58 research outputs found

    Classification of homogeneous regions of vegetation cover in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil and its temporal dynamics, using AVHRR GIMMS and MODIS data sets

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    This study aimed to classify the homogeneous regions of vegetation cover, which occur in Rio Grande do Sul, formed by clustering of pixels with same pattern of temporal variability of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) of AVHRR GIMMS and MODIS series and to compare their temporal dynamics. We use K means cluster analysis for defi ning homogeneous regions, based on the temporal variability of GIMMS (8 km spatial resolution) and MODIS (1 km spatial resolution) NDVI data sets, using monthly images mean from 2000 to 2008 (overlapping period); and we analyzed the annual pattern of NDVI. Accuracy assessment was done with Landsat images. The results show that the temporal variability of GIMMS and MODIS NDVI allows to delimit similar homogeneous regions in order to mapping the main vegetation cover. MODIS series shows a greater detail in the defi nition of the regions, but with compatibility with those generated by GIMMS. The temporal dynamics show a typical seasonal pattern, with variations of NDVI amplitude between the groups, that allow to monitor phenological changes. The deviations from calibration between times series are linear, which would facilitate a correction in order to construct a long synthetic time series for studies of land cover change

    Nível de conhecimento sobre a composição de analgésicos com åcido acetilsalicílico

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the knowledge of the generic designation, use and composition of analgesic medications containing aspirin. METHODS: A total of124 interviews were carried out between December 1999 and January 2000, in two neighborhoods of the city of Porto Alegre, southern Brazil. The interview was held with the person who came to answer the door at each of the homes that was drawn. The data collection instruments comprised a set of five different pharmaceutical specialties containing acetylsalicylic acid , and an interview consisting of two open questions concerning the differences and similarities between the products. RESULTS: Three major knowledge-level groups were characterized on the basis of the information that the interviewees were able to provide. The group that was knowledgeable about the matter comprised 14 individuals (11%). The group with limited knowledge contained 61 people (49)%. Those who had no knowledge of the matter at all formed a group of 49 people (40%). CONCLUSIONS: Taking the results as a whole, they indicate that most people (about 90% of the sample investigated) are simply not aware of what the active substance is, even in pharmaceutical specialties that they use frequently.OBJETIVO: Avaliar o conhecimento sobre a designação genĂ©rica, uso e composição de medicamentos analgĂ©sicos contendo ĂĄcido acetilsalicĂ­lico. MÉTODOS: Foram realizadas 124 entrevistas entre dezembro de 1999 e janeiro de 2000, em dois bairros da cidade de Porto Alegre, RS. As entrevistas foram respondidas pela pessoa que atendeu o entrevistador em cada um dos domicĂ­lios sorteados. Os instrumentos de coleta de dados foram uma cartela com cinco especialidades farmacĂȘuticas de analgĂ©sicos contendo ĂĄcido acetilsalicĂ­lico e uma entrevista com duas perguntas abertas sobre diferenças e semelhanças entre os produtos. RESULTADOS: A partir do nĂ­vel de informação demonstrado pelos entrevistados, foram caracterizados trĂȘs grandes grupos de conhecimento. O grupo das pessoas que demonstraram domĂ­nio sobre o assunto foi de 14 indivĂ­duos (11%); os que demonstraram domĂ­nio limitado foi de 61 pessoas (49%); e os que nĂŁo demonstraram domĂ­nio sobre o assunto formaram um grupo de 49 pessoas (40%). CONCLUSÕES: Considerando o conjunto de resultados, verificou-se que a maioria das pessoas (cerca de 90% na amostra avaliada) simplesmente desconhece qual a substĂąncia ativa presente em uma especialidade farmacĂȘutica de seu uso freqĂŒente

    Plantas medicinais de um remascente de Floresta OmbrĂłfila Mista Altomontana, Urupema, Santa Catarina, Brasil

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    Le developpement du football feminin au Gabon : une problematique essentiellement organisationnelle: The development of women's football in Gabon: an essentially organizational issue

