts and levels of response anchors using the Likert –Type scale 7 point level of agreement and 5 point level of agreement). Result of biodiversity awareness of natural resources was high for the fishes; with 84% awareness in Odonla, Molutehin and Odun-Igo respectively; 88% in Ikorigho and 92% in Awoye. The least known resources include: Pig, Mudskipper, and Tortoise respectively with 4% awareness in Odonla, 4% of Snail in Molutehin, and 8% for Cray fish and Periwinkle respectively in Odun-Igo and Awoye. The level of awareness for community protection effort was 24% in Ikorigho and Odun-Igo respectively and 44% in Awoye. Government protection effort (36%) Odonla and (76%) Molutehin. The respondents choice for government effort than traditional effort in flora (mangrove) protection were  88%, 56%, 100%, 84% and 48% in Odonla, Ikorigho, Molutehin, Odun-Igo, and Awoye respectively. Sacred groves recorded 16%, 76% 92% and 68% presence in Ikorigho, Molutehin, Odun-Igo and Awoye respectively. Conclusively, it can be highlighted that the condition of the coastal biodiversity scenarios of Ilaje can be assessed as this may assist the government in executing the legislation at its disposal. Keywords: Ilaje, natural resources, government, tradition, biodiversity DOI: 10.7176/JESD/13-16-03 Publication date:August 31st 202

    Carboxymethylation of Icacina trichantha Oliv.Tuber Starch and Its Use as a Viscosifier and Fluid Loss Control Agent in Water Based Mud

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    Starch from a non-food wild plant- Icacina trichantha oliv.tuber was extracted, characterized and chemically modified by carboxymethylation to produce two new derivatives of two different degrees of substitution. The derivatives were used in the preparation of water based muds. The rheological and filtration properties of these new muds were compared to those of muds prepared with the underivatized native starch and a commercial drilling starch using viscometric and fluid loss methods. Experimental results showed that the new muds have better filtration control behavior and viscosity than those of the native and commercial drilling starches. The values of flow index of the new muds were found to be less than 1.0, showing non-Newtonian and Pseudoplastic flow behavior of drilling muds. Yield stress of the muds increased with the modification. Viscosity decreased with increasing shear rate, showing shear thinning behavior of drilling muds. The new muds were found to obey the API models for static filtration as well as Power law and Herschel–Bulkley models for fluid rheology. Keywords: Icacina trichantha oliv.;Carboxymethyl starch; drilling mud; filtration; rheology

    “You Want Me to Come to Your Office?!”: Student experiences of Moving from Failure to Success in a Nursing Course

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    The experiences of undergraduate nursing students facing and overcoming failure in their coursework must be understood in order for nurse educators to effectively engage and provide supportive strategies to their students. A student-centred learning perspective and interpretive phenomenological approach to research frames this study of ten students’ accounts of their experiences from failure to success in a second year nursing course. Central themes include: Feeling Uncomfortable, Finding Confidence, and Cultivating a New Identity. Seeking feedback and building study habits and central to the students\u27 pursuit of confidence and new identity formation. Implications for nurse educators’ proactive engagement with students identified as being ‘at risk’ are discussed and strategies proposed. Individualized, student-centred, and focused feedback forged from trusted student-instructor relationships appear to be central strategies to assist the transition between failure and success. Résumé La compréhension des expériences des étudiants en sciences infirmières de premier cycle qui ont été confrontées à un échec dans un cours et qui l’ont surmonté permettrait aux infirmières enseignantes de soutenir efficacement et de fournir des stratégies d’apprentissage à leurs étudiantes. Développée selon une perspective d’apprentissage centrée sur l’étudiante et menée grâce à une approche de recherche phénoménologique interprétative, cette étude porte sur le récit de dix étudiantes de deuxième année en sciences infirmières de leurs expériences d’échec puis de réussite d’un cours. Les thèmes centraux suivants ont été identifiés: se sentir mal à l\u27aise, trouver la confiance en soi et cultiver une nouvelle identité. Chercher à obtenir de la rétroaction et construire des habitudes d’études sont au cœur de la quête des étudiantes d’une confiance en soi et d’une formation d’une nouvelle identité. Les implications pour un engagement proactif des infirmières enseignantes auprès des étudiantes considérées comme étant « à risque » sont discutées et des stratégies sont proposées. Basée sur la relation de confiance entre l’étudiante et l’enseignante, la rétroaction ciblée, personnalisée et centrée sur l’étudiante est au cœur des stratégies essentielles pour faciliter la transition entre l’échec et la réussite

    Serum lipid and glucose concentration in relation to some physiological varibles in college students from Nnewi, Nigeria

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    Background: Serum lipid and glucose levels are largely determined by and or related to certain physical, physiological and biochemical parameters/variables. This study therefore, is aimed at determining the levels of serum lipid and glucose and the relationship between the serum lipid and glucose concentrations and the physical and physiological parameters/variables of apparently healthy individuals. Method: The blood samples of twenty-five medical students in the age range of 20 and 25 years were analyzed, for the serum glucose, total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDLc) levels after overnight fast, and LDLc calculated.Result: The mean serum glucose, HDLc, TC and LDLc were not significantly different in females and males students. The serum TG was however significantly lower in females than in the males (90.22 ± 25.17 vs. 116.93 ± 21.54 mg/dl;

    Exercise performance in relation to glucose drink and their effect on some biochemical parameters

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    This study was designed to determine the effect of glucose drink on marathon running and on some biochemical parameters. Seven untrained athletes (male students) participated in this study and were engaged in marathon running with and without intake of glucose drink (1g/kg body weight) in a double blind procedure. Blood samples were collected at 0, 30, 60 and 150 minutes for serum glucose, triglyceride, cholesterol and PCV estimation. There were significant increases in serum glucose (F=13.01;

    Determination of some soft drink constituents and contamination by some heavy metals in Nigeria

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    AbstractSoft drinks are consumed daily in Nigeria due to its affordability, characteristic taste, and thirst quenching potential. However, the high demand may compromise the quality of production with possible contamination of heavy metals which have shown to cause intoxication and death in humans. This study evaluated some constituents of twenty-six soft drinks in Nigeria and investigated the presence of some heavy metal contaminants. The soft drinks were screened for the presence of sugar, carbon dioxide, phosphate and alcohol as well as the pH and acidity determined. The level of cadmium, mercury and lead were determined using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. The study showed the presence of sugar, carbon dioxide, phosphate, and alcohol in the soft drinks. The soft drinks were acidic in nature, pH ranging from 3 to 5 with a mean of 3.6 and the acid concentration was relatively low between 3 and 12g/L with a mean of 8.1g/L. Lead was present in all the samples ranging from 0.17 to 3.39mg/L with a mean of 0.8, mercury was present in 22 samples ranging from 0.29 to 11.32mg/L with a mean of 2.08mg/L while cadmium was present only in one sample (0.149mg/L). When compared to EPA, WHO and NIS standards, the levels of the heavy metal contaminants were above the tolerated limits for good quality drinking water in most samples. These results suggest that soft drinks in Nigeria may be contaminated with heavy metals which constitute a major public health problem. Thus, quality control is recommended during the production process especially at the stages of sterilization and purification