6,706 research outputs found

    Energy and angular momentum of general 4-dimensional stationary axi-symmetric spacetime in teleparallel geometry

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    We derive an exact general axi-symmetric solution of the coupled gravitational and electromagnetic fields in the tetrad theory of gravitation. The solution is characterized by four parameters MM (mass), QQ (charge), aa (rotation) and LL (NUT). We then, calculate the total exterior energy using the energy-momentum complex given by M{\o}ller in the framework of Weitzenbo¨\ddot{o}ck geometry. We show that the energy contained in a sphere is shared by its interior as well as exterior. We also calculate the components of the spatial momentum to evaluate the angular momentum distribution. We show that the only non-vanishing components of the angular momentum is in the Z direction.Comment: Latex. Will appear in IJMP

    Verifying the mass-metallicity relation in damped Lyman-alpha selected galaxies at 0.1<z<3.2

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    A scaling relation has recently been suggested to combine the galaxy mass-metallicity (MZ) relation with metallicities of damped Lyman-alpha systems (DLAs) in quasar spectra. Based on this relation the stellar masses of the absorbing galaxies can be predicted. We test this prediction by measuring the stellar masses of 12 galaxies in confirmed DLA absorber - galaxy pairs in the redshift range 0.1<z<3.2. We find an excellent agreement between the predicted and measured stellar masses over three orders of magnitude, and we determine the average offset C[M/H]\langle C_{[M/H]} \rangle = 0.44+/-0.10 between absorption and emission metallicities. We further test if C[M/H]C_{[M/H]} could depend on the impact parameter and find a correlation at the 5.5sigma level. The impact parameter dependence of the metallicity corresponds to an average metallicity difference of -0.022+/-0.004 dex/kpc. By including this metallicity vs. impact parameter correlation in the prescription instead of C[M/H]C_{[M/H]}, the scatter reduces to 0.39 dex in log M*. We provide a prescription how to calculate the stellar mass (M*,DLA) of the galaxy when both the DLA metallicity and DLA galaxy impact parameter is known. We demonstrate that DLA galaxies follow the MZ relation for luminosity-selected galaxies at z=0.7 and z=2.2 when we include a correction for the correlation between impact parameter and metallicity.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures. Major revision. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Kerr-Newman Solution and Energy in Teleparallel Equivalent of Einstein Theory

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    An exact charged axially symmetric solution of the coupled gravitational and electromagnetic fields in the teleparallel equivalent of Einstein theory is derived. It is characterized by three parameters `` the gravitational mass MM, the charge parameter QQ and the rotation parameter aa" and its associated metric gives Kerr-Newman spacetime. The parallel vector field and the electromagnetic vector potential are axially symmetric. We then, calculate the total energy using the gravitational energy-momentum. The energy is found to be shared by its interior as well as exterior. Switching off the charge parameter we find that no energy is shared by the exterior of the Kerr-Newman black hole.Comment: 11 pages, Latex. Will appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Studies on the antioxidative activity of red pigments in Italian-type dry-cured ham

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    Aqueous phosphate buffer extracts and acetone/water extracts of pigments from Parma ham were assessed as antioxidants by (1) electron spin resonance spectroscopy using a spin probing technique to evaluate their efficiencies as scavengers of free radicals, and (2) by electrochemical measurement of oxygen depletion rate in an aqueous methyl linoleate emulsion to evaluate their efficiencies as chain-breaking antioxidant, and using both methods, compared with the effect of apomyoglobin and nitrosylmyoglobin. Aqueous phosphate extracts and acetone/water extracts of Parma ham pigment both scavenged a semi-stable nitroxide radical (Fremy's salt), and both extracts reduced the rate of oxygen consumption for lipid peroxidation (initiated by metmyoglobin) very efficiently. For apomyoglobin no antioxidative capacity was observed, and the heme moiety of the pigment(s) of Parma ham were concluded to have antioxidative properties. The more lipophilic pigment, as extracted by acetone/water, had the most significant effect, and its ability to inhibit lipid oxidation was further tested in a model food system based on cooked pork. The lipid oxidation was increasingly inhibited by increasing additions from 0.12 ppm to 0.24 ppm Parma ham pigment, and the pigment protected a-tocopherol against degradation in a concentration dependent manner

    Transverse radiation force in a tailored optical fiber

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    We show, by means of simple model calculations, how a weak laser beam sent through an optical fiber exerts a transverse radiation force if there is an azimuthal asymmetry present in the fiber such that one side has a slightly different refractive index than the other. The refractive index difference Δn\Delta n needs only to be very small, of order 10310^{-3}, in order to produce an appreciable transverse displacement of order 10 microns. We argue that the effect has probably already been seen in a recent experiment of She et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 243601 (2008)], and we discuss correspondence between these observations and the theory presented. The effect could be used to bend optical fibers in a predictable and controlled manner and we propose that it could be useful for micron-scale devices.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication as Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    On the Clock Paradox in the case of circular motion of the moving clock

