817 research outputs found

    Estudio de la cadena láctea y su aporte a la competitividad de la zona noroccidental del municipio de Pasto, departamento de Nariño.

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    EncuestaLa presente investigación nace del interés como estudiante de especialización en Gestión de Proyectos de buscar alternativas de competitividad para el sector lácteo del municipio de Pasto, con el fin de hacer frente a los tratados de libre comercio, que en el campo lechero se gestan desde el gobierno central, buscando acciones conjuntas entre los proveedores, los transformadores de la cadena, para optimizar el poder de negociación en el mercado, para contrarrestar amenazas de competidores y productos e incluso manejar estrategias conjuntas de innovación competitiva. El objetivo de esta investigación es acercarse a la realidad de la competitividad empresarial del sector lácteo de la zona noroccidental de la zona noroccidental del municipio de Pasto. Con el fin de viabilizar la asociación de proveedores, asegurando el desarrollo sostenible de las empresas transformadoras del sector. Por medio del análisis de encuestas se lograra determinar el estado actual de dicho sector y las posibilidades de mantener una ventaja competitiva en los próximos años. Mediante esta investigación se busca determinar la capacidad de producción de leche de los proveedores; la comercialización de los transformadores; además de la generación de empleo, y de ingresos a este sector. Con la identificación de proyectos conjuntos se puede articular las bases para mejorar la Asociatividad y competitividad del sector en el municipio de Pasto. Este proceso puede servir de prueba piloto para replicarse en otros municipios de actividad ganadera del departamento de Nariño.This research stems from student interest in Project Management specialization of competitive alternatives to the dairy sector in the municipality of Pasto, in order to cope with the free trade agreements, which in the dairy field are conceived from the central government, seeking joint actions between suppliers, processors in the chain, to optimize the bargaining power in the market, to counter threats from competitors and products and even handle competitive joint innovation strategies. The objective of this research is to approach the reality of the business competitiveness of the dairy sector in the area northwest of the northwestern part of the municipality of Pasto. In order to make possible the association of suppliers, ensuring sustainable development of the sector processors. Through analysis of surveys was achieved to determine the current status of the sector and the possibilities to maintain a competitive advantage in the coming years. Through this research is to determine the milk production capacity of suppliers, the marketing of transformers, besides generating employment and income to this sector. With the identification of joint projects can articulate the basis for improving the competitiveness of the Partnership and in the municipality of Pasto. This process can serve as a pilot to be replicated in other municipalities livestock Nariño department

    Out-of-pocket health expenditures in Colombia: a systematic review

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    Objectives To review the evidence of out-of-pocket (OOPE) and catastrophic expenditures (CHE) in health in Colombia. Methods Systematic review of the literature (SLR). Searches were performed in PubMed, Scopus, Scielo and Google Scholar. We used the MESH terms: out-of-pocket, catastrophic health expenditure, health and Colombia. We included cost description or cost analysis studies. Cost-effectiveness analysis of health technologies and qualitative studies were excluded. Data about period of analysis, type of study, costing perspective, OOPE, and CHE were extracted. Studies were classified as macroeconomic, microeconomic, and diseases analysis. All costs were indexed to 2018 and reported in Colombian pesos (COP)

