293 research outputs found

    Some new monogenean species and genera of the family Mazocraeidae

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    The morphological peculiarities of the Mazocraeidae, in particular the clamp structures, are discussed and a Latin nomenclature for the elements of the clamp skeleton is suggested. 3 new genera and 6 new species are then describe

    Dissipative stabilization of entangled cat states using a driven Bose-Hubbard dimer

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    We analyze a modified Bose-Hubbard model, where two cavities having on-site Kerr interactions are subject to two-photon driving and correlated dissipation. We derive an exact solution for the steady state of this interacting driven-dissipative system, and use it show that the system permits the preparation and stabilization of pure entangled non-Gaussian states, so-called entangled cat states. Unlike previous proposals for dissipative stabilization of such states, our approach requires only a linear coupling to a single engineered reservoir (as opposed to nonlinear couplings to two or more reservoirs). Our scheme is within the reach of state-of-the-art experiments in circuit QED.Comment: 5 pages main text, 5 pages appendices, 6 figure

    Chromosome Abnormalities and Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation in Acute Leukemias

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    The chapter considers specific treatment options, including allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo‐HSCT) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), in patients with some prognostically proven cytogenetic variants as monosomal ones, complex and hyperdiploid karyotypes, like chromosomal translocations t(v;11)(v;q23), t(3;3)/inv(3); t(8;21), t(9;22), etc. Important prognostic role of additional chromosome abnormalities was shown for the patients with t(8;21) and t(9;22). Hence, it is evident that allo‐HSCT in patients with poor risk cytogenetic variant must be performed as early as possible, i.e., during first complete remission

    Attractive Casimir Forces in a Closed Geometry

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    We study the Casimir force acting on a conducting piston with arbitrary cross section. We find the exact solution for a rectangular cross section and the first three terms in the asymptotic expansion for small height to width ratio when the cross section is arbitrary. Though weakened by the presence of the walls, the Casimir force turns out to be always attractive. Claims of repulsive Casimir forces for related configurations, like the cube, are invalidated by cutoff dependence.Comment: An updated version to coincide with the one published December 2005 in PRL. 4 pages, 2 figure

    Strain-Compensated AlInGaAs-GaAsP Superlattices for Highly-Polarized Electron Emission

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    Spin-polarized electron emission from the first superlattice photocathodes developed with strain compensation is investigated. An opposite strain in the quantum well and barrier layers is complished using an InAlGaAs/GaAsP superlattice structure. The measured values of maximum polarization and quantum yield for the structure with a 0.18 um-thick working layer are close to the best results reported for any strained superlattice photocathode structure, demonstrating the high potential of strain compensation for future photocathode applications. An analysis of the photoemission spectra is used to estimate the parameters responsible for the polarization losses.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    The graceful exit from the anomaly-induced inflation: Supersymmetry as a key

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    The stable version of the anomaly-induced inflation does not need a fine tuning and leads to sufficient expansion of the Universe. The non-stable version (Starobinsky model) provides the graceful exit to the FRW phase. We indicate the possibility of the inflation which is stable at the beginning and unstable at the end. The effect is due to the soft supersymmetry breaking and the decoupling of the massive sparticles at low energy.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures using axodraw. Modified version. Discussion concerning the gravitational scale modified, the effect of massive particles in the last stage of inflation taken into accoun

    Svortices and the fundamental modes of the "snake instability": Possibility of observation in the gaseous Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    The connection between quantized vortices and dark solitons in a long and thin, waveguide-like trap geometry is explored in the framework of the non-linear Schr\"odinger equation. Variation of the transverse confinement leads from the quasi-1D regime where solitons are stable to 2D (or 3D) confinement where soliton stripes are subject to a transverse modulational instability known as the ``snake instability''. We present numerical evidence of a regime of intermediate confinement where solitons decay into single, deformed vortices with solitonic properties, also called svortices, rather than vortex pairs as associated with the ``snake'' metaphor. Further relaxing the transverse confinement leads to production of 2 and then 3 vortices, which correlates perfectly with a Bogoliubov-de Gennes stability analysis. The decay of a stationary dark soliton (or, planar node) into a single svortex is predicted to be experimentally observable in a 3D harmonically confined dilute gas Bose-Einstein condensate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    DeWitt-Schwinger Renormalization and Vacuum Polarization in d Dimensions

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    Calculation of the vacuum polarization, ,andexpectationvalueofthestresstensor,, and expectation value of the stress tensor, , has seen a recent resurgence, notably for black hole spacetimes. To date, most calculations of this type have been done only in four dimensions. Extending these calculations to dd dimensions includes dd-dimensional renormalization. Typically, the renormalizing terms are found from Christensen's covariant point splitting method for the DeWitt-Schwinger expansion. However, some manipulation is required to put the correct terms into a form that is compatible with problems of the vacuum polarization type. Here, after a review of the current state of affairs for and and calculations and a thorough introduction to the method of calculating ,acompactexpressionfortheDeWittSchwingerrenormalizationtermssuitableforuseinevendimensionalspacetimesisderived.Thisformulashouldbeusefulforcalculationsof, a compact expression for the DeWitt-Schwinger renormalization terms suitable for use in even-dimensional spacetimes is derived. This formula should be useful for calculations of and inevendimensions,andtherenormalizationtermsareshownexplicitlyforfourandsixdimensions.Furthermore,useofthefinitetermsoftheDeWittSchwingerexpansionasanapproximationto in even dimensions, and the renormalization terms are shown explicitly for four and six dimensions. Furthermore, use of the finite terms of the DeWitt-Schwinger expansion as an approximation to for certain spacetimes is discussed, with application to four and five dimensions.Comment: 21 pages, 2 tables, 3 figures. References added, rewritten to clarify some points, corrections performed, our claim in the first version that there is an error in Anderson's calculations is incorrec

    Watching dark solitons decay into vortex rings in a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We have created spatial dark solitons in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates in which the soliton exists in one of the condensate components and the soliton nodal plane is filled with the second component. The filled solitons are stable for hundreds of milliseconds. The filling can be selectively removed, making the soliton more susceptible to dynamical instabilities. For a condensate in a spherically symmetric potential, these instabilities cause the dark soliton to decay into stable vortex rings. We have imaged the resulting vortex rings.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure