1,278 research outputs found
Spiral arm triggering of star formation
We present numerical simulations of the passage of clumpy gas through a
galactic spiral shock, the subsequent formation of giant molecular clouds
(GMCs) and the triggering of star formation. The spiral shock forms dense
clouds while dissipating kinetic energy, producing regions that are locally
gravitationally bound and collapse to form stars. In addition to triggering the
star formation process, the clumpy gas passing through the shock naturally
generates the observed velocity dispersion size relation of molecular clouds.
In this scenario, the internal motions of GMCs need not be turbulent in nature.
The coupling of the clouds' internal kinematics to their externally triggered
formation removes the need for the clouds to be self-gravitating. Globally
unbound molecular clouds provides a simple explanation of the low efficiency of
star formation. While dense regions in the shock become bound and collapse to
form stars, the majority of the gas disperses as it leaves the spiral arm.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures: IAU 237, Triggering of star formation in
turbulent molecular clouds, eds B. Elmegreen and J. Palou
Cluster Formation in Protostellar Outflow-Driven Turbulence
Most, perhaps all, stars go through a phase of vigorous outflow during
formation. We examine, through 3D MHD simulation, the effects of protostellar
outflows on cluster formation. We find that the initial turbulence in the
cluster-forming region is quickly replaced by motions generated by outflows.
The protostellar outflow-driven turbulence (``protostellar turbulence'' for
short) can keep the region close to a virial equilibrium long after the initial
turbulence has decayed away. We argue that there exist two types of turbulence
in star-forming clouds: a primordial (or ``interstellar'') turbulence and a
protostellar turbulence, with the former transformed into the latter mostly in
embedded clusters such as NGC 1333. Since the majority of stars are thought to
form in clusters, an implication is that the stellar initial mass function is
determined to a large extent by the stars themselves, through outflows which
individually limit the mass accretion onto forming stars and collectively shape
the environments (density structure and velocity field) in which most cluster
members form. We speculate that massive cluster-forming clumps supported by
protostellar turbulence gradually evolve towards a highly centrally condensed
``pivotal'' state, culminating in rapid formation of massive stars in the
densest part through accretion.Comment: 11 pages (aastex format), 2 figures submitted to ApJ
Spectroscopic Detection of a Stellar-like Photosphere in an Accreting Protostar
We present the first spectrum of a highly veiled, strongly accreting
protostar which shows photospheric absorption features and demonstrates the
stellar nature of its central core. We find the spectrum of the luminous (L_bol
= 10 L_sun) protostellar source, YLW 15, to be stellar-like with numerous
atomic and molecular absorption features, indicative of a K5 IV/V spectral type
and a continuum veiling r_k = 3.0. Its derived stellar luminosity (3 L_sun) and
stellar radius (3.1 R_sun) are consistent with those of a 0.5 M_sun
pre-main-sequence star. However, 70% of its bolometric luminosity is due to
mass accretion, whose rate we estimate to be 1.6 E-6 M_sun / yr onto the
protostellar core. We determine that excess infrared emission produced by the
circumstellar accretion disk, the inner infalling envelope, and accretion
shocks at the surface of the stellar core of YLW 15 all contribute signifi-
cantly to its near-IR continuum veiling. Its projected rotation velocity v sin
i = 50 km / s is comparable to those of flat-spectrum protostars but
considerably higher than those of classical T Tauri stars in the rho Oph cloud.
The protostar may be magnetically coupled to its circumstellar disk at a radius
of 2 R_*. It is also plausible that this protostar can shed over half its
angular momentum and evolve into a more slowly rotating classical T Tauri star
by remaining coupled to its circumstellar disk (at increasing radius) as its
accretion rate drops by an order of magnitude during the rapid transition
between the Class I and Class II phases of evolution. The spectrum of WL 6 does
not show any photospheric absorption features, and we estimate that its
continuum veiling is r_k >= 4.6. Together with its low bolometric luminosity (2
L_sun), this dictates that its central core is very low mass, ~0.1 M_sun.Comment: 14 pages including 9 figures (3 figures of 3 panels each, all as
separate files). AASTeX LaTex macros version 5.0. To be published in The
Astronomical Journal (tentatively Oct 2002
Ammonia from cold high-mass clumps discovered in the inner Galactic disk by the ATLASGAL survey
The APEX Telescope Large Area Survey: The Galaxy (ATLASGAL) is an unbiased
continuum survey of the inner Galactic disk at 870 \mu m. It covers +/- 60 deg
in Galactic longitude and aims to find all massive clumps at various stages of
high-mass star formation in the inner Galaxy, particularly the earliest
evolutionary phases. We aim to determine properties such as the gas kinetic
temperature and dynamics of new massive cold clumps found by ATLASGAL. Most
importantly, we derived their kinematical distances from the measured line
velocities. We observed the ammonia (J,K) = (1,1) to (3,3) inversion
transitions toward 862 clumps of a flux-limited sample of submm clumps detected
by ATLASGAL and extracted 13CO (1-0) spectra from the Galactic Ring Survey
(GRS). We determined distances for a subsample located at the tangential points
(71 sources) and for 277 clumps whose near/far distance ambiguity is resolved.
Most ATLASGAL clumps are cold with rotational temperatures from 10-30 K. They
have a wide range of NH3 linewidths, which by far exceeds the thermal
linewidth, as well as a broad distribution of high column densities with an NH3
abundance in the range of 5 to 30 * 10^{-8}. We found an enhancement of clumps
at Galactocentric radii of 4.5 and 6 kpc. The high detection rate (87%)
confirms ammonia as an excellent probe of the molecular content of the massive,
cold clumps revealed by ATLASGAL. A clear trend of increasing rotational
temperatures and linewidths with evolutionary stage is seen for source samples
ranging from 24 \mu m dark clumps to clumps with embedded HII regions. The
survey provides the largest ammonia sample of high-mass star forming clumps and
thus presents an important repository for the characterization of statistical
properties of the clumps and the selection of subsamples for detailed,
high-resolution follow-up studies
The Earliest Phases Of High-Mass Star Formation, As Seen In Ngc 6334 By Herschel -Hobys
Aims. To constrain models of high-mass star formation, the Herschel-HOBYS key program aims at discovering massive dense cores (MDCs) able to host the high-mass analogs of low-mass prestellar cores, which have been searched for over the past decade. We here focus on NGC 6334, one of the best-studied HOBYS molecular cloud complexes
The Intrinsic Shapes of Molecular Cloud Fragments over a Range of Length Scales
We decipher intrinsic three-dimensional shape distributions of molecular
clouds, cloud cores, Bok globules, and condensations using recently compiled
catalogues of observed axis ratios for these objects mapped in carbon monoxide,
ammonia, through optical selection, or in continuum dust emission. We apply
statistical techniques to compare assumed intrinsic axis ratio distributions
with observed projected axis ratio distributions. Intrinsically triaxial shapes
produce projected distributions which agree with observations. Molecular clouds
mapped in CO are intrinsically triaxial but more nearly prolate than
oblate, while the smaller cloud cores, Bok globules, and condensations are also
intrinsically triaxial but more nearly oblate than prolate.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. Version with color figures can be found at
http://www.astro.uwo.ca/~cjones/ or http://www.astro.uwo.ca/~basu/. To appear
in ApJ, 10 April 2002, v. 569, no.
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