10,893 research outputs found

    Southern California marine sport fishing from privately-owned boats: Catch and effort for April-June 1981

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    The catch landed and effort expended by private-boat sport fishermen were studied in southern California between April and June 1981, in order to determine the impact of one segment of the sport fishery on local marine resources. Fishermen returning from fishing trips were interviewed at launch ramps, hoists, and boat-rental facilities. This report contains quantitative data and statistical estimates of total effort, total catch, catch of preferred species, and length frequencies for those species whose catches are regulated by minimum size limits. An estimated 310,000 organisms were landed by 106,000 anglers and 4,000 divers (more than twice the catch and effort estimated for the previous 3-month period). The major components of the catch were Pacific mackerel, Scomber japonicus, 63,000 landed; bass, Paralabrax spp., 61,000 landed; white croaker, Genyonemus lineatus, 52,000 landed, and Pacific bonito, Sarda chiliensis, 35,000 landed. These species contributed 70% of the total catch. Anglers' compliance with size limit regulations was variable. Approximately 89% of all measured bass were legal size. The proportion of legal size California halibut, Paralichthys californicus, rose from 60% last quarter to 79% this quarter. However, the percent of legal size California barracuda, Sphyraena argentea, was very low, 58%. Divers' compliance with minimum size limits dropped slightly: abalone, Haliotis spp., averaged 89% legal. (Document has 31 pages

    Non-existence of Ramanujan congruences in modular forms of level four

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    Ramanujan famously found congruences for the partition function like p(5n+4) = 0 modulo 5. We provide a method to find all simple congruences of this type in the coefficients of the inverse of a modular form on Gamma_{1}(4) which is non-vanishing on the upper half plane. This is applied to answer open questions about the (non)-existence of congruences in the generating functions for overpartitions, crank differences, and 2-colored F-partitions.Comment: 19 page

    On Shimura's decomposition

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    Let kk be an odd integer ≥3\ge 3 and NN a positive integer such that 4∣N4 \mid N. Let χ\chi be an even Dirichlet character modulo NN. Shimura decomposes the space of half-integral weight cusp forms Sk/2(N,χ)S_{k/2}(N,\chi) as a direct sum of S0(N,χ)S_0(N,\chi) (the subspace spanned by 1-variable theta- series) and Sk/2(N,χ,ϕ)S_{k/2}(N,\chi,\phi) where ϕ\phi runs through a certain family of integral weight newforms. The explicit computation of this decomposition is important for practical applications of a theorem of Waldspurger relating critical values of LL-functions of quadratic twists of newforms of even weight to coefficients of modular forms of half-integral weight.Comment: 12 pages, to appear in the International Journal of Number Theor

    Spin Polarization and Magneto-Coulomb Oscillations in Ferromagnetic Single Electron Devices

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    The magneto-Coulomb oscillation, the single electron repopulation induced by external magnetic field, observed in a ferromagnetic single electron transistor is further examined in various ferromagnetic single electron devices. In case of double- and triple-junction devices made of Ni and Co electrodes, the single electron repopulation always occurs from Ni to Co electrodes with increasing a magnetic field, irrespective of the configurations of the electrodes. The period of the magneto-Coulomb oscillation is proportional to the single electron charging energy. All these features are consistently explained by the mechanism that the Zeeman effect induces changes of the Fermi energy of the ferromagnetic metal having a non-zero spin polarizations. Experimentally determined spin polarizations are negative for both Ni and Co and the magnitude is larger for Ni than Co as expected from band calculations.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, uses jpsj.sty, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Novel time-saving first-principles calculation method for electron-transport properties

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    We present a time-saving simulator within the framework of the density functional theory to calculate the transport properties of electrons through nanostructures suspended between semi-infinite electrodes. By introducing the Fourier transform and preconditioning conjugate-gradient algorithms into the simulator, a highly efficient performance can be achieved in determining scattering wave functions and electron-transport properties of nanostructures suspended between semi-infinite jellium electrodes. To demonstrate the performance of the present algorithms, we study the conductance of metallic nanowires and the origin of the oscillatory behavior in the conductance of an Ir nanowire. It is confirmed that the ss-dz2d_{z^2} channel of the Ir nanowire exhibits the transmission oscillation with a period of two-atom length, which is also dominant in the experimentally obtained conductance trace

