48 research outputs found

    Dynamical Organization of Cooperation in Complex Topologies

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    In this Letter, we study how cooperation is organized in complex topologies by analyzing the evolutionary (replicator) dynamics of the Prisoner's Dilemma, a two-players game with two available strategies, defection and cooperation, whose payoff matrix favors defection. We show that, asymptotically, the population is partitioned into three subsets: individuals that always cooperate ({\em pure cooperators}), always defect ({\em pure defectors}) and those that intermittently change their strategy. In fact the size of the latter set is the biggest for a wide range of the "stimulus to defect" parameter. While in homogeneous random graphs pure cooperators are grouped into several clusters, in heterogeneous scale-free (SF) networks they always form a single cluster containing the most connected individuals (hubs). Our results give further insights into why cooperation in SF networks is favored.Comment: 4 pages and 4 figures. Final version as published in Physical Review Letter

    Residential segregation and cultural dissemination: An Axelrod-Schelling model

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    In the Axelrod's model of cultural dissemination, we consider mobility of cultural agents through the introduction of a density of empty sites and the possibility that agents in a dissimilar neighborhood can move to them if their mean cultural similarity with the neighborhood is below some threshold. While for low values of the density of empty sites the mobility enhances the convergence to a global culture, for high enough values of it the dynamics can lead to the coexistence of disconnected domains of different cultures. In this regime, the increase of initial cultural diversity paradoxically increases the convergence to a dominant culture. Further increase of diversity leads to fragmentation of the dominant culture into domains, forever changing in shape and number, as an effect of the never ending eroding activity of cultural minorities

    Internal mode mechanism for collective energy transport in extended systems

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    We study directed energy transport in homogeneous nonlinear extended systems in the presence of homogeneous ac forces and dissipation. We show that the mechanism responsible for unidirectional motion of topological excitations is the coupling of their internal and translation degrees of freedom. Our results lead to a selection rule for the existence of such motion based on resonances that explains earlier symmetry analysis of this phenomenon. The direction of motion is found to depend both on the initial and the relative phases of the two harmonic drivings, even in the presence of noise.Comment: Final version, to appear in Physical Review Letter

    Scale-Free topologies and Activatory-Inhibitory interactions

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    A simple model of activatory-inhibitory interactions controlling the activity of agents (substrates) through a "saturated response" dynamical rule in a scale-free network is thoroughly studied. After discussing the most remarkable dynamical features of the model, namely fragmentation and multistability, we present a characterization of the temporal (periodic and chaotic) fluctuations of the quasi-stasis asymptotic states of network activity. The double (both structural and dynamical) source of entangled complexity of the system temporal fluctuations, as an important partial aspect of the Correlation Structure-Function problem, is further discussed to the light of the numerical results, with a view on potential applications of these general results.Comment: Revtex style, 12 pages and 12 figures. Enlarged manuscript with major revision and new results incorporated. To appear in Chaos (2006

    Spreading of Persistent Infections in Heterogeneous Populations

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    Up to now, the effects of having heterogeneous networks of contacts have been studied mostly for diseases which are not persistent in time, i.e., for diseases where the infectious period can be considered very small compared to the lifetime of an individual. Moreover, all these previous results have been obtained for closed populations, where the number of individuals does not change during the whole duration of the epidemics. Here, we go one step further and analyze, both analytically and numerically, a radically different kind of diseases: those that are persistent and can last for an individual's lifetime. To be more specific, we particularize to the case of Tuberculosis' (TB) infection dynamics, where the infection remains latent for a period of time before showing up and spreading to other individuals. We introduce an epidemiological model for TB-like persistent infections taking into account the heterogeneity inherent to the population structure. This sort of dynamics introduces new analytical and numerical challenges that we are able to sort out. Our results show that also for persistent diseases the epidemic threshold depends on the ratio of the first two moments of the degree distribution so that it goes to zero in a class of scale-free networks when the system approaches the thermodynamic limit.Comment: 12 pages and 2 figures. Revtex format. Submitted for publication

    Social Network Reciprocity as a Phase Transition in Evolutionary Cooperation

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    In Evolutionary Dynamics the understanding of cooperative phenomena in natural and social systems has been the subject of intense research during decades. We focus attention here on the so-called "Lattice Reciprocity" mechanisms that enhance evolutionary survival of the cooperative phenotype in the Prisoner's Dilemma game when the population of darwinian replicators interact through a fixed network of social contacts. Exact results on a "Dipole Model" are presented, along with a mean-field analysis as well as results from extensive numerical Monte Carlo simulations. The theoretical framework used is that of standard Statistical Mechanics of macroscopic systems, but with no energy considerations. We illustrate the power of this perspective on social modeling, by consistently interpreting the onset of lattice reciprocity as a thermodynamical phase transition that, moreover, cannot be captured by a purely mean-field approach.Comment: 10 pages. APS styl

    Contests in two fronts

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    Within the framework of Game Theory, contests study decision-making in those situations or conflicts when rewards depend on the relative rank between contenders rather than their absolute performance. By relying on the formalism of Tullock success functions, we propose a model where two contenders fight in a conflict on two fronts with different technology levels associated: a front with large resource demand and another with lower resource requirements. The parameter of the success function in each front determines the resource demand level. Furthermore, the redistribution or not of resources after a tie defines two different games. We solve the model analytically through the best-response map dynamics, finding a critical threshold for the ratio of the resources between contenders that determines the Nash Equilibrium basin and, consequently, the peace and fighting regimes. We also perform numerical simulations that corroborate and extend these findings. We hope this study will be of interest to areas as diverse as economic conflicts and geopolitics.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figure

    Discrete breathers in dissipative lattices

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    We study the properties of discrete breathers, also known as intrinsic localized modes, in the one-dimensional Frenkel-Kontorova lattice of oscillators subject to damping and external force. The system is studied in the whole range of values of the coupling parameter, from C=0 (uncoupled limit) up to values close to the continuum limit (forced and damped sine-Gordon model). As this parameter is varied, the existence of different bifurcations is investigated numerically. Using Floquet spectral analysis, we give a complete characterization of the most relevant bifurcations, and we find (spatial) symmetry-breaking bifurcations which are linked to breather mobility, just as it was found in Hamiltonian systems by other authors. In this way moving breathers are shown to exist even at remarkably high levels of discreteness. We study mobile breathers and characterize them in terms of the phonon radiation they emit, which explains successfully the way in which they interact. For instance, it is possible to form ``bound states'' of moving breathers, through the interaction of their phonon tails. Over all, both stationary and moving breathers are found to be generic localized states over large values of CC, and they are shown to be robust against low temperature fluctuations.Comment: To be published in Physical Review