782 research outputs found

    Cellular delivery of antibodies: effective targeted subcellular imaging and new therapeutic tool

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    It is already more than a century since the pioneering work of the Nobel Laureate Ehrlich gave birth to the side chain theory1, which helped to define antibodies and their ability to target specific biological sites. However, the use of antibodies is still restricted to the extracellular space due to the lack of a suitable delivery vehicle for the efficient transport of antibodies into live cells without inducing toxicity. In this work, we report the efficient encapsulation and delivery of antibodies into live cells with no significant loss of cell viability or any deleterious affect on the cell metabolic activity. This delivery system is based on poly(2-(methacryloyloxy)ethyl phosphorylcholine)-block-(2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl methacrylate), (PMPC-PDPA), a pH sensitive diblock copolymer that self-assembles to form nanometer-sized vesicles, also known as polymersomes, at physiological pH. These polymersomes can successfully deliver relatively high antibody payloads within live cells. Once inside the cells, we demonstrate that these antibodies can target their epitope by immune-labelling of cytoskeleton, Golgi, and transcription factor proteins in live cells. We also demonstrate that this effective antibody delivery mechanism can be used to control specific subcellular events, as well as modulate cell activity and pro-inflammatory process

    Analisis Pengaruh Inflasi, Kurs, Suku Bunga dan Bagi Hasil terhadap Deposito pada PT. Bank Syariah Mandiri 2007-2012

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji dan menganalisis pengaruh inflasi , kurs , tingkat BI dan bagihasil yang proporsional dari deposito mudharabah pada Bank Syariah Mandiri . Data yangdigunakan adalah data time series eriode Januari 2007-Desember 2012 , yang diterbitkan olehBank Indonesia pada laporan perbankan Islam statistics. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalampenelitian ini adalah menggunakan metode regresi linier multple adalah kuadrat terkecil biasa(OLS). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variabel inflasi tidak berpengaruh signifikan danpositif terhadap deposito mudharabah. Variabel nilai tukar memiliki efek negatif yang signifikanterhadap deposito mudharabah. Variabel BI rate berpengaruh negatif dan tidak signifikan terhadapdeposito mudharabah. Sedangkan variabel untuk hasil yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadapdeposito mudharaba

    The influence of task difficulty, social tolerance and model success on social learning in Barbary macaques

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    Despite playing a pivotal role in the inception of animal culture studies, macaque social learning is surprisingly understudied. Social learning is important to survival and influenced by dominance and affiliation in social animals. Individuals generally rely on social learning when individual learning is costly, and selectively use social learning strategies influencing what is learned and from whom. Here, we combined social learning experiments, using extractive foraging tasks, with network-based diffusion analysis (using various social relationships) to investigate the transmission of social information in free-ranging Barbary macaques. We also investigated the influence of task difficulty on reliance on social information and evidence for social learning strategies. Social learning was detected for the most difficult tasks only, with huddling relations outside task introductions, and observation networks during task introductions, predicting social transmission. For the most difficult task only, individuals appeared to employ a social learning strategy of copying the most successful demonstrator observed. Results indicate that high social tolerance represents social learning opportunities and influences social learning processes. The reliance of Barbary macaques on social learning, and cues of model-success supports the costly information hypothesis. Our study provides more statistical evidence to the previous claims indicative of culture in macaques

    Efikasi Beberapa Insektisida Nabati untuk Mengendalikan Hama Pengisap Polong di Pertanaman Kedelai

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    . Pod sucking bugs are the important pest that can causing yield loss soybean on quality and quantity. The objectives of the research were to determine effectiveness botanical insecticides and using varieties to pod sucking bugs along with presentation yield soybean. Species pod sucking bugs that identify to soybean plants at location research it is Riptortus linearis and Nezara viridula. There are three kinds of N. viridula that identify that is N. viridula var. torguata, N. viridula var. aurantiaca, and N. viridula var. smaragdula. The botanical insecticide that used in research be possessed of ability have variation in controlling pod sucking soybean. Extract leaf Tephrosia vogelii and Azadirachta indica causing intensity damage that lower more as well as increase component yield than with extract leaf and flower Lantana camara. The are difference resistance varieties Kipas Merah and Anjasmoro to damage pod sucking bugs that showed by difference intensity damage, number of trichomes, and yield. Level damage pod effect injury sucking to varieties Kipas Merah and Anjasmoro diverse follow characteristics morphological at pods varieties soybean as number of trichomes, wide surface pod, and number pod per nodes. Number of trichomes at varieties Kipas Merah that is 41,6 trichomes/4 mm2 many more than with varieties Anjasmoro that is 29,1 trichomes/4 mm2


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    There are many branches of law related to business law, including Corporate Law, Insurance Law, Banking Law, Inheritance Law, Commercial Law, and so on. The three systems of inheritance law have different perspectives in determining who is the heir, as well as other matters concerning inheritance. This will be explained in the next chapter. The issue of inheritance law always has its own challenges in every case. Starting from the ones that are easy to handle to cases that cause minor wars between families, sometimes even lawyers seek profit from this inheritance law case