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    Le dĂ©veloppement du football fĂ©minin au Gabon est tributaire de plusieurs facteurs et surtout d’une organisation structurĂ©e. Le constat rĂ©cent montre que l’organisation du football fĂ©minin est en grande difficultĂ©. La prĂ©sente Ă©tude a donc pour objectif d’analyser les diffĂ©rentes structures du football fĂ©minin, leurs fonctionnements, les stratĂ©gies adoptĂ©es par les acteurs et les actions qui ont longtemps ralenti l’essor de cette pratique sportive. Cet objectif a pris forme grĂące Ă  l’application du modĂšle composite des thĂ©ories des organisations analysant la situation rĂ©elle d’une association sportive en vue de son dĂ©veloppement. C’est donc une Ă©tude qualitative et quantitative de type analytique, les investigations se sont faites Ă  travers l’analyse documentaire, l’entretien semi-directif, et l’enquĂȘte par questionnaire. Les rĂ©sultats auxquels l’étude est parvenue confirment les dysfonctionnements majeurs dans l’organisation de cette activitĂ© sportive notamment, l’absence d’un programme de dĂ©veloppement avec des objectifs prĂ©cis, d’un cadre juridique et surtout de l’inexistence des composantes organisationnelles d’une structure sportive. Pour remĂ©dier Ă  cet Ă©tat de fait, la solution rĂ©siderait dans une approche stratĂ©gique, fondĂ©e sur des choix stratĂ©giques de croissance et de dĂ©veloppement de partenariat pour une meilleure prise en compte de tous les aspects organisationnels dans le but de promouvoir et de dĂ©velopper le football fĂ©minin.ABSTRACTThe development of women's football in Gabon is dependent on several factors and especially a structured organization. The recent observation shows that the organization of women's football is in great difficulty. The present study therefore aims to analyze the different structures of women's football, their operations, the strategies adopted by the actors and actions that have slowed down the growth of this sport for a long time. This objective has taken shape through the application of the composite model of theories of organizations analyzing the real situation of a sports association for its development. It is thus a qualitative and quantitative study of analytical type, the investigations were made through the documentary analysis, the semi-directive interview, and the survey by questionnaire. The results that the study has reached confirm the major dysfunctions in the organization of this sporting activity in particular, the lack of a development program with specific objectives, a legal framework and especially the absence of organizational components. a sports structure. To remedy this situation, the solution lies in a strategic approach, based on strategic choices of growth and development of partnership for a better consideration of all organizational aspects in order to promote and develop women's football

    EnquĂȘte entomologique dans le foyer historique de trypanosomose humaine africaine de BendjĂ© (Gabon)

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    La situation de la maladie du sommeil est trĂšs peu connue au Gabon. De nombreux foyers historiques n’ont pas Ă©tĂ© prospectĂ©s depuis plus de 15 ans. Le foyer historique de BendjĂ© fournit rĂ©guliĂšrement quelques cas, dĂ©pistĂ©s passivement, qui concernent le plus souvent des pĂȘcheurs dont il est a priori difficile de dĂ©terminer le lieu probable de contamination du fait de leur grande mobilitĂ© au cours de leurs activitĂ©s. La prĂ©sence des hommes infectĂ©s dans ce foyer historique pourrait favoriser son rĂ©veil s’il existe un contact Ă©troit entre les diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments potentiellement prĂ©sents du cycle Ă©pidĂ©miologique (homme, vecteur, trypanosome). Afin de vĂ©rifier l’existence Ă©ventuelle d’un risque trypanosomien dans ce foyer, nous y avons menĂ© une enquĂȘte entomologique. Des piĂšges ont Ă©tĂ© posĂ©s dans des biotopes frĂ©quentĂ©s par l’homme et laissĂ©s en place pendant quatre jours. Trois espĂšces de glossines (Glossina palpalis palpalis, G. pallicera newsteadi et G. caliginea) ont Ă©tĂ© capturĂ©es et deux espĂšces de trypanosomes (Trypanosoma vivax et T. brucei s.l.) identifiĂ©es par PCR. Ces rĂ©sultats suggĂšrent l’existence d’un cycle de transmission animal. Le contact entre les hommes et les glossines est particuliĂšrement Ă©troit dans tous les types de site prospectĂ©s, Ă  l’exception de la mangrove