    Using single quantum states as spin filters to study spin polarization in ferromagnets

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    By measuring electron tunneling between a ferromagnet and individual energy levels in an aluminum quantum dot, we show how spin-resolved quantum states can be used as filters to determine spin-dependent tunneling rates. We also observe magnetic-field-dependent shifts in the magnet's electrochemical potential relative to the dot's energy levels. The shifts vary between samples and are generally smaller than expected from the magnet's spin-polarized density of states. We suggest that they are affected by field-dependent charge redistribution at the magnetic interface.Comment: 4 pages, 1 color figur

    Quantum-enhanced phase estimation using optical spin squeezing

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    Quantum metrology enables estimation of optical phase shifts with precision beyond the shot-noise limit. One way to exceed this limit is to use squeezed states, where the quantum noise of one observable is reduced at the expense of increased quantum noise for its complementary partner. Because shot-noise limits the phase sensitivity of all classical states, reduced noise in the average value for the observable being measured allows for improved phase sensitivity. However, additional phase sensitivity can be achieved using phase estimation strategies that account for the full distribution of measurement outcomes. Here we experimentally investigate the phase sensitivity of a five-particle optical spin-squeezed state generated by photon subtraction from a parametric downconversion photon source. The Fisher information for all photon-number outcomes shows it is possible to obtain a quantum advantage of 1.58 compared to the shot-noise limit, even though due to experimental imperfection, the average noise for the relevant spin-observable does not achieve sub-shot-noise precision. Our demonstration implies improved performance of spin squeezing for applications to quantum metrology.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Strong charge fluctuations manifested in the high-temperature Hall coefficient of high-T_c cuprates

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    By measuring the Hall coefficient R_H up to 1000 K in La_2CuO_4, Pr_{1.3}La_{0.7}CuO_4, and La_{2-x}Sr_xCuO_4 (LSCO), we found that the temperature (T) dependence of R_H in LSCO for x = 0 - 0.05 at high temperature undoubtedly signifies a gap over which the charge carriers are thermally activated, which in turn indicates that in lightly-doped cuprates strong charge fluctuations are present at high temperature and the carrier number is not a constant. At higher doping (x = 0.08 - 0.21), the high-temperature R_H(T) behavior is found to be qualitatively the same, albeit with a weakened temperature dependence, and we attempt to understand its behavior in terms of a phenomenological two-carrier model where the thermal activation is considered for one of the two species. Despite the crude nature of the model, our analysis gives a reasonable account of R_H both at high temperature and at 0 K for a wide range of doping, suggesting that charge fluctuations over a gap remain important at high temperature in LSCO deep into the superconducting doping regime. Moreover, our model gives a perspective to understand the seemingly contradicting high-temperature behavior of R_H and the in-plane resistivity near optimum doping in a consistent manner. Finally, we discuss possible implications of our results on such issues as the scattering-time separation and the large pseudogap.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures; final version, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    First-principles transport calculation method based on real-space finite-difference nonequilibrium Green's function scheme

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    We demonstrate an efficient nonequilibrium Green's function transport calculation procedure based on the real-space finite-difference method. The direct inversion of matrices for obtaining the self-energy terms of electrodes is computationally demanding in the real-space method because the matrix dimension corresponds to the number of grid points in the unit cell of electrodes, which is much larger than that of sites in the tight-binding approach. The procedure using the ratio matrices of the overbridging boundary-matching technique [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 67}, 195315 (2003)], which is related to the wave functions of a couple of grid planes in the matching regions, greatly reduces the computational effort to calculate self-energy terms without losing mathematical strictness. In addition, the present procedure saves computational time to obtain Green's function of the semi-infinite system required in the Landauer-B\"uttiker formula. Moreover, the compact expression to relate Green's functions and scattering wave functions, which provide a real-space picture of the scattering process, is introduced. An example of the calculated results is given for the transport property of the BN ring connected to (9,0) carbon nanotubes. The wave function matching at the interface reveals that the rotational symmetry of wave functions with respect to the tube axis plays an important role in electron transport. Since the states coming from and going to electrodes show threefold rotational symmetry, the states in the vicinity of the Fermi level, whose wave function exhibits fivefold symmetry, do not contribute to the electron transport through the BN ring.Comment: 34 page
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