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    In this paper we deal analytically with a version of the so called clock paradox in which the moving clock performs a circular motion of constant radius. The rest clock is denoted as (1), the rotating clock is (2), the inertial frame in which (1) is at rest and (2) moves is I and, finally, the accelerated frame in which (2) is at rest and (1) rotates is A. By using the General Theory of Relativity in order to describe the motion of (1) as seen in A we will show the following features. I) A differential aging between (1) and (2) occurs at their reunion and it has an absolute character, i.e. the proper time interval measured by a given clock is the same both in I and in A. II) From a quantitative point of view, the magnitude of the differential aging between (1) and (2) does depend on the kind of rotational motion performed by A. Indeed, if it is uniform there is no any tangential force in the direction of motion of (2) but only normal to it. In this case, the proper time interval reckoned by (2) does depend only on its constant velocity v=romega. On the contrary, if the rotational motion is uniformly accelerated, i.e. a constant force acts tangentially along the direction of motion, the proper time intervals dodependdo depend on the angular acceleration alpha. III) Finally, in regard to the sign of the aging, the moving clock (2) measures always a shortershorter interval of proper time with respect to (1).Comment: LaTex2e, 9 pages, no figures, no tables. It is the follow-on of the paper physics/040503

    Completeness of case ascertainment and survival time error in English cancer registries: impact on 1-year survival estimates.

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    BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that cancer registries in England are too dependent on processing of information from death certificates, and consequently that cancer survival statistics reported for England are systematically biased and too low. METHODS: We have linked routine cancer registration records for colorectal, lung, and breast cancer patients with information from the Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) database for the period 2001-2007. Based on record linkage with the HES database, records missing in the cancer register were identified, and dates of diagnosis were revised. The effects of those revisions on the estimated survival time and proportion of patients surviving for 1 year or more were studied. Cases that were absent in the cancer register and present in the HES data with a relevant diagnosis code and a relevant surgery code were used to estimate (a) the completeness of the cancer register. Differences in survival times calculated from the two data sources were used to estimate (b) the possible extent of error in the recorded survival time in the cancer register. Finally, we combined (a) and (b) to estimate (c) the resulting differences in 1-year cumulative survival estimates. RESULTS: Completeness of case ascertainment in English cancer registries is high, around 98-99%. Using HES data added 1.9%, 0.4% and 2.0% to the number of colorectal, lung, and breast cancer registrations, respectively. Around 5-6% of rapidly fatal cancer registrations had survival time extended by more than a month, and almost 3% of rapidly fatal breast cancer records were extended by more than a year. The resulting impact on estimates of 1-year survival was small, amounting to 1.0, 0.8, and 0.4 percentage points for colorectal, lung, and breast cancer, respectively. INTERPRETATION: English cancer registration data cannot be dismissed as unfit for the purpose of cancer survival analysis. However, investigators should retain a critical attitude to data quality and sources of error in international cancer survival studies

    Energy Contents of Gravitational Waves in Teleparallel Gravity

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    The conserved quantities, that are, gravitational energy-momentum and its relevant quantities are investigated for cylindrical and spherical gravitational waves in the framework of teleparallel equivalent of General Relativity using the Hamiltonian approach. For both cylindrical and spherical gravitational waves, we obtain definite energy and constant momentum. The constant momentum shows consistency with the results available in General Relativity and teleparallel gravity. The angular momentum for cylindrical and spherical gravitational waves also turn out to be constant. Further, we evaluate their gravitational energy-momentum fluxes and gravitational pressure.Comment: 14 pages, accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    On the sizes of z>2 Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbing Galaxies

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    Recently, the number of detected galaxy counterparts of z > 2 Damped Lyman-alpha Absorbers in QSO spectra has increased substantially so that we today have a sample of 10 detections. M{\o}ller et al. in 2004 made the prediction, based on a hint of a luminosity-metallicity relation for DLAs, that HI size should increase with increasing metallicity. In this paper we investigate the distribution of impact parameter and metallicity that would result from the correlation between galaxy size and metallicity. We compare our observations with simulated data sets given the relation of size and metallicity. The observed sample presented here supports the metallicity-size prediction: The present sample of DLA galaxies is consistent with the model distribution. Our data also show a strong relation between impact parameter and column density of HI. We furthermore compare the observations with several numerical simulations and demonstrate that the observations support a scenario where the relation between size and metallicity is driven by feedback mechanisms controlling the star-formation efficiency and outflow of enriched gas.Comment: Accepted for publishing in MNRAS lette