672 research outputs found

    An assessment framework for REDD+ benefit sharing mechanisms within a forest policy mix

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    Policy instruments for implementing the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks (REDD+) mechanism operate within an orchestra of national contexts and policy mixes that affect the forest and other land sectors. How will policymakers choose between the myriad of options for distributing REDD+ benefits, and be able to evaluate its potential effectiveness, efficiency and equity (3Es) within the various institutional and governance structures a where such a REDD+ benefit sharing mechanism is situated? This is a pressing issue given the results- based aspect of REDD+. We present here a three-element assessment framework for evaluating outcomes and performance of REDD+ benefit sharing mechanisms, using the criteria of effectiveness, efficiency and equity: (1) the structures (objective and policies) of a REDD+ benefit sharing mechanism; (2) the broader institutional and policy contexts underlying forest governance; and (3) outcomes of REDD+ including emissions reductions, ecosystem service provision and poverty alleviation. A strength of the assessment framework is its flexible design to incorporate indicators relevant to different contexts; this helps to generate a shared working understanding of what is to be evaluated in the different REDD+ benefit sharing mechanisms (BSMs) across complex socio- political contexts. In applying the framework to case studies, the assessment highlights trade-offs among the 3Es, and the need to better manage access to information, monitoring and evaluation, consideration of local perceptions of equity and inclusive decision-making processes. The framework aims not to simplify complexity but rather, serves to identify actionable ways forward towards a more efficient, effective and equitable implementation and re- evaluation of REDD+ BSMs as part of reflexive policymaking

    Observations and modeling of a hydrothermal plume in Yellowstone Lake

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 20XX. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geophysical Research Letters 46(12), (2019): 6435-6442, doi:10.1029/2019GL082523.Acoustic Doppler current profiler and conductivity‐temperature‐depth data acquired in Yellowstone Lake reveal the presence of a buoyant plume above the “Deep Hole” hydrothermal system, located southeast of Stevenson Island. Distributed venting in the ~200 × 200‐m hydrothermal field creates a plume with vertical velocities of ~10 cm/s in the mid‐water column. Salinity profiles indicate that during the period of strong summer stratification the plume rises to a neutral buoyancy horizon at ~45‐m depth, corresponding to a ~70‐m rise height, where it generates an anomaly of ~5% (−0.0014 psu) relative to background lake water. We simulate the plume with a numerical model and find that a heat flux of 28 MW reproduces the salinity and vertical velocity observations, corresponding to a mass flux of 1.4 × 103 kg/s. When observational uncertainties are considered, the heat flux could range between 20 to 50 MW.The authors thank Yellowstone National Park Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, The Global Foundation for Ocean Exploration, and Paul Fucile for logistical support. This research was supported by the National Science Foundation grants EAR‐1516361 to R. S., EAR‐1514865 to K. L., and EAR‐1515283 to R. H. and J. F. All work in Yellowstone National Park was completed under an authorized Yellowstone research permit (YELL‐2018‐SCI‐7018). CTD and ADCP profiles reported in this paper are available through the Marine Geoscience Data System (doi:10.1594/IEDA/324713 and doi:10.1594/IEDA/324712, accessed last on 17 April 2019, respectively).2019-11-0

    Computational Modeling for the Activation Cycle of G-proteins by G-protein-coupled Receptors

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    In this paper, we survey five different computational modeling methods. For comparison, we use the activation cycle of G-proteins that regulate cellular signaling events downstream of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) as a driving example. Starting from an existing Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) model, we implement the G-protein cycle in the stochastic Pi-calculus using SPiM, as Petri-nets using Cell Illustrator, in the Kappa Language using Cellucidate, and in Bio-PEPA using the Bio-PEPA eclipse plug in. We also provide a high-level notation to abstract away from communication primitives that may be unfamiliar to the average biologist, and we show how to translate high-level programs into stochastic Pi-calculus processes and chemical reactions.Comment: In Proceedings MeCBIC 2010, arXiv:1011.005

    Identifying Ligand Binding Conformations of the ÎČ2-Adrenergic Receptor by Using Its Agonists as Computational Probes

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    Recently available G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) structures and biophysical studies suggest that the difference between the effects of various agonists and antagonists cannot be explained by single structures alone, but rather that the conformational ensembles of the proteins need to be considered. Here we use an elastic network model-guided molecular dynamics simulation protocol to generate an ensemble of conformers of a prototypical GPCR, ÎČ2-adrenergic receptor (ÎČ2AR). The resulting conformers are clustered into groups based on the conformations of the ligand binding site, and distinct conformers from each group are assessed for their binding to known agonists of ÎČ2AR. We show that the select ligands bind preferentially to different predicted conformers of ÎČ2AR, and identify a role of ÎČ2AR extracellular region as an allosteric binding site for larger drugs such as salmeterol. Thus, drugs and ligands can be used as "computational probes" to systematically identify protein conformers with likely biological significance. © 2012 Isin et al

    Differences in the signaling pathways of α1A- and α1B-adrenoceptors are related to different endosomal targeting

