277 research outputs found

    Entrepreneurship dalam Kepemimpinan di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Berjiwa wirausaha (entrepreneurship) merupakan salah satu syarat yang hendaknyan dimiliki oleh setiap pemimpin organisasi. Entrepreneurship dalam kepemimpinan perguruan tinggi memberikan warna tersendiri terhadap organisasi yang ingin maju dan berkembang, tidak apatis dan selalu percaya bahwa Perubahan merupakan sesuatu yang mutlak terjadi dan harus dihadapi dengan rasa penuh percaya diri. Kepemimpinan yang dipadukan dengan jiwa entrepreneurship akan menghasilkan kualitas organisasi yang dinamis dan dapat dipertanggungjawabkan

    Seni Mengelola Stress

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    Artikel sederhana ini mencoba memberikan solusi untuk mengumpulkan beberapa alasan singkat mengapa stress perlu dipahami bagi setiap orang serta bagaimana cara mengelola stress dan mampu menjadikan stress sebagai teman sejati sehingga dapat membawa kesuksesan bagi kita termasuk bagaimana kita mampu menghargai arti kesuksesan dan kegagalan hidup, baik di lingkungan masyarakat, pekerjaan dan lain sebagainya. Menjadikan stress sebagai motivasi untuk meraih keberhasilan tentunya memiliki keindahan tersendiri ketika kita mampu mengaturnya secara positif. Upaya yang dapat dilakukan antara lain: Manganggap dan memposisikan stress sebagai teman sejati, berani menentukan pilihan, menjadi diri sendiri (Mandiri), berani Kehilangan Sesuatu yang Dicintai, sifat suka mencampuri urusan orang lain, iri hati, dengki dan dendam, berpkir positif, disiplin, mengibur diri sendiri dan berdoa dan mendekatkan diri kepada Allah SWT

    Accidental Nasal Myiasis Caused by Megaselia rufipes (Diptera: Phoridae) in a Child

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    A case of a nasal myiasis in a 3-yr-old Italian girl who was referred to Bambino Gesù Hospital in Rome, Italy, is reported. Larvae discharged with the nasal mucus were microscopically identified as Megaselia spp.; DNA barcoding analysis showed that they belonged to the 'scuttle fly' species Megaselia rufipes (Meigen). Based on the patient's history, she became infected when she played outside. This is the first report of myiasis in humans due to M. rufipes (Diptera: Phoridae)

    Effectiveness of natural coagulant in coagulation process: A review

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    Natural coagulants have been increasingly popular in the past few years due to its benefits and the fact that it resolves mos t of the associated problems when using chemical coagulants. Plant-based natural coagulants perform coagulation either by polymer bridging or charge neutralization, it can be extracted from various plant components. Concerted research and development efforts have been conducted in discovering new plant species and constituents that can be used as natural coagulants, which further boosting the effectiveness of existing plant-based natural coagulants. The objective of this paper is to provide a mini review on studies done over the span of ten years regarding plant-based natural coagulants. This paper also includes advantages and disadvantages of natural coagulants prior to identify sever al potential research gaps to provide platform towards the need of further study

    An unusual cause of blepharospasm

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    We describe a rare case of multiple dilated Virchow-Robin spaces in the brainstem in a patient presenting initially with blepharospasm with subsequent spread to involve the face and neck. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), these lesions demonstrated an isointense signal to cerebrospinal fluid on all sequences with no mass effect or enhancement. Although rare, this condition should be considered part of the differential diagnosis when evaluating cystic abnormalities in the brainstem. This is the first reported case of blepharospasm with subsequent orofacial and neck dystonia caused by dilated Virchow-Robin spaces. The imaging findings and differential diagnoses are discussed

    Conventional approach to harmonious coordinated Cadastral Database weakness

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    The eKadaster system depended solely on the use of coordinated cadastral database known as the National Digital Cadastral Database (NDCDB) with an expected accuracy of ±10cm. Till date, there is an approximately of 7.8 million land parcels and 21.9 million boundary markers in the NDCDB that covers the total area of 132,183 km2. However, the NDCDB accuracy of ±10cm is still not at a satisfactory acceptance level and the adjustment keeps continuing without carrying out verification to the data sources weakness of varying accuracy and input errors. Thus, the foremost important corrective is to ensure the adjustment input files to have the exact value of the sources by further divided the existing adjustment blocks into smaller blocks to verify the input data line by line. A well distributed cadastral control points and latest NDCDB accessibility are also extensively needed to plan and to strengthen the adjustment network. The comparison result of the randomly picked ground truthing points in the field has shown a significant impact on the displacement accuracy that meet the expected tolerance of ±10cm or better after the data input file is cleaned without input error. And to further strengthen the adjustment network in order to make NDCDB accuracy better, the current cadastral control points shall need to tie to a highest accuracy fundamental network