    Economic burden of air pollution in Colombia

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    To estimate indirect costs related to the loss of productivity due to premature mortality associated with air quality risk factors in Colombia, 2016. We estimated potential productivity years of life lost (PPYLL) related to indoor (biomass fuels) and outdoor pollution (PM2.5 and ozone). We analyzed deaths records of the Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, 2016, with the following basic causes of death related to air quality risk factors: isquemic hearth disease (IHD), cardiovascular disease (CD), lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI), lung cancer (LC) and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD), according to ICD-10. PPYLL were valued considering the productive age in Colombia, which ranges from 18-57 years for women and up to 62 for men. Three scenarios were built: lower loss (minimum legal wage), average loss [one per capita gross domestic product (GDPpc)] and higher loss (three GDPpc). PPYLL for the mentioned causes were multiplied by the fraction attributable to each air risk factor. The latest were estimated from IDEAM (outdoor) and the survey of Quality of Life 2016 and systematic reviews (indoor pollution). Costs were reported in American dollars, using the December 31 (2016) exchange rate: 1USD=3,000.7 Colombian Pesos. The economic burden due to premature deaths caused by the analyzed diseases was US845,967,999(845,967,999 (444,320,058-2,537,903,997).Fromthisburden,17.82,537,903,997). From this burden, 17.8% was attributable to air risk quality factors, corresponding to US150,585,143 (79,090,461451,755,428).Regardingtothestudieddiseases,IHDdeathscausedbyairqualityriskfactorsaccountedUS79,090,461-451,755,428). Regarding to the studied diseases, IHD deaths caused by air quality risk factors accounted US83.007.582. The second with the highest economic burden attributable to air quality risk factors was CD (US32,750,315),followedbyLRTI(US32,750,315), followed by LRTI (US22,077,091), LC (US6,909,659)andCOPD(US6,909,659) and COPD (US5,840,495). The exposure to PM2.5 particulate matter represented the largest share of the economic burden attributable to air quality risk factors. Our estimations suggest that premature deaths caused by exposure to air qualityrisk factors represented 0.052% of GDP for 2016

    Selectividad animal en rastrojos de paisajes ganaderos de la Amazonia Colombiana

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    Esta investigación surge de la necesidad de información para reconocer los bienes y seruicios ofertados por unidades de los paisajes ganaderos en la Amazonia colombiana conformados por procesos de vegetación secundaria originados a partir de regeneración natural, localmente llamados rastrojos. A partir de pruebas de cafetería con bovinos, se identificaron especies de plantas con diferentes niveles de selectividad. Se generó un indicador de selectividad (lS) para cada especie consumida en los tres sitios de estudio, ubicados en los municipios de El Doncello, Florencia y Belén de los Andaquíes. El lS se calculó en función del consumo (número de bocados) y la abundancia de la especie consumida. Para la interpretación de los resultados se consideró que un valor de lS mayor de 1,3 indica que la especie estuvo siendo preferida sobre otras; siestaba en un rango entre 0,7 y 1,3 se consideró la especie como neutra y si el IS era menor de 0,7 se consideraba la especie como rechazada, es decir, esta especie no fue bien consumida por los animales. Las especies seleccionadas o preferidas se dividieron en dos categorías: las altamente preferidas cuando el lS fue mayor a2,5y las medianamente preferidas o de mantenimiento cuando el lS estuvo en un rango entre 2,49 y 1,31. En los tres sitios estudiados se encontraron 43 especies con diferentes niveles de consumo, de las cuales 22 plantas fueron catalogadas como altamente preferidas, 5 especies como medianamente preferidas, 5 especies neutras y 11 especies rechazadas. Las plantas con alto lS pertenecen a las familias Rutaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphorbiaceae y Asteraceae. De 34 especies reconocidas por los productores 9 son arbóreas, 9 arbustos y 16 son catalogadas como herbáceas. Los rastrojos estudiados presentaron una importante oferta de plantas con potencial forrajero y con posibilidad de inclusión en sistemas silvopastoriles desarrollados a partir de procesos de regeneración natural o rastrojos

    Chemical characteristics and colorimetric properties of non-centrifugal cane sugar (“panela”) obtained via different processing technologies

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    Non-centrifugal cane sugar (NCS) samples obtained by traditional moulding and granulation, and also via a novel spray-drying powdering process without additives, were assessed to characterise their sugar and phenolic profiles, flavonoid content, as well as colour parameters. As expected, sucrose was the predominant sugar (91.9–95.5%), followed by glucose (2.9–4.6%), and fructose (1.6–3.7%). Total phenolic content was between 0.4 and 0.6% and total flavonoid content into the range of 0.2–0.4%. Six phenolic acids were found in all NCS samples: protocatechuic acid (0.36–0.94 µg/100 g), vanillic acid (0.70–1.45 µg/100 g), chlorogenic acid (2.08–3.82 µg/100 g), syringic acid (1.08–2.80 µg/100 g), p-coumaric acid (0.69–1.35 µg/100 g), and ferulic acid (0.50–0.95 µg/100 g). The thermal treatment under high temperatures required in the production of granulated products was related with darker colours and changes in phenol and flavonoid contents. In contrast, spray drying generates clearer products, but with slightly less phenol and flavonoid contents.Universidad. Nacional de Colombia-DIEB - HERMES 4216