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    Aims: To compare the constitutive and agonist-dependent endosomal trafficking of α1A- and α1B-adrenoceptors (ARs) and to establish if the internalization pattern determines the signaling pathways of each subtype. Methods: Using CypHer5 technology and VSV-G epitope tagged α1A- and α1B-ARs stably and transiently expressed in HEK 293 cells, we analyzed by confocal microscopy the constitutive and agonist-induced internalization of each subtype, and the temporal relationship between agonist induced internalization and the increase in intracellular calcium (determined by FLUO-3 flouorescence), or the phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and p38 MAP kinases (determined by Western blot). Results and Conclusions: Constitutive as well as agonist-induced trafficking of α1A and α1B ARs maintain two different endosomal pools of receptors: one located close to the plasma membrane and the other deeper into the cytosol. Each subtype exhibited specific characteristics of internalization and distribution between these pools that determines their signaling pathways: α1A-ARs, when located in the plasma membrane, signal through calcium and ERK1/2 pathways but, when translocated to deeper endosomes, through a mechanism sensitive to ÎČ-arrestin and concanavalin A, continue signaling through ERK1/2 and also activate the p38 pathway. α1B-ARs signal through calcium and ERK1/2 only when located in the membrane and the signals disappear after endocytosis and by disruption of the membrane lipid rafts by methyl-ÎČ-cyclodextrin

    Tyrosine kinase signalling in breast cancer: Epidermal growth factor receptor and c-Src interactions in breast cancer

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    Both the non-receptor tyrosine kinase, c-Src, and members of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor family are overexpressed in high percentages of human breast cancers. Because these molecules are plasma membrane-associated and involved in mitogenesis, it has been speculated that they function in concert with one another to promote breast cancer development and progression. Evidence to date supports a model wherein c-Src potentiates the survival, proliferation and tumorigenesis of EGF receptor family members, in part by associating with them. Phosphorylation of the EGF receptor by c-SRC is also critical for mitogenic signaling initiated by the EGF receptor itself, as well as by several G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs), a cytokine receptor, and the estrogen receptor. Thus, c-Src appears to have pleiotropic effects on cancer cells by modulating the action of multiple growth-promoting receptors

    UTP and ATP increase extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 phosphorylation in bovine chromaffin cells through epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation

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    Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) is coreleased with catecholamines from adrenal medullary chromaffin cells in response to sympathetic nervous system stimulation and may regulate these cells in an autocrine or paracrine manner. Increases in extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 phosphorylation were observed in response to ATP stimulation of bovine chromaffin cells. The signaling pathway involved in ATP-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation was investigated via Western blot analysis. ATP and uridine 5â€Č-triphosphate (UTP) increased ERK1/2 phosphorylation potently, peaking between 5 and 15 min. The mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK/ERK)-activating kinase (MEK) inhibitor PD98059 blocked this response. UTP, which is selective for G-protein-coupled P2Y receptors, was the most potent agonist among several nucleotides tested. Adenosine 5â€Č-O-(3-thio) triphosphate (ATPÎłS) and ATP were also potent agonists, characteristic of the P2Y2 or P2Y4 receptor subtypes, whereas agonists selective for P2X receptors or other P2Y receptor subtypes were weakly effective. The receptor involved was further characterized by the nonspecific P2 antagonists suramin and reactive blue 2, which each partially inhibited ATP-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. Inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC), protein kinase A (PKA), Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII), and phosphoinositide-3 kinase (PI3K) had no effect on ATP-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. The Src inhibitor PP2, epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitor AG1478, and metalloproteinase inhibitor GM6001 decreased ATP-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation. These results suggest nucleotide-mediated ERK1/2 phosphorylation is mediated by a P2Y2 or P2Y4 receptor, which stimulates metalloproteinase-dependent transactivation of the EGFR

    PAR1 is selectively over expressed in high grade breast cancer patients: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The protease-activated receptor (PAR1) expression is correlated with the degree of invasiveness in cell lines. Nevertheless it has never been directed involved in breast cancer patients progression. The aim of this study was to determine whether PAR1 expression could be used as predictor of metastases and mortality.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In a cohort of patients with infiltrating ductal carcinoma studied longitudinally since 1996 and until 2007, PAR1 over-expression was assessed by immunoblotting, immunohistochemistry, and flow citometry. Chi-square and log rank tests were used to determine whether there was a statistical association between PAR1 overexpression and metastases, mortality, and survival. Multivariate analysis was performed including HER1, stage, ER and nodes status to evaluate PAR1 as an independent prognostic factor.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Follow up was 95 months (range: 2–130 months). We assayed PAR1 in a cohort of patients composed of 136 patients; we found PAR1 expression assayed by immunoblotting was selectively associated with high grade patients (50 cases of the study cohort; P = 0.001). Twenty-nine of 50 (58%) patients overexpressed PAR1, and 23 of these (46%) developed metastases. HER1, stage, ER and PAR1 overexpression were robustly correlated (Cox regression, P = 0.002, P = 0.024 and P = 0.002 respectively). Twenty-one of the 50 patients (42%) expressed both receptors (PAR1 and HER1 P = 0.0004). We also found a statistically significant correlation between PAR1 overexpression and increased mortality (P = 0.0001) and development of metastases (P = 0.0009).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our data suggest PAR1 overexpression may be involved in the development of metastases in breast cancer patient and is associated with undifferentiated cellular progression of the tumor. Further studies are needed to understand PAR1 mechanism of action and in a near future assay its potential use as risk factor for metastasis development in high grade breast cancer patients.</p
