5,168 research outputs found

    Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options

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    This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. It also discusses the links between governance and official development assistance (ODA) and the role of the Japan Bank for International Cooperation. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance, focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption

    Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options

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    This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption

    Governance in Southeast Asia: Issues and Options

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    This paper attempts to analyze governance systems in Southeast Asia and proposes some policy suggestions that can improve governance practices in the region. To put the discussion on governance systems in a proper context, the paper discusses the governance and growth nexus in Southeast Asia; describes the operating governance systems in Southeast Asia; analyzes economic governance, more specifically in the areas of economic management and growth, revenue generation, social spending, access to services, cost of doing business, and corporate governance; and examines political governance focusing on the rule of law and judicial independence, conflict management, and voice participation.governance, development program, corruption

    Fractionation of Hydrogen Isotopes by Sulfate- and Nitrate-Reducing Bacteria.

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    Hydrogen atoms from water and food are incorporated into biomass during cellular metabolism and biosynthesis, fractionating the isotopes of hydrogen-protium and deuterium-that are recorded in biomolecules. While these fractionations are often relatively constant in plants, large variations in the magnitude of fractionation are observed for many heterotrophic microbes utilizing different central metabolic pathways. The correlation between metabolism and lipid δ(2)H provides a potential basis for reconstructing environmental and ecological parameters, but the calibration dataset has thus far been limited mainly to aerobes. Here we report on the hydrogen isotopic fractionations of lipids produced by nitrate-respiring and sulfate-reducing bacteria. We observe only small differences in fractionation between oxygen- and nitrate-respiring growth conditions, with a typical pattern of variation between substrates that is broadly consistent with previously described trends. In contrast, fractionation by sulfate-reducing bacteria does not vary significantly between different substrates, even when autotrophic and heterotrophic growth conditions are compared. This result is in marked contrast to previously published observations and has significant implications for the interpretation of environmental hydrogen isotope data. We evaluate these trends in light of metabolic gene content of each strain, growth rate, and potential flux and reservoir-size effects of cellular hydrogen, but find no single variable that can account for the differences between nitrate- and sulfate-respiring bacteria. The emerging picture of bacterial hydrogen isotope fractionation is therefore more complex than the simple correspondence between δ(2)H and metabolic pathway previously understood from aerobes. Despite the complexity, the large signals and rich variability of observed lipid δ(2)H suggest much potential as an environmental recorder of metabolism

    A generalization of Margolus-Levitin bound

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    The Margolus-Levitin lower bound on minimal time required for a state to be transformed into an orthogonal state is generalized. It is shown that for some initial states new bound is stronger than the Margolus-Levitin one.Comment: 6 pages, no figures; some comments added; final version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Strategi Kreatif dalam Mendukung Kewirausahaan (Studi Kasus Pemilihan Strategi Kreatif dalam Memproduksi Iklan Produk Minuman sebagai Bentuk Mendukung Kegiatan Wirausaha)

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    Fred Wilson, seorang investor ventura, mendefinisikan kewirausahaan sebagai seni mengubah sebuah ide menjadi suatu kegiatan bisnis (the art of turning an idea into a business) karena pada dasarnya seorang wirausaha harus dapat mengidentifikasi peluang dan menemukan ide yang dapat dilakukan. Dalam pembangunan perekonomian Indonesia saat ini wirausaha merupakan andalan dalam mengatasai permasalahan yang ada, karena wirausaha memiliki karakteristik mandiri, tahan banting, fleksibel, efisien, tidak bergantung pada utang bank, dan berbasis sumber dayalokal.Sekalipun wirausaha menjadi tumpuan kegiatan perekonomian Indonesia, yang menjadi kata kunci adalah pertumbuhan; sehingga wirausaha memerlukan seorang yang berusaha dengan keberanian sehingga kegiatan USAhanya mengalami pertumbuhan. Pertumbuhan kewirausahaan tidak terlepas dari kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran, karena merupakan sebuah pendekatan yang menempatkan pelanggan, klien, patner, dan masyarakat pada proses pembuatan keputusan. Bagian yang menarik dari komunikasi pemasaran adalah periklanan sebagai bentuk komunikasi kompleks yang menggunakan strategi untuk mempengaruhi pikiran, perasaan, dan tindakan konsumen. Untuk menciptakan iklan yang menarik dibutuhkan strategi kreatif, antara lain: What if dan free association. Kedua strategi kreatif ini terbukti ampuh untuk menciptakan iklan dalam mendukung kegiatan promosi sebuah kegiatan kewirausahaa
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