    Antara Dukungan Keluarga dengan Kualitas Hidup Klien Diabetes Mellitus Tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Wijaya Kusumah Kuningan

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    Pendahuluan: Diabetes mellitus merupakan salahsatu penyakit metabolik yang terus meningkat setiap tahunnya, di Indonesia DM menduduki ranking keempat setelah India, China, dan Amerika. Penyakit ini merupakan penyakit degeneratif yang menimbulkan berbagai komplikasi bagi penderitanya sehingga berdampak pada kualitas hidup. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi hubungan antara dukungan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup klien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Wijaya Kusumah Kuningan. Metode: Jenis penelitian ini analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 45 orang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik purposive sampling dengan instrumen pengumpulan datanya berupa kuesioner.Teknikanalisis data menggunakananalisis Rank spearman. Hasil: Dari hasil analisis univariat dan bivariat diperoleh data sebanyak 55,6% dukungan keluarga kategori baik dan sebanyak 51,1% kualitas hidup kategori baik. Hasil analisis korelasi rank Spearman diperoleh nilai p (0,000) <??(0,05) maka terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup klien diabetes mellitus tipe 2. Nilai korelasi Spearman sebesar 0,646 menunjukan bahwa arah korelasi positif dengan kekuatan kategori kuat. Kesimpulan: Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) dukungan keluarga yang diberikan pada klien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 adalah baik, (2) kualitas hidup pada klien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 adalah baik, (3) terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara dukungan keluarga dengan kualitas hidup klien diabetes mellitus tipe 2 di Rumah Sakit Wijaya Kusumah KuninganTahun 2014. Perawat dapat meningkatkan dukungan keluarga dengan pendidikan kesehatan, memfasilitasi pemberdayaan keluarga serta supervise dan monitoring terkait penerapan pemberdayaan keluarga dalam pemberian asuhan keperawatan pada klien diabetes mellitus tipe


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui diversitas jenis plankton di sekitar kerang kima dan keterkaitan antara diversitas plankton terhadap warna kima di beberapa pulau-pulau kecil di Teluk Lampung. Variabel yang diamati adalah jenis kima yang ditemukan dan keberagaman plankton yang berada di sekitar kima, variable pendukung yakni factor lingkungan. Data plankton yang diperoleh kemudian dianalisis menggunakan rumus indeks keragaman, keseragaman, dan dominansi. Penelitian ini telah dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-Oktober di perairan sekitar Gosong Susutan, PulauKelagian, dan PulauUnang-Unang. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kerang kima yang ditemukan pada tiap lokasi berjumlah satu dan termasuk spesies Tridacna squamasa. Kelompok fitoplankton yang ditemukan antara lain Bacillariophyta, Pyrrophyta, Cyanophyta, dan Chlorophyta. Bacilllariophyta adalah kelompok yang paling banyak ditemukan pada ketiga lokasi penelitian (52-59%), sementara Chlorophyta adalah kelompok yang paling sedikit ditemukan (3-5%). Banyaknya Bacillariophyta yang ditemukan di sekitar kima menyebabkan mantel kima berwarna kuning kecoklatan seperti warna pigmen yang dimiliki oleh kelompok ini. Hasil parameter lingkungan menunjukkan masih dapat mendukung kehidupan kerang kima

    Analisis Tingkat Kontaminasi Permukaan Daerah Kerja dan Laju Paparan Radiasi pada Instalasi Kedokteran Nuklir

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    The surface contamination of the work area and the rate of radiation exposure at nuclear medicine installation have an effect to the safety workers and the society directly or indirectly. This study aims to analyze the level of surface contamination and the rate of radiation exposure on the nuclear medicine installation and to identify the activity of half time 99mTc and 131I. The used method is measuring the surface contamination of the work area caused by the use of radiopharmaceutical through the distance between the detector window and the 3 cm measured region. Meanwhile, the rate of radiation exposures is used to measure the sides of each room with a distance 1 meter in the area control and to measure the activity of radioisotope that is monitored once every an hour for 6.03 hours to 99mTc and every day for 8 days to 131I of the initial measurement and compares with the result calculation. The measurement result of the level of the surface contamination in various areas of all rooms is 0.000-5.272 Bq/cm2 and it is classified into low to medium level of contamination. The measurement result of the rate of radiation exposure in the control area is 0.022-1.404 µSv/h which is still classified under 10 µSv/h. So, it can be concluded that it is safe for workers and other patients. The use of radioisotope on the nuclear medicine installation in accordance with their needs and always consider to the principles of the radiation protection, therefore the level of contamination and the rate of radiation exposure is low. The result of the measurement and the calculation of the activity of 99mTc are decays into a half after 6.03 hours and the activity of 131I is decays a half after 8